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General And Special Commendations Of Individuals Cited In Division Orders

Second Lieutenant HAROLD S. BARRONS, 2nd Engineers:

In the BOIS DE BELLEAU, June 12, 1918, he led his platoon to the firing line through a heavy enemy barrage; then, learning that his company commander was wounded, he returned and brought up two other platoons, one at a time, passing three times through the barrage and preventing loss and disorganization of his company. (G.0. 47-A, 2nd Division).

First Sergeant MACK C. BYRD, 156766, Company "D," 2nd Engineers:

On the evening of June 3, 1918, while his company, commander was at TRIANGLE FARM, he was shot through the left leg but refused to go to the hospital, preferring to attend to his duties although suffering great pain. (G.O. 47-A, 2nd Division).

Mess Sergean [sic] PATRICK F. CROWLEY, Company "A," 2nd Engineers:

Displayed gallantry in action at the defense of a town occupied by our troops. He was one of the first to report at the town square when a counter-attack was made. A call for volunteers was made to support a Marines Machine gun out-post in a dangerous position, and he was the first to offer his services. Arriving at the out-post, he took charge of the volunteers, organized them and held the position against all attacks, remaining on the firing line until the following afternoon and by his courageous example raised and maintained the morale of the defenders. (G.O. 40, 2nd Division).

Private LOUIS D. GOODRICH, Company "A," 2nd Engineers:

He showed great devotion to duty and utter disregard for personal safety in voluntarily performing duties not required of him when he met a motorcycle driver from Battalion Headquarters with a message for the Commanding Officer of "A" Company who was waiting for darkness before attempting to deliver it. Private GOODRICH, having read the message and knowing it to be of great importance, volunteered to deliver it, and for the same reason disregarded all personal danger and took the LUCY-BOURESCHES road in open daylight all the way into town. This road for a distance of about one kilometer lies in No Man's. Land, and although he was several times fired on, he kept on the road, wishing to deliver the message without delay and fearing to get lost if he went through the woods, which was a more circuitous though safer route. In addition to delivering the message, he gave Captain SPALDING a clear detail account of the conditions along the road that came under his obvservation. This on the 9th of June, 1918. (G.O. 44, 2nd Division).

Sergeant 1st Class JOSEPH GALLO, Company "A," 2nd Engineers:

He showed great bravery and energy and exceptional presence of mind in leading his platoon through a heavy barrage fire to reinforce the weakest portion of the line. Upon the capture of the hill, under heavy fire he pursued a German officer 100 yards, and after a hand-to-hand fight captured him and brought him back a prisoner. This near VAUX, July 1, 1919. (G.O. 53, 2nd Division).

Private JEFFERSON HOLT, Medical Detachment, 2nd Engineers:
Private CHARLES RAFFINGTON, Medical Detachment, 2nd Engineers:

These two men performed splendid and efficient work on the hill north of LUCY during the day and night of the 2nd-3rd of June, 1918, exposing themselves to severe and continuous fire beyond all call of duty, in order to aid the wounded of both Engineers and nearby Marines. (G.O. 47-A, 2nd Division).

Private ANTHONY G. KOLDOFF, 156719, Company "C," 2nd Engineers:

He exhibited extraordinary heroism in volunteering and carrying a message through extremely heavy machine gun and shellfire. This in action near CHATEAU-THIERRY, June 6-7, 1918. (G.0. 53, 2nd Division).

Corporal ROBY L. LOVELACE, Company "C," 2nd Engineers:

On the morning of July 2, 1918, after the attack on VAUX, he volunteered and went across the front line trenches into German dugouts, returning with valuable papers and maps under machine gun fire. This near VAUX, July 2, 1918. (G.0. 53, 2nd Division).

Corporal SIMPSON LEVAN, Company "A," 2nd Engineers:

Wounded in the head and left leg by high explosive shell in the attack on VAUX, July 1, 1918, he obtained permission to continue with his company, and led his men under heavy fire from MONNEAUX to VAUX. He continued this work for three days without stating to the officers that he was wounded, saying only that he was dizzy; but at the end of three days his wounds became so serious that he was sent to the hospital. This at VAUX, July 1, 1918. (G.O. 53, 2nd Division).

First Lieutenant H. C. MOLESBERRY, 2nd Engineers:

In the vicinity of LE THIOLET, on the night of June 6-7, 1918, all officers of an infantry unit in the front line being either killed or wounded, he assumed command and courageously and efficiently directed the advance until he was relieved by officers of infantry. (G.O. 47-A, 2nd Division).

