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April 29, 1919. N EU W
Swinging across the parade ground that has been trampled year alter year by the kaiser's crack troops, the Second Division on Good Friday marched proudly in review before Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy.
High above Vallendar, on the broad plateau whore the crack German Eighth Corps, now a memory, was wont to maneuver before the "All Highest," the division was formed in the early morning.
The sun dispelled the mists and the waiting fighting men could see far up and down the valley of the Rhine. They looked upon ground that Caesar's legions had gazed upon, ground that Charlemagne's hosts had held, ground that Napoleon's Grand Army had passed on the way to Russia. and recrossed—a shadow of its former glory, on the terrible retreat.
And now, a division of Americans, which had balked the ambition of the Hun at Chateau Thierry and crushed the proud Prussian Guard in many a lair tight thereafter,
was standing there, waiting for the hour when 84 of the bravest of its brave would be decorated for valor. and it would march past in triumph as conquerors.
Secretary Daniels, with Mrs. Daniels, arrived at 10 o'clock. In his party were Rear Admirals R. S. Griffin, D. W. Taylor, Ralph Earle and Andrew Long; Brigadier-General Logan Feland, Marino Corps; Commanders P. W. Foote and S. E. Barber, U. S. N., and Commander Pamard, French Navy; Major C. M. Busby, G. H. Q.; Lieut. Josephus, Jr., son of the secretary, and Lieut. Henry F. Glendenning.
The secretary pinned 27 distinguished service crosses and 57 croix de guerre on the breasts of the men to be decorated that day. Then as the massed bands played and the sun sparkled on 13,000 bayonets, the division passed In review. First. the Engineers, the Fifth and Sixth Marines, then the Ninth and Twenty-third Infantry, the Twelfth and Fifteenth Field Artillery, followed by the 155's of the Seventeenth, drawn by lumbering tractors.
After the review, the secretary, Mrs. Daniels and the admirals mounted tractors and were carried to the stand from which the secretary addressed the division He said:
"General Dickman, General Hines, General Le-jeune, and men of the Second Division. This is a day of solemn pride and thanksgiving and a day, by reason of its contrast in setting and in principle, anc: in the future history of the world, to be long remem. bored. We stand today a portion of the greatest army of liberty that aver won victories in the history of the world, overlooking the valley of the Rhine here from a great plateau.
"We have today been privileged to witness the review of this triumphant division. a portion of the grew, armies which have saved liberty for the world. Le us contrast the selling of this review with other re views, and in our minds look into the future and se, the fate which follows this day, when a review ol troops which fought not for liberty, not for principle, but for conquest, were reviewed upon this spot. "Hero have assembled armies under the command of those who held their titles by force, mighty phalanxes trained in military service, not to preserve the liberty of the world, but that they might dominate the whole world. They were trained against the day when they would march into those other countries which had done nothing to them.
"I was proud today, and regard it as one of the most sacred privileges In my life, to give honors to our soldiers and marines.
"It is a proud privilege to present distinguished honors to our own soldiers from the pillaged country of France, where you men have fought so valiantly. and where many of you have been wounded, and where the deeds of honor that you have performm shall be preserved for the world.
"I do not know what name will be given in history to this great war in which you served so valiantly and successfully, but I believe when history is written, a new Magna Charts will be written, but not for England; a new Declaration of Independence will be written, not for the United States, but for the whole world, and this war will be called the "War Against Future Wars."
"Your children and grandchildren will look back upon this war and know that you have won a war which will not require the men who come after you to make these sacrifices, which you have made so valiantly and unselfishly.
"When I think of you men being in Europe, I think of a little story written by a 12-year-old girl in school in France. It runs like this, I think: 'It was a very narrow river, not much larger than a brook. A swallow with one sweep of the wings could fly 'across it. Upon each bank were millions of men. yet they were far, far apart. It takes a ship many days before the mariners can see the lighthouse. Yet the souls of the millions of men on each side of the ocean were very close together.'
"Boys, we are going back pretty soon The first day that I landed on European soil, naturally and properly
I first visited the sailors at Brest. Now, of course, I ought to love the sailors and marines a little bit more than anyone. else, but I might add that the greatest honor that has come to the navy in all its history was the honor of bringing the great American army across —and two million of theta came across the sea. I was proud to be the captain of the ferry boat that brought them across.
Soldiers Home First.
