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"To be able to say when this war is finished, I belonged to the SECOND DIVISION, I fought with it at the battle of Blanc Mont Ridge, will be the highest honor that can come to any man."
JOHN A. LEJEUNE, Major General, U.S. M. C.
Published at
Neuwied am Rhein, Germany.
February 1919.
2nd Field Artillery Brigade.
12th Field Artillery.
15th Field Artillery.
17th Field Artillery.
3rd Infantry Brigade.
9th Infantry.
23rd Infantry.
5th Machine Gun Battalion.
4th Marine Brigade.
5th Marines.
6th Marines.
6th Machine Gun Battalion.
4th Machine Gun Battalion.
2nd Engineers.
Headquarters Train and Military Police.
2nd Engineers Train.
2nd Ammunition Train.
2nd Sanitary Train.
2nd Supply Train.
Headquarters Troop.
1st Field Battalion, Signal Corps.
2nd Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop.
Mobile Veterinary Section No.2.
Motor Shop Truck Units 303 and 363.
Salvage Squad No.2.
Sales Commissary Unit No. 1.
  A.P.O. 710 Detachment.
  Quartermaster Detachment.
  Ordnance Detachment.
  Railhead Detachment.
Mobile Surgical Unit.
Clothing and Bath Unit No. 320.
Laundry Unit No.326.
Bakery Unit No. 319.
IN publishing this collection of General Orders, Orders, Bulletins and Newspaper Articles, it bas been our chief aim to give to the reader the part played by the SECOND DIVISION in the GREAT WORLD WAR. The Publishers.


EVERY officer and man who is now connected with the the SECOND DIVISION, or who has at any time served with that Division, holds for it and its accomplishments a certain degree of pride. To read anything lauditory [sic] about the Division has always been satisfying to that pride. To read words of praise from an impartial and authentic source has been more than satisfying and has, moreover, increased the fraternalism which has become such a great part of this Division. Thus it was with due pride that we read from the pen of one who had been in close touch with the movements of the army, for the purpose of giving genuine news to the anxious people in the United States. Edwin L. James, with the American Army in France wrote and published in the New York Times and the Baltimore Sun of Sunday, November 17th, 1918, the following:

With The American Army In France; Nov. 10. — One may imagine that in a few days the Americans will be asking which of its divisions played the biggest role in beating Germany. Far be it from me to undertake the onerous task of nominating our best division, but it may be set forth that one which France will long remember with the deepest love and respect is the 2nd Division. My personal notebook reflecting the story of operations in which the Americans have been engaged indicates the 2nd has done the most fighting of any of our divisions.

The 1st, 42nd, and 26th Divisions, it may be stated, will not agree with this verdict. In fairness to the 1st Division it should be said that it was first in the trenches and in every battle has given a most excellent account of itself.

The 2nd Division is composed of the 5th and 6th Marines, the 9th and 23rd Regular Infantry, all possessing fame, the 12th, 15th, and 17th Artillery Regiments and the 2nd Engineers.

In the early Autumn of 1917, when the American uniform was unknown on the western front, there came to France two divisions of American soldiers hastily gathered together and sent over in response to the demand for early representation from the new nation which had joined the Allies. These were the 1st and 2nd Divisions.


While the 1st Division went more quickly into training, the 2nd was used that Winter for all sorts of work, building railroads, landing coal, and other prosaic tasks, between times getting military training. Its officers were mostly experienced men and the skeleton of its regiments was composed of old army men.

In March of this year the 2nd Division left the training area in the vicinity of Bourmont and went in with the French for a six week training period in the trenches on the heights, of the Meuse southeast of Verdun. After that it was sent to a division sector of its own in the region of Les Eparges, where it held the line about two months.

When the Germans started their "victory" drive in March, it will be remembered, General Pershing offered General Foch anything the Americans had in France that could be of use in stopping the enemy. The 1st Division was taken from the Toul sector and sent to the Montdidier region. The 2nd was taken out of the line for a short period of intensive training and then taken to the Somme region.

The 1st Division had taken Cantigny and the 2nd was about to go into the line when the Germans changed our plans by driving southward from the Chemin des Dames and reaching Chateau-Thierry in the early days of June. The 2nd Division was put into camions and rushed into the battle here, where the Germans threatened Paris as they had not threatened the French capital before since the dark days of the Fall of 1914.


