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Second Engineer Jottings

The Indian Magazine
Volume 1, No. 6 — May 20, 1919

There really isn't anything like encouragement to make a good army. For instance, here last week, we had three sergeants promoted to second lieutenants. They were, Sergeant Courtney, Sergeant Fenner and Sergeant Berlander.

We were all very glad to see men so deserving as these promoted, as it not only gives these men what they deserve, but helps the morale of the army in general. For instance, hardly had these new gold bars begun to glitter on the street and in the mirror, when we see the effects it has among other men, whose ambitions are higher than a flask of wine. The first we noticed of this was the next morning, when an unidentified corporal of the guard showed up at headquarters with a color guard at 10 a. m. to take down the flag because it looked like rain.


Saturday evening, May 3, we had a dance here for the enlisted men of the regiment. Quite a number of "Y" girls came from all over the division, all being good dancers and real American women. We could not help but have a very successful evening.

The dance was held in an old castle overlooking the Rhine. Ice cream was served, and we had good music furnished by the Fifth Marines. Altogether the evening made all present feel the comforts of home, brought to them here in these civilized "wilds.'' The prize dance of the evening was won by Miss Sill, Y. M. C. A. girl with the Fifth Machine Gun Battalion and Corporal Witt of Company D, Second Engineers.

We have at least one man in this regiment who does not figure on going back to the farm. He is Sgt. Jesse Jones of B Company. He absolutely refuses to be made top kicker. He says that it is more to his advantage to study camouflage by the simple method of watching the prisoners work.

The boys up here are getting in an awful hurry for peace, their main argument being they could never fight these Germans after the Huns have eaten a lot of these old army mules.
— Pvt. Ben Morrell, Company B, Second Engineers.


"The Enlisted Mens' Club" of the Second Regiment of Engineers is about to be organized. The committee has selected a most inviting clubhouse. This place is at the junction of Steffestrasse and the river at Engers, Germany. Its reading and writing rooms, buffet, piano and out-door garden overlooking the Rhine, are bound to prove a most welcome rendezvous to every enlisted man in the regiment. To all wearers of the Indian head—when in Engers, drop in. You are welcome.

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