Sergeant W. H. MARSHALL, Company "B," 2nd Engineers:

On the night of June 6, 1918, though at the time marked sick in quarters, he marched all night through shellfire and gas to BOIS DE BELLEAU. As platoon sergeant during the next three days in BOIS DE BELLEAU he showed remarkable coolness, courage and good judgment under fire in the performance of his duties. (G.O. 47-A, 2nd Division).

Second Lieutenant JOHN C. MILLER, Engineer Reserve Corps, 2nd Engineers:

Displayed extraordinary heroism on the night of the 19th of June. Two members of his platoon had been wounded and left behind when the platoon was being led to a place of shelter. He called for volunteers, gathered together a few men, entered the woods, which was being heavily shelld by high explosive and gas-shells, going into the most dangerous section, and recovered the wounded men. This at mignight on the 19th-20th of June 1918. (G.O. 40, 2nd Division).

Corporal RICHARD MASON, Company "C," 2nd Engineers:

He volunteered and carried messages through enemy barrages on two separate occasions. This near VAUX, July 1-2, 1918. (G.O. 53, 2nd Division).

Corporal MILES NEUSSE, 157089, Company "E," 2nd Engineers:

On June 2nd and 3rd, 1918, near LUCY-LE-BOCAGE, he displayed extreme courage in continuing unhesitatingly to discharge his duties as runner between battalion headquarters and Company "E," in spite of continuous exposure to fire, during which time his pack was blown from his back and a sniper's bullet passed through his clothing. (G.O. 47-A, 2nd Division).

Private HEBER PETERSON, 157350, Company "F," 2nd Engineers:

In the BOIS DE BELLEAU, June 12, 1918, about 5 p. m., he voluntarily took a post to guard against surprise attack by the enemy, placing himself in a position of extreme danger to accomplish his purpose, under heavy shellfire without protection. (G.O. 47-A, 2nd Division).

Corporal JAY REES, Company "C," 2nd Engineers:

On the morning of July 1, 1918, during the attack on VAUX, he volunteered to return to the rear for barbed wire, made several trips under heavy shellfire and gas, and returned to the front with the wire before daylight. This near VAUX, July 1, 1918. (G.O. 53, 2nd Division).

Lieutenant J. H. SPAFFORD, Company "C," 2nd Engineers:

After completing his work in his own sector, tired and worn out, he volunteered with his platoon, returned to the front line, and assisted in wiring an almost impossible position. This at VAUX, July 2, 1918. (G.O. 53, 2nd Division).

Major W. A. SNOW, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Engineers:

Commanding his battalion on the night of the lst-2nd of June, and being attached to the Marine Brigade, he led his battalion into action as infantry. Under his leadership the battalion remained in action until the 8th of June, during which time it gained the praise of the Commanding General of the Brigade and of subordinate commanders for its courage and fighting qualities.

On June 8th, the battalion was ordered to a back area where it was to serve as part of the Division Reserve and to engage in engineer work. When a counter-attack by the enemy was believed to be imminent, on June 11, Companies "D" and "F" were ordered to the front line, and again Major SNOW led them into action as infantry.

On the afternoon of June 12th he was wounded in the shoulder by shrapnel. Receiving treatment at a first-aid station, he refused to go to the rear and would have rejoined his battalion except for orders of Lieutenant Colonel WISE, 5th Marines, under whom he was at that time serving, directing him to proceed to the rear.

Throughout the operations in which his command took part he displayed a gallantry well worthy of mention.

The men of Company "D" and Company "F" especially are entitled to high commendation for their splendid service at the front lines, going into action as infantry at a critical moment in our operations against the enemy and conducting themselves in and excellent manner.

The men of the Second Regiment of Engineers, during the time they were on duty with the 4th Brigade, gave their services readily and cheerfully in all that was requested of them, not only in trench construction, as litter-bearers and ammunition carriers, but on the firing line side by side with the Marines. They did all their duty and more, and their action and spirit is highly commendable. (G.O. 40, 2nd Division).

Captain GEORGE R. SPALDING, Company "A," 2nd Engineers:

Displayed great courage, resourcefulness and coolness during the course of the enemy's attack upon a town which had been taken by our troops, early in the morning of the 8th of June, 1918. His services in the defense of that town were notable. An officer of experience and ability, he has made good in many duties assigned to him in this division. (G.O. 40, 2nd Division).

United States, and W. A. Mitchell. 1920.
The Official History Of The Second Regiment Of Engineers And Second Engineer Train, United States Army, In The World War.
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