Just west of Chateau-Thierry, on June 1, the 2nd was thrown into the line across the Paris-Metz highway, where the Germans were nearest Paris. There in Belleau Wood the 5th and 6th Marines won undying fame when they stopped the boche rush. On the first day they had no artillery, because the guns had not been able to get up. They had no food except emergency rations, and their ammunition was not all it might have been. But they stopped the Germans at the Bois Belleau and fought eleven days against repeated German attacks to drive them back.

On the last day of May the 3rd Division machine gunners, rushing into Chateau-Thierry after a sixty-hour trip in camions, stopped the Germans there. The 2nd Division held the barrier against the German advance all through June, and on the last day of that month the 9th and 23rd Infantry won glory by capturing Vaux and gaining with the Marines a line which greatly bettered allied prospects.

The 2nd then was taken out for a well-earned rest. Nothing was heard of it until the morning of July 18, when Marshal Foch electrified the world by his brilliant blow at the Chateau-Thierry salient, which history will record as the turning point in the war. The most important blow, indeed the vital blow, in this offensive was hit just south of Soissons and by the 1st and 2nd Divisions, with the famed French Moroccan Division between them. It was an advance of eight kilometers on the first day by this trio of divisions, which made possible the eventual reduction of the salient menacing Paris.


The 2nd Division had suffered very heavy casualties and had to have many replacements to retain its power. It was withdrawn from the battle area and took up the task of training its thousands of raw replacements.

When General Pershing started his drive for the reduction of the St. Mihiel salient on Sept. 12 the 2nd Division had its place in the hardest fighting along the southern side of the salient, where the heaviest German resistance was expected. Again it made good, smashing through in record time.

After the St. Mihiel battle the now famed shock troops of the 2nd Division disappeared from the battle line to reappear on October 2nd where least expected — over in the Champagne with General Gouraud's Fourth Army, which drove north to free Rheims and break the boche hold on that region. On the first day in the region of Somme-Py the 2nd broke through the German line for a gain of six kilometers, leading every other division in the attack. In the succeeding days the 2nd pressed forward, and greatly aided General Gouraud's army in break-in the German hold on the hills of Champagne and liberating the martyred city of Rheims, for which the Kaiser's heart had bled so freely.

When General Pershing started his drive on Nov. 1 which took the Americans in a great sweep to Sedan, the 2nd Division was in the line in front of St. Georges and Landres-et-St. Georges against a position which had the Americans at a standstill for two weeks. It broke through for 9 kilometers the first day, and, leading all other divisions, was responsible for the German communique's first statement during the war that the line had been broken. As advance became a general pursuit the 2nd Division kept up its pace and in seven days gained forty kilometers.

Such is a brief sketch of the performance of the 2nd Division; which helped save Paris, helped reduce the St. Mihiel salient, helped release Rheims, and helped reach Sedan. Some think it is the best division in any army in France.


Naturely [sic] there are some different opinions in the various parts of the United States, concerning the merits and accomplishments of the different Army Divisions. Each section has its own favorite which is duly lauded and praised in the local press. Stopping the Germans on their big spring drive in May 1918, when Paris, the heart and vitality of France, was severely threatened, was an enviable achievement, for was it not there that the great crisis came making this the turning point of the war? Howland A. Gibson of Newport, who, according to his own words, is "what you might call an outsider, quite disinterested", has written about the part played by the SECOND DIVISION, Regulars, in this decisive battle at Chateau-Thierry. Mr. Gibson writes as follows:

"During the high tide of the German advance a certain division was rushed in trucks around through the outskirts of Paris and along the roads toward Chateau-Thierry. Passing through Meaux they began to meet refugees crowding the roads and the French Territorials, who had been giving away slowly but steadily. This division was thrown into the gap on June 1st, directly across the Paris-Metz highway, where the Germans were nearest Paris.

"This was the Second Division of regular army troops, consisting of the 5th and 6th Marines, and the 9th and 23rd Infantry regiments. And this is the division par excellent in the eyes of the French; and some think it is the best division of any army in the field. Without any artillery at first, and with no food except emergency rations, they stopped the Boche completely and held the barrier all through June.

