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Headquarters 17th Field Artillery
August 3,1918


The regimental Commander is pleased to announce to the Regiment that during the period July 15—25,every mission assigned the Regiment,battalion,and battery was promptly executed. At no time was the regiment called upon to perform a task which it did not promptly and efficiently perform, this in spite of sleepless nignts,long hard marches over extremely congested roads, with wornout horses, with no word of complaint, and only one desire- to shoot at the enemy.

During this period the regiment seized, placed into position and operated 25 German cannon of 77, 105 short, 105 short,150 short and 150 long,including an anti-aircraft battery of three guns,which brought down a German plane. 4,000 German shells being returned to him.

There can be no individual citation for the reason that each member of the regiment performed his full duty without regard to hostile fire or personal safety, and if one individual deserves a citation, all deserve it.

The number of rounds fored [sic fired] by gun or by battery was a question of opportunity. Where one battalion was called upon to fire the mission of the entire regiment, which it performed most satisfactorily, and in such a manner to receive the commendation of all observors- French,British and American, aother [sic] battalion less fortunate, made a march of many kilometers, from the rear and between midnight and noon occupied five different positions,one within a kilometer and a half of the enemys line,were much of the tine under hostile fire. At one time our own Infantry ceased firing to allow caissons to pass - all this without a chance to fire at the enemy, and this last the only word of complaint.

Meanwhile the other battalion, after a fatigueing march, had occupied a position, was later withdrawn, hitched and prepared to advance far within the hostile lines, but those lines had been forced back.

There can be no comparison between the relative efficiency of batteries or battalions. The first mentioned battalion is to be highly commended, the other two no less so, all parformed the task set before them with the highest degree of efficiency and devotion to duty.

To maintain this high standard and be prepared to give like service whenever called upon, should be the object of all.


By Order of Colonel Kelly

1st Lieut.17th Field Artillery
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