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McCallister, Austin

Meridian, Ida.; F; Sgt.; Prepn.; Chateau Thierry; Soissons; St. Mihiel; Blanc Mont; Attigny; Argonne; Rhine.

All photographs from the McCallister family collection kindly contributed by Jeanie McCallister, daughter of Sgt. Austin McCallister, circled in top photograph.

Sergeants of Company F Sgt. McCallister (circled) had a brother named Ross who was in Company D, 2nd Engineers. Corporal Ross McCallister was evacuated wounded from Belleau Wood and did not join the 2nd Engineers again during the war. The McCallisters almost certainly arrived in France with the 116th Engineers.
Headquarters Second Division, Commanding General Headquarters Second Division, Commanding General,
Chief of Staff, G-1, G-2, G-3, Signal Officer
Heddesdorf, Germany
US Marine and 2nd Engineer portrait Sgt, Austin McCallister Co. F, 2nd Engineers and unknown Marine
Engers, Germany, 1919

Notice the hand on Sgt. McCallister's shoulder. This is a perfect example of the close relationship between the Marines and 2nd Engineers which began at Belleau Wood. Ed.
Austin McCallister and Sgt. Davis 1919 Engers, Germany. Austin McCallister at left and Sgt. Davis on right.
Three unknown 2nd Engineers at Engers, Germany 1919. Three unknown 2nd Engineers at Engers, Germany 1919.
Unknown 2nd Engineer at Engers, Germany 1919. Unknown 2nd Engineer at Engers, Germany 1919.
Unknown 2nd Engineer at Engers, Germany 1919. Unknown 2nd Engineer Sergeant at Engers, Germany 1919.
Two unknown 2nd Engineers at Engers, Germany 1919. Two unknown 2nd Engineers at Engers, Germany 1919.
1919 Engers Germany Sgt M. J. O'Brien 1919 Engers Germany Sgt M. J. O'Brien sitting lower right
Sgt M. J. O'Brien, Co. F, 2nd Engineers 1919 Engers, Germany Sgt M. J. O'Brien
O’Brien, Michael J.; Jersey City. N. J.; F; Sgt.; Prepn.; Chateau Thierry; Soissons; St. Mihiel; Blanc Mont; Attigny; Argonne; Rhine.
2nd Engineer cooks at Engers, Germany 1919 2nd Engineer cooks at Engers, Germany 1919
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.