"After the first day other divisions came up, strengthening the line and so can truthfully say they were at Chateau-Thierry and get away with it. But the one that actually saved Paris, in the darkest hour smashing into Hindenburg's picked troops and fighting in the real American way for the first time — in the open, threw back superior numbers of the enemy, and held them — this was the Second Division. And to celebrate this almost unbelievable achievement half of them paraded in Paris on July 4th amidst wildest enthusiasm of the populace for these battle-scarred heroes, parading in full kit, tin hats and all, with the dash and swagger typical of the United States regular.

"This is not heresay [sic hearsay], but straight facts. Official records will show it to be true. It has been somewhat exasperating all summer to read the well intentioned but slightly erroneous reports some times published when one was in a position to know the real facts. But now, with the censorship ban lifted, there is no excuse for misstatements. It is a shame to let such matters be made the subject of claims and counter claims by individuals in rival organizations when the newspapers and the public can easily enough get the straight facts from General March's reports.

"I am what you might call an outsider, quite disinterested. But I see it is going to be the same old story again, just as at the end of every war — in the pride of various localities over their gallant citizen-soldiers, the men who have left home to fight in the regulars are forgotten — and this regular arms is after all the backbone of all our military establishments.

"Fortunately in this war there is glory enough for all. Certainly there are four divisions that stand out prominently for their splendid, valorous records. These are the 1st, 2nd, (Regulars) the 42nd, Rainbow, and the New England Boys, the 26th Division. These are all veterans, shock troops, and quite the flower of the army. But the one above all that France will long remember with deepest love and respect is the SECOND.

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, April 31, 1918.
No. 28.

1. The Division Commander takes great pleasure in publishing to the Command the following telegram from the Commander-in-Chief.

H. A. E. F. April, 14th, 1918.
Commanding General Second Division:

Allow me to extend my warmest congratulations upon the splendid spirit shown by the 9th Infantry in recent encounter with the enemy, especially to those men who declined to accept their status as prisoners, but turned upon their captors and destroyed them and returned to their own lines.


The gallant conduct of Companies "I" and "L", 9th Infantry, and Company "C", 5th Machine Gun Battalion, is a source of pride and gratification to every member of this Division. Their good discipline and excellent fighting qualities turned into a complete rout a well conceived surprise raid, executed by greatly superior numbers of picked enemy troops,especially trained for this purpose. The fact that they wounded, killed and took prisoners is sufficient proof of the fine spirit for offensive action possessed by our troops.

By command of Major General Bundy:
Colonel, General Staff,
Chief of Staff.

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, June 17th, 1918
NO. 39.

1. The Commanding General takes great pleasure and is much gratified to publish to the Command the following extract from a letter from the Corps Commander, commending the accomplishments of the Division during the recent operations:

"The movements and operations of the Second Division from May 31st to date have been followed by the Corps Commander with great pride and satisfaction. During this period the Division has not only accomplished a successful march including forced and night marches under extremely difficult conditions, but has repelled consentrated [sic] attacks delivered by a highly trained enemy, and has counter attacked with single and unvaried success. Only trained and well led troops of high morals could accomplish so much in so short a period of time with relatively small losses.

Please convey to the soldiers and officers of your command my keenest appreciation and heartiest congratulations."

By command of Major General Bundy:
Colonel, General Staff,
Chief of Staff.
 Adjutant General,

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, July 2nd, 1918.

The Division Commander takes great pleasure in publishing the following telegram received from the Commanding General, First Army Corps, American Expeditionary Forces:


"The Corps Commander sends congratulations to the Division, Commanders of the Brigades and Regiments, and their Officers and Men taking part in the successful operations of July 1st."

By command of Major General Bundy :

Preston Brown,
Colonel, General Staff,
Chief of Staff.

G. H. Q.
American Expeditionary Forces.
France, July 9, 1918
General Orders,
No. 112.

The Commander in Chief desires to record in the General Orders of the American Expeditionary Forces his appreciation of the splendid courage, service and sacrifice of the officers and men of the First and Second Divisions of these Forces during the recent operations in which these divisions participated and in which the enemy was checked by the resolute defense and counter-offense of the Allied Armies.

