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Private Herley William Wilson
Co. "D" 2d Engineers.

Toulon Troyon Sector Mar 15, 1918 to May 13, 1918
Aisne (Def) May 31, 1918 to June 5, 1918
Chateau Thierry June 6, 1918 to July 9, 1918
Aisne Marne (Off) July 18, 1918 to July 19, 1918
Marbache Sector from Aug 9, 1918 to Aug 16, 1918
St Mihiel Sept 12 to 16, 1918
Meuse Argonne (Off) Oct 16, 1818 to Oct 26, 1918
Meuse Argonne Nov 1 to 11, 1918
Army of Occupation from Dec 1, 1918 to Aug 15, 1919

Dates and Campaigns taken from his discharge paper which was an extract created in 1921
for the purpose of obtaining a Victory Medal.

Herley Wilson portrait on the Rhine River
Herley Wilson gravestone in Idaho

This photo and grave marker indicate that he was a Private. The Official History of the 2nd Engineers Roster lists him as a Corporal. His discharge paper indicates that he had been a noncommissioned Corporal and then a Private. He wasn't drafted. He was blinded in one eye at Belleau Wood by mustard gas, but fought in every 2nd Division battle and was part of the 3rd Army on the Rhine River - 1918-1919.

Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.