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Chateau Thierry

Map of Chateau Thierry in France 1918
From: Mid-Week Pictorial, Volume VII, Number 7, June 20, 1918
The United States Marine Corps, the military branch of our Navy, and, for that reason, known as "Soldiers of the Sea," has once more added to its brilliant record. The above picture-map, which has been drawn in great detail, shows where the Marines have been participating in the great struggle on the Western front. When the Germans reached the town of Chateau-Thierry, on May 30, it was imperative that their advance should be stopped. The Marines, who at that time were in camp 60 miles in the rear, were hurried in motor trucks to the danger spot. The same night a small detachment, carrying machine guns, crossed one of the two bridges at this point. Next morning the Germans advanced, but were repulsed by the machine gun fire of the Marines. During the day the Germans occupied hills overlooking the north bank of the Marne and rendered part of Chateau Thierry untenable. Some French Colonial troops retired to the south bank and blew up the stone bridge, but the detachment of Marines remained on the north bank, covering the retirement of the French. The Germans had now occupied the whole of the northern part of Chateau-Thierry. But the Americans now worked their way down stream to the iron bridge which they crossed without losing a single man and which they immediately afterwards blew up. In this way the Germans were prevented from crossing the river. In the subsequent fighting northwest of Chateau Thierry the Marines took the offensive and swept forward from a line running through Veuilly la Poterie, Champillon, Le Thiolet, and Chateau-Thierry and threw the Germans back to a new line between Torcy, Belleau, and Bouresches.

Don't believe everything you read. The author of this description has given the Marines credit for work the 3rd Division did and the June 12 line is in the wrong place. However, this is a nice relief map of the area. (Ed.)
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