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Headquarters Second Division Association - Camp Travis, Texas

2nd Division French Fourragere

Section 3, General Orders, No. 62, War Department, Washington, D. C., December 31. 1921, announces the award of the French Fourragere in the colors of the French Croix de Geurre [sic Guerre] (green and red) for two citations in the French Orders of the Army to all units of the Second Division. All officers and enlisted men now out of service who served over-seas with any unit of the Second Division are entitled to wear this decoration.

The Fourragere, however, is only to be worn by discharged officers and enlisted men - when wearing the uniform - on special occasions such as parades and ceremonies. The Fourragere is not issued but may be purchased from most Army Equipment Firms or from the Camp Exchange, Camp Travis, Texas, the price at the Camp Exchange being $2.25 .

Adjutant General,
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.