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"Report of Operations" written by Col. William A. Mitchell on Nov. 15, 1918.

From 2nd Division reports detailing the 2nd Engineers duties the day the war ended.

34. NOVEMBER 10th, 1918. "F", "E" and 1/2 of "A" Companies worked on the roads. "D" Company adjusted and fixed 50 foot of Standard Trestle Bridge which had been sent by the Corps to SOMMAUTHE, and which had been found to have many misfits. In the afternoon, "D" Company went to YONCQ, where it was joined by the detachment from "D" Company which had been working on the 60 c.m. railway for artillery, this work having been completed though the railway was not very useful owing to lack of ballast and no locomotives. "B" and "C" Companies continued working on and got ready to put in 3 foot-bridges at BEAUMONT, and 1/2 of "A" Company remained at the saw-mill as reserve to "B" and "C" Companies. 1 Platoon of "B" Company was in position at YONCQ with the foot bridges furnished us, plus enough additional to make two bridges, ready to go from YONCQ to MOUZON, which was selected as one of the places  for crossing.

35. During the night of November 10-11, in the face of heavy fire, and with many casualties, the 2nd Engineers launched and completed two floating foot bridges across the MEUSE RIVER south of MOUZON, for the passage of the Infantry. Two other foot bridges were assembled at the River Bank north of MOUZON, and the Infantry notified that they were ready, but they notified the 2nd Engineers that the plans to cross there had been abandoned.

36. NOVEMBER 11th, 1918. Hostilities ceased at 11 hours. The Regiment was ordered to assemble at BEAUMONT, and the Engineer Train was ordered to move to that point. "D" Company remained in YONCQ for the day, and came to BEAUMONT the next day.

37. NOVEMBER 12th, 1918. Two foot bridges were put in at the site near MOUZON. The remainder of the troops were given an opportunity to rest and clean up, except for one platoon which was to work on the bridge East of Letanne.

Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.