These Divisions, submitted fully for the first time to all the drastic tests of modern warfare, bore themselves always with fine valor; their co-operation with their brothers-in-arms of the unified command was prompt and efficient and brought from their Allied comrades many expressions of sincere appreciation. The conduct of these brave men and that of their fallen comrades who made the supreme sacrifice has established a standard of service and prestige which every division of the American Expeditionary Forces will strive to emulate and preserve.

This order will be read to all organizations at the first assembly formation after its receipt.

By command of General Pershing:
Chief of Staff.
Adjutant General.

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, July 10, 1918.
General Orders,
No. 43.

The following letter from the Mayor of Meaux and Resolution from the assembled Mayors of the Meaux District (Arrondisement) are published to the command as indicating the appreciation of the efforts of the 2nd Division by the French inhabitants for our share in stemming the recent German Advance in this section.

Meaux, June 26, 1918.

On behalf of all the Mayors of Meaux District (Arrondisement), assembled in Congress at the City Hall, I have the honor to send you herewith a copy of the Resolution they have taken in order to pay homage to the gallantry displayed by the troops under your command and to the effectiveness of the help they rendered us.

The civilian population of this part of this country will never forget that the beginning part of the month of June when their homes were threatened by the invader, the Second American Division victoriously stepped forth and succeeded in saving them from impending danger.

I am personaly happy to be able to convey to you this modest token of thankfulness and I am, General.

  Yours Respectfully,
Mayor of Meaux,
Depute de Seine et Marne.

Voted in a congress of the Mayors of the Meaux District who were eye witnesses to the generous and efficacious deeds of the American Army in the stopping of the enemy advance, send to this army the heartfelt expression of their admiration and thankfulness.

Meaux, June 25, 1918.
The President of the Committee,
By Command of Major General Bundy.
Colonel General Staff,
Chief of Staff.
Wm. W. Bessell, A. G.

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, July 22, 1918.
General Orders,
No. 46.

1. It is with keen pride that the Division Commander transmits to the command the congratulations and effectionate personal greetings of General Pershing who visited the Division Headquarters last night. His praise of the gallant work of the Division on the 18th and 19th is echoed by the French High Command, the Third Corps Commander, American Expeditionary Forces, and in a telegram from the former Division Commander. In spite of two sleepless nights, long marches thru rain and mud, and the discomforts of hunger and thirst, the Division attacked side by side with the gallant Moroccan Division and maintained itself with credit. You advanced over six miles, captured over three thousand prisoners, eleven batteries of artillery, over a hundred machine guns, minnenwerfers and supplies. The 2nd Division has sustained the best traditions of the Army and the Marine Corps. The story of your achievements will be told in millions of homes in all Allied lands tonight.

Major General, National Army.

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, July 23, 1918
General Orders,
No. 9.

1. On the morning of July 18th, after forty-eight hours of exhausting, continuous, almost sleepless movements, the 3rd Corps joined battle with the enemy in battle. In your first great offensive you stood beside the best veteran French Troops, our allies, and sustained, nay, did honor to the name American. Our Allies, your Commanders, the Army of the United States and the whole nation are proud and will boast of your deeds and the deeds of these brave men, our beloved comrades, who at your side in the last five days have fallen, paying the last sacrifice of soldiers. Now and for the future let us resolve that these our Allies and our people shall not trust in us in vain, and, in the words of Lincoln, that these our Comrades shall not have died in vain.

By Command of Major General Bullard:
Brigadier General, G. S.,
Chief of Staff.
David O'Keefe,
Adjutant General.

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, Oct. 1, 1918

1. The greatest battles of the war are now being fought[.] The Allies are attacking successfully on all fronts. The valiant Belgian Army has surprised and defeated the enemy in Flanders; the English who have been attacking the enemy without ceasing since August 8th have advanced beyond the Hindenburg Line, between Cambrai and St. Quentin, capturing thousands of prisoners and hundreds of guns; the heroic Allied Army of the Orient has decisively defeated the Bulgars; The British have captured over 50,000 prisoners in Palastine, and have inflicted a mortal blow on the Turk; and our own First Army and the 4th French Army have already gained much success in the preliminary stages of their attack between the Meuse and Suippes Rivers.

