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Second Ammunition Train

Maps / Photos / Misc.

October 11, 1917, Chickamauga Park, Ga.
The 2nd Ammunition Train:
HQ Detachment, Motor Battalion
HQ Detachment, Horsed Battalion
Wagon Company
Ordnance Detachment, Motor Battalion
MORS—Mobil Ordnance Repair Shop
1st Caisson Company
2nd Caisson Company
1st Motor Truck Company
2nd Motor Truck Company
3rd Motor Truck Company
4th Motor Truck Company
List not present in Syllabi [Ed.]
Names of Commanding Officers.
Col. H. A. Sievert, Cav. (Oct. 11, 1917 — Apr. 14, 1918.
Major John C. Fairfax, Inf. (Apr. 14, 1918 — Juno 13, 1918.
Col. W. H. Munroe, C. A. C. (June 13, 1918 — Aug. 19, 1918.
Col. R. P. Rifenberick Jr. Inf. (Aug. 19, 1918 — Feb. 5, 1919.
Lt. Col. Sparks (Feb. 5 — 10, 1919).
Major L. B. Clapham, lnf. (Feb. 11 — May 19, 1919).
Lt. Col. A. D. Bruce, Inf. May 19, 1919 to date.
Date of arrival at Liverpool, England.
Jan. ?, 1918, via S.S. Aurania from NYC.
Not present in Syllabi [Ed.]
Date of Arrival in France.
Jan. 30, 1918, via Liverpool, Winchester and Southampton.
Training Periods.
Bourmont area, Feb. 2 to Mar. 17, 1918.
Verdun Sector.
On Mar. 17, the Train travelled by rail to the Verdun Sector, where training was continued until May 13. The Horsed Battalion drew its animals and some rolling stock and training was carried on with this equipment. On May 13, the Train moved overland to the Vaulere district.
Aisne·Marne Defensive (Chateau Thierry).
From June 1 to July 9, the Train was engaged in the delivery of ammunition in the Chateau Thierry sector. The Horsed Battalion was camped at Caumont, and the Motor Battalion on the Paris-Metz road.
Aisne·Marne Offensive (Soissons).
On July 9, the Train moved, by marching, to Changis, where it remained until July 14. On July 14 it moved to the Soissons district where, from July 17 to July 25, it was engaged in carrying wounded and rations, and the delivery of ammunition.
Marbache Sector.
The Train remained in rest until July 30 when it moved to the Pont-à-Mousson sector. There it was comparatively quiet and the time was spent in cleaning and repairing equipment.
St. Mihiel Offensive.
On Sept. 4 the Train moved overland to the St. Mihiel front where, from Sept. 11 to Sept. 21, it was engaged in delivering rations and ammunition to the front, and carrying wounded to the rear.
Meuse~Argonne Offensive (Champagne).
Moved to the Champagne Front on Sept. 27. Served 2nd Dlvision in attack Oct. 2—10. Oct. 11—27, served 2nd Division artillery and 36th Division in the advance to the Aisne.
Meuse Argonne Offensive.
Nov. I-II, the Train delivered ammunition to all units of the 2nd Division, working under very difficult condition. The Train was at Fosse when hostilities stopped.
March to the Rhine.
Started march Nov. 17, arriving at Bendorf, Germany on 14, Moved to permanent billets at Nieder-Bieber on Dec. 16, 1918.
From dates of organization to June 1, 1919.
Coblenzer Volkszeitung, Coblenz, Germany.
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.