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CHAPTER I — PREPARATION (April 6, 1917 to May 30, 1918)

Before the war; in Mexico; enroute to France; the first problem of A. E. F.; construction work; divisional training; trench warfare; 2nd Division again assembled; Bar-le-Duc: enroute to Montdidier; diverted to Chateau Thierry; equipment and supplies during period of preparation; losses and replacements during; the period; comments.

CHAPTER II — CHATEAU THIERRY (May 31, 1918 to July 16, 1918)

The problem of battle; march to Chateau Thierry; Germans are repulsed; 2nd Division attacks; attacking and digging; Bois de Belleau; Bouresches; Bois de Belleau again; camouflage section; work on the Position of Principal Resistance; Vaux; new Regimental Commander; withdrawn for rest; men specially distinguished; losses and replacements during the period; summary of results; comments.

CHAPTER III — SOISSONS (July 17, 1918 to July 30, 1918)

Transportation by trucks to forest of Villers-Cotterets; camp in the forest; the problem of battle; in division reserve during attack; clearing road to Verte-Feuille Farm; in reserve position in ravine east of Vauxcastille; marching into front line and consolidation of position; the advance next day; relieved during night; men specially distinguished; losses and replacements during the period; summary of results; comments.

CHAPTER IV — SAINT MIHIEL (July 31, 1918 to September 27, 1918)

Second Division to Toul Sector; Engineers to Champigneulles; camp in woods north of Belleville; Marbache Sector taken over from the French; 2nd Division to rest billets south of Toul; Engineers to Camp Bois de l'Eveque; record work in target range construction; 2nd Division in advance to St. Mihiel; Engineers to Bois de la Cumejie, thence to woods northeast of Noviant; the problem of battle; roads and railroads; fighting engineers; men specially distinguished; losses and replacements during the period; summary of results; comments.

CHAPTER V — BLANC MONT (September 28, 1918 to October 10, 1918)

Second Division to Chalons area; Engineers to St. Germain and Vesigneulles; 2nd Division in advance to Blanc Mont; the problem of battle; roads, railroads, and bridges; fighting engineers; wire cutting; filling gap on right; attacking; holding St. Etienne on left; relief by infantry of 36th Division; men specially distinguished; losses and replacements during the period; summary of results; comments.

CHAPTER VI — ATTIGNY (October 11, 1918 to October 27, 1918)

Attached to 36th Division ; regimental order for encouragement; advance to Machault and Pauvres; the problem of battle; roads and railroads; drills; foot­bridge design; wonderful record in heavy bridge work; captured German property; fighting engineers, wire cutters at Forest Farm; men specially distinguished; losses and replacements during the period; summary of results; comments.

CHAPTER VII — THE ARGONNE (October 28, 1918 to November 11, 1918)

Back to 2nd Division; no rest, off to the Argonne; in ravine northeast of Exermont; the problem of battle; roads and bridges: road circuits established; ten weary days of rain and mud; fighting engineers; forced crossing of the Meuse River; wonderful foot bridge in seven minutes; men specially distinguished; losses and replacements during the period; summary of events; comments.

CHAPTER VIII — FROM THE MEUSE TO THE RHINE (November 12, 1918 to December 19, 1918)

Heavy bridge at Pouilly; 2nd Division to Germany; Engineers get more equipment; advance guard and rear guard; incidents by the way; losses and replacements during the period; life on the Rhine; rewards; back to construction work, in the end as in the beginning; summary of results; summary of events.

CHAPTER IX — THE WATCH ON THE RHINE (December 20, 1918 to July 21, 1919)

Second Engineers in Engers; reconnaissance of bridgehead; defensive position and offensive places; engineer work; the operation of public utilities; road maintenance; military duties; parades and reviews; schools; the pontoon bridge at Honningen welfare activities; engineer work and construction; men specially distinguished; decorations; losses and replacements during the period; summary of events.

CHAPTER X — THE RHINE TO THE RIO GRANDE (July 21, 1919 to August 15, 1919)

From Engers on the Rhine to Brest, France; the Parade in New York upon arrival home; demobilization of the Regiment; back to Texas after over two years absence; losses and replacements during this period.

CHAPTER XI — THE SECOND ENGINEER TRAIN (April 23, 1917 to August 15, 1919)

Before the War; in Texas; enroute to France; construction work at St. Nazaire; joined the 2nd Engineers; regiment in Bourmount Area January, 1918; equipment and supplies during period of preparation; Verdun Front; training at Chaumont en Vixen; work of supply in the Chateau Thierry Fight; under heavy fire at Soissons; off to Nancy to, re-equip and train the new replacements: in the fight again at St. Mihiel; supplying the Marines with tools at Champagne; the last fight in the Argonne; helping bridge the Meuse for the Marines; the march to the Rhine; in the American Army of Occupation of Germany; enroute home; back to Texas.

1. Commendations of regiment in the World War.
2. Decorations, Citations and Commendations of Individuals.
3. List of decorations.
4. Summary of losses and replacements.
5. Comparison of major casualties with other organizations.
6. List of all officers with chronological record of campaigns, decorations, Etc.
7. List of all enlisted men with chronological record of campaigns, decorations, Etc.
8. Details of foot-bridge at Beaumont.
9. Details of wagon bridge at Pouiliy.
10. Work of Engineers with Artillery.
11. List of all officers and enlisted men of the Second Engineer Train with rank and address.
12. Citations received by members of the Second Engineer Train.
United States, and W. A. Mitchell. 1920.
The Official History Of The Second Regiment Of Engineers And Second Engineer Train, United States Army, In The World War.
[San Antonio]: [San Antonio printing Co.].
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.