2. Owing to it's world-wide reputation for skill and valor, the Second Division was selected by the Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies as his special reserve, and has been held in readiness to strike a swift and powerful blow at the vital point of the enemy's line. The hour to move forward has come, and I am confident that our Division will pierce the enemy's line, and once more gloriously defeat the Hun.

Major General,
U. S. M. C., Commanding.

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, 5th October, 1918.

1. General Gouraud, the distinguished Commander of the 41h French Army, to which we are attached, has congratulated the division on its wonderful success, and has reported to the Commander in Chief of the French Forces that the German Army, east of Rheims, is in full retreat, due to the magnificent attacks of the Second Division, and its tenacity in holding its advanced positions.

2. In transmitting this information, the Division Commander also desires to express to the officers and men of the Division his great appreciation of their splendid performance, which demonstrates again their wonderful fighting spirit and their superiority over the enemy soldier.

Major General, U. S. M. C.,

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, 11 October, 1918.

It is beyond my power of expression to describe fitly my admiration for your heroism. You attacked magnificently and you seized Blanc Mont Ridge, the keystone of the arch constituting the enemy's main position. You advanced beyond the ridge, breaking the enemy's lines, and you held the ground gained with a tenacity which is unsurpassed in the annals of war.

As a direct result of your victory, the German Armies East and West of Rheims are in full retreat, and by drawing on yourselves several German Divisions from other parts of the front you greatly assisted the victorious advance of the Allied Armies between Cambrai and St. Quentin.

Your heroism and the heroism of our comrades who died on the battlefield will live in history forever, and will be emulated by the young men of our country for generations to come.

To be able to say, when this war is finished, "I belonged to the 2nd Division, I fought with it at the battle of Blanc Mont Ridge" will be the highest honor that can come to any man.

Major General, U. S. M. C.,

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, Nov. 4, 1918

The following letter from the Commanding General, 5th Army Corps, to the Commanding General, 2nd Division, is published for the information of the 2nd Division:

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, 2nd November 1918
From: Commanding General, 5th Army Corps.
To: Commanding General, 2nd Division.
Subject: Commendation.

I desire to add to my telephone message the assurance of my deep appreciation and profound admiration for the manner in which the 2nd Division executed the mission alloted to it on Nov. 1st.

The Division's brilliant advance for more than nine kilometres, destroying the, last stronghold on the Hindenburg line capturing the Freya Stellung, and going more than nine kilometres against not only the permanent but the relieving forces in their front, may be justly regarded as one of the most remarkable achievements made by any troops in this war. For the first time, perhaps, in their experience, the losses inflicted by your Division upon the enemy in the offensive greatly exceeded the casualties of the Division. The reports indicate, moreover, that in a single day the Division has captured more artillery and machine guns than usually falls to the lot of a command during several days of hard fighting. The results must be attributed to the great dash and speed of the troops and to the irresistible force with which they struck and overcame the enemy.

The Division has more than justified the distinguished confidence placed in it by the Commander-in-Chief when it was selected to take the lead in the advance from which such great results are expected. It is an honor to command such troops and they have richly deserved a place in history and the affection of their countrymen which is not exceeded or perhaps paralleled in the life of our nation.

I desire that you convey these sentiments to the officers and soldiers of the 2nd Division and that you assure them of my abiding wishes for their continued success in the campaigns that lie before it[.]

C. P. Summerall,
Major General, Commanding.
Major General, U. S. M. C.,

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, Nov. 5, 1918.

During the night of November 2-3, the 2nd Division moved forward overcoming the restistance of the enemy's advance elements, and at 6 :30 A. M. it attacked and seized the enemy's line of defense on the ridge southeast of VAUX-en-DIEULET.

Late in the afternoon, the enemy, having reorganized his line on the border of BELVAL FOREST, was again attacked and defeated. After nightfall and in heavy rain, the advance elements of the Division pressed forward through the forest, and occupied a position on the heights south of BEAUMONT, eight kilometers in advance of the Divisions on our right and left.

During the night of November 4-5, the Division again pressed forward, occupied BEAUMONT and L'ETANNE, and threw the enemy on its front across the MEUSE.

The endurance, the skill, the courage, and the fiery energy of the officers and men of the 2nd Division are unsurpassed in the annals of war. The victories of the Division have been a tremendous factor in bringing near the day of decisive defeat of the German Army.