"Now there are About 10,000 boys in the navy who have made application to me to.return to private life. They want to see their sweethearts and mothers, and from the looks of you boys I judge you are just like them. They appealed to me to let them retire from the naval service and return home, and I wanted to do it, but the Secretary of War recalled that as we brought you over, we should take you back home, and we. are. going to do it—and pretty soon.
And so I told those boys, when they told me they wanted . to see their mothers, and shyly said they wanted to see their sweethearts, 'Boys, I am going to let all of you go home and go back to civil life just as soonos we do this. We had the bonor to transport and safely convoy 2,000,000, soldiers to France. If I let you go nowwe cannot man the ships to bring them home, and what in the name of goodness would hap-pep i( we should leave them here in France? We must stick to the ship until the last American soldier is landeton American soil.'
"I want to tell you, as I look into your faces, and re-Heel on the gallantry and self-sacrifice that has made this day possible, that back in America the people feel a solemn pride in what you have done. And when you come home, after you shall have received the greatest welcome. ever given to victorious soldiers in the history of the world, we are looking to you to lead hi a solution of many problems, which will make America greater than ever before.
A Hundred Years in One.
"You have had experiences that could not have come to you in ordinary days in a hundred years, and you have won a great war. We know at home that in peace you will do as great deeds. I want to thank General Lejeune for the privilege of reviewing those magnificent troops, and I regard it as one of the greatest honors in my life, for you have fought to save and preserve the same principles for which your fathers and grandfathers fought, and may you come home to a country that is trying to be worthy of your deeds."
The program really started at noon on Thursday, when General. lunched-with General Dickman at Co-blenz,.and then met the secretary and party. They drove to Ehrenbreitstein, where at 2 p. m. they Inspected the motor schools of the Seventeenth Field Artillery.
The party, escorted by a troop of cavalry, then drove to the residence of General Lejeune on Bismarck Matz, Neuwied, the Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, acting as the guard of .honor.
.At 6:30, p. m. General Lejeune gave a dinner at his residence to the secretary and party.
,Po(lowjtig the review Friday, the party lunched with General Lejeune. At 3:30 p m. they proceeded teillinningen, where a battalion of the Sixth Marines garb a demonstration of how machine gun nests were taken, one platoon participating. The party was then divided, and half went to General Lejeune's residence and half to Colonel Snyder's for dinner at 6:30 p. m. At 8 p. m. General Lejeune gave a reception at his residence in honor of the guests.
Saturday the party left Neuwied by automobile to go to Mayence, stopping at noon for lunch at Weis-baden, and at 2 p. m. boarded a boat and returned to Neuwied by way of the Rhine. At 7:30 dinner was served at General Neville's residence at Niederbieber.
If any German thinks ho can put anything over on the American soldiers and get away with it, he has another guess. Phillip Muller of Irlich, 19 years of age and married, found this out to his cost. It happened at Segendorf, on April 14.
Pvt. William S. Green, of Company 13, Second Battalion, Fifth Regiment. U. S. Marines, was walking along the street with the company mascot, a Belgian dog. Lieut. Louis F. Knox, of the same company, was approaching and Pvt. Green was about to give him his snappiest salute.
Muller had an iron bar in his hand, and not wishing to take any chances by striking a marine, but wanting to show his contempt, struck the dog with the weapon.
In less time than it takes to tell, Muller was the star attraction in an inferior provost court, charged with maltreating a dog, mascot of Company 0, by hitting him with a piece of iron. This was done, not to injure the dog, but to show disrespect to the officers and soldiers of the company.'
He entered the usual German plea of "not guilty;' but the court found otherwise 'and fined him 100 marks. Lieut. Knox left the court humming "It makes no difference If he is a hound, they've got to stop kicking my dog around."
Now when Phillip Muller sees a soldier coming, he crawls into the chimney and remains hiding until the danger is past. He is a chimney sweep by occupation. Capt. C. Dunbeek, U. S. M. C., conducted the trial
If you want to see a sight that will excuse to you somewhat the love that a German has for his Rhineland, come up to our hill at Weitersburg and watch the sun set on the Rhine.
Wilhelm's lust for the west will be a bit conceivable as you see the crimson glory sweep over the bosom of this matchless river, and on and down, unlit the horizon is but the shifting boundary line of a land that might well be all promise.