Major General, U. S. M. C.,

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, November 11, 1918.

1. An armistice between the allied nations and Germany has been signed and hostilities ceased temporarily at 11 A. M.. today.

2. It is fitting that the great part played by the 2nd Division in bringing about this momentous victory over a redoubtable foe should be recounted at this time.

3. At the end of May, the enemy broke through the allied lines on a wide front west of RHEIMS and reached the MARNE near CHATEAU-THIERRY. The safety of Paris and of the allied Army itself was at stake. At this critical hour the 2nd Division was deployed to meet the foe. It stopped his advance; it drove him back, and it demonstrated for all time that the American is second to none in valor, in endurance, and in the grim and unyielding determination to conquer.

4. Again, on July 18th, during the last enemy offensive, the 2nd Division, after a night march of unparalleled difficulty, struck, near SOISSONS, the flank of the enemy's salient, penetrated his lines and brought his offensive to a standstill. This was the beginning of the allied offensive which has continued unceasingly and untiringly until today.

5. On September 12th to 15th, the American Army fought its first battle in France under American leadership. To the 2nd Division was assigned the most difficult and the most important task the capture of THIAUCOURT and the JAULNY XAMMES ridge. It reached its second day's objective on the first day, drove off the enemy's counter-attacks, and clinched the victory.

6. In the Champagne District, October 2nd to 10th, it fought beside the Fourth French Army. On October 3rd, it seized BLANC MONT RIDGE, the keystone of the arch of the main Germain position, advanced beyond the Ridge and, although both flanks were unsupported, it held all its gains with the utmost tenacity, inflicting tremendous losses on the enemy[.] This victory freed RHEIMS and forced the entire German Army between that city and the ARGONNE Forest to retreat to the AISNE, a distance of 30 kilometers.

7. During the latter part of October, the Division was ordered to join the 1st American Army for the great attack of November 1st. It was given the post of honor, and led the advance. It drove through the enemy's fortified lines to a depth of over nine kilometers, seized the heights of BAYONVILLE and destroyed the enemy divisions on its front. On November 3rd, it advanced to FOSSE, and attacked and captured the heights of VAUX. At night, it pressed forward through the Forest of BELVAL by a single road and occupied the ridge near BEAUMONT. On the night of the 4th, it again attacked and advanced its lines to the MEUSE. Finally, on the night of the 10th, it forced its way across the MEUSE and seized a commanding position on the eastern bank.

8. This superb Division of fighting men is unsurpassed in valor, in skill, in endurance, in determination to conquer, and in service to the cause of the Allies.

9. In this great struggle many of our comrades have made the supreme sacrifice for our Country, but their heroic spirit dwells in the hearts of the officers and men of the 2nd Division.

Major General, U. S. M. C.,

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, November 12, 1918.

1. On the night of November 10th, heroic deeds were done by heroic men. In the face of a heavy artillery and withering machine gun fire, the 2nd Engineers threw two foot bridges across the MEUSE and the first and second battalions of the 5th Marines crossed resolutely and unflinchingly to the east bank and carried out their mission.

2. In the last battle of the war, as in all others in which this Division has participated, it enforced its will on the enemy.

John A. Lejeune,
Major General, U. S. M. C.
American Expeditionary Forces.
France, November 13, 1918.

In the crossing of the MEUSE on the night of November 10th, Companies "G" and "H", 9th Infantry, assisted the 2nd Engineers in throwing the bridges across the river. The 8th and 23rd Machine Gun Companies (Marine) accompanied the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 5th Marines in their crossing; the 3rd Battalion, 356th Infantry (89th Division), and Company "C" of the 342nd Machine Gun Battalion (89th) Divsion crossed immediately after the above mentioned organizations; and, at dawn, the 1st Battalion of the 9th Infantry, accompanied by Company "D" of the 5th Machine Gun Battalion, moved forward to the east bank in support of the advanced force.

The names of the officers and men of these organizations belong on the roll of heroic men who did heroic deeds in the last battle of the war.

Major General, U. S. M. C.,

American Expeditionary Forces.
France, November 16, 1918.
From: Commanding General, Fifth Army Corps.
To: Commanding General, Second Division.
Subject: Commendation.

Upon the departure of the Second Division from its brilliant service with the Fifth Army Corps, I desire to express to you my admiration for the Division; my gratitude for the great service that it has rendered, and my profound regret at its separation from the Fifth Army Corps.

Especially, I desire to commend the Division for the crowning feat of its advance in crossing the MEUSE River in face of heavy concentrated enemy machine gun fire, and in driving the enemy's troops before it, and in firmly establishing itself upon the heights covering the desired bridgehead. This feat will stand among the most memorable of the campaign.

My good wishes will accompany you in the new fields of activity of the Division, where, I am sure, further glory awaits it.

Major General, Commanding.

American Expeditionary Forces.
November 20, 1918.
General Orders,
No. 26.

1. The following citations are announced:—

The 1st, 2nd, and 89th Divisions, Fifth Corps, for their part in the memorable attack launched by the 1st American Army on November 1st. Throughout this operation all officers and men, by their high courage, devotion to duty, and disregard for the innumerable hardships encountered, made for themselves a place in the history of our country.

The Second Division, in line at the launching of the attack, broke through the strong enemy resistance, and, leading the advance, drove forward in a fast determined pursuit of the enemy, who, despite new divisions hastily thrown in, was driven back everywhere on its front. This Division drove the enemy across the Meuse, and under heavy fire and against stubborn resistance, built bridges and established itself on the heights. The cessation of hostilities found this Division holding strong positions across the Meuse and ready for a continuation of the advance.

By command of Major General Summerall:
Brig. Gen. Chief of Staff.

American Expeditionary Forces.
Germany, January 1, 1919.
General Orders,
No. 1.

1. The year that has just ended has been the most momentous of the century. A year ago the military situation was most ominous. Russia, and Roumania had been crushed, and the enemy was able to mass a greatly superior force on the Western front. In March, April and May, he struck powerful and victorious blows in Picardy, Belguim, and Chemin-des-Dames. At this critical hour, the American forces were placed in the battle lines, and on November 11th, after an offensive campaign by the Allies' Commander-in-Chief, conducted with consumate skill and characterized by continuous battle of unparalled activity and violence, the enemy was defeated and the victory was won.

2. The Second Division played a part of great military and historic importance in this tremendous engagement, it fought five pitched battles or series of battles, always, defeating the enemy, and it has won the right to have inscribed on its banners the names of the brilliant victories won by it at Chateau Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel salient, Blanc Mont, and Argonne-Meuse. Its casualties were 732 officers and 23,653 men, total 24,385. This was about ten per centum of the total casualties of the American Expeditionary Forces. It captured 12,026 prisoners, over one quarter of the total number captured by the A. E. F. It captured 343 cannon, about one quarter of the total number captured by the A. E. F.

3. The officers and men of the Division have earned by their valor, their skill, and their victories, the admiration and gratitude of our Allies and our countrymen.

4. That the New Year be a happy one for all members of the Division, their families and their friends is my most earnest wish.

Major General, U. S. M. C.


Divisional Headquarters established, France, October 26, 1917
Verdun and Toul-Troyon sectors . . . . . . Mar. 12 — May 14.
Chateau-Thierry, sector northwest . . . . . May 31 — July 9.
Soissons sector, Marne counter-offensive July 18 — July 20.
Marbache sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. 9 — Aug. 24.
St. Mihiel sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 9 — Sept. 16.
Blanc Mont sector, Champagne advance Sept. 30 — 9.
Argonne-Meuse offensive . . . . . . . . . . Oct 30 — Nov. 11.
Army of Occupation, Germany . . . . . . . Dec. 1 —
Prisoners captured: 228 Officers, 11,738 Men.
Guns captured: 343 Artillery pieces. 1350 Machine Guns.
Total advance on front line: 60 kilometers.
Distinguished Service Crosses awarded: 646.
Seventeen per cent of total D. S. C.'s in A. E. F. or more than double the number awarded any other division.

Indian head on white star with background in colors and shapes varying according to unit. Creation of truck driver who practiced on the side of his truck with such success that the design he had drawn evolved into the insignia of the Division.

Publishers :
Property Office
Quartermaster Detachment

Medical Detachement
Headquarters Train and
Military Police
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.