The surpassing beauty of this work of nature has. taken possession of some of us. and we fear lest tltc substantial bridge at Engers may not be a bridge nt all, but rather a fanciful bow or latticed playhouse swung to the river's bottom by the goddess of the stream, who would complete our charm by stealing away our path to the west.
Sgt .Major IL 1). Herring, Fifth' M. G. Bn.
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The general public usually looks upon a supply train as a line of motor trucks hauling supplies many miles back of the line, in comparative safety. Few people regard the crews in any danger, unless through collision with some other truck.
How many people know that at least four of the divisional supply trains "carried on" right up to the front? This was found necssary, especially during the early stages of the last big offensive.
At Cnateau Thierry salient, June 1, owing to the inability of the regimental supply trains to make the rapid 100-mile trip, the Second Supply Trains shouldered this extra burden cheerfully, and clinched the victory, repeatedly reaching the advanced units.
Again, on July 18, below Soissons, when the animal-drawn vehicles were left far in the rear, the supply trains were equal to the emergency, and ful-filted not only their own mission, but the duties of the mules and horses.
In both these engagements the number of ambulances was inadequate, and the motor trucks carried thousands of wounded from first aid stations on tile battlefield to dressing stations in the rear of the lines.
True, the trains made trips tar back, but during every engagement they were the greater portion of the time within easy range of the enemy guns; and as Major General Bundy said, "No part of a battlefield is safe."
The Champagne front was a trying time for the trains, as the enemy had blown up the roads and kept them under constant shell fire. But thanks to the excellent work of the Second Engineers, mine craters were bridged, roads kept repaired, and the fighting units suffered but little delay in getting supplies. The trains still had time to transport wounded.
The supply trains have worked in every capacity—carrying bridge timbers for the engineers, drawing up artillery, carrying clothing to battalions that had been gassed, often working night and day with little sleep or rest. Although their casualties were not heavy, as one doughboy who had seen them at the front expressed it: "They are just lucky."
—Cpl. James a Minard
Famous saying by famous soldier: "The old chopper's good wherever you put him."—Corporal Roy.
Battery G. D (to Corporal Luning): "Why aren't you shaved?"
Luning: "I'm marked quarters today."
(You should worry, Ed. You got away with it.)
Since the Sixth Marines sent their student cooks down here, everyone seems to be happy.
"Turn out the guard. Commanding officer!" How was Twitchell to know that the second louie of the Eighty-ninth Division wasn't the C. 0.? He explained he thought it was Secretary• Daniels.
The old "esprit de corps" is 100 per cent at present. since we hoard the rumor that there isn't any doubt about our going home during the month of July, 1919, or starting, at least. • The authentic news is what we want, though, but still we feel just the least bit cheerful.
The old frau Is worried now since we are talking seriously about going home, as she is afraid of the revolutionists alter we leave. She seems to voice the opinions of the ether natives of this town, although we are not positive.
Nevertheless, it is some comfort to know that we will be missed. Maybe our vanity might cause us to believe that we are snug in the hearts of the natives, even though we have been at war. Still, you fellows who have been all through the game, do you remember any place where we have been since landing in France, where the people did not seem sorry to see us go, and never failed to turn out and wish us a good voyage?
Do we, or don't we, shove off in July? Or is it just another wild rumor? We will parade, though. We are making all arrangements, and we will liven up old Datzeroth just like election night in some live town in the States.
—.1tobt. E. Odell, M. G. Co., 5th Regt.
By the way, how many have seen, since arriving In Germany, a real, honest-to-goodness door-knob?
Yes, and they say Germany is short of iron, too. Why don't they melt up a few of their door-keys?
Query No. 9999: What would be the average size of women's shoes in Germany, if one cared to figure it out? No, not Rhine barges—women's shoes.
Another question: Why is it that K. P. and stable police become so popular among privates, on days appointed for a review? Yes, and room orderly with the Marines?
The latest German market report reveals the usual
shortage of soap and chocolate.
What does it signify when an Irishman with an
Irish name and brogue quits Rhine wine for Sprudel-
"Pinkey" Munce and "Daddy" Lawson secure their
discharges this week and start for home. Lucky
—Cpl. Percy Gould, Co. C, 1st Field, S. C.
She: "And what do the Germans think of the war now?"
He: "I don't know; you see they were never allowed to do their own thinking:*
National League.
W. L. Pct. W. L. Pct.
5th Marines 3 0 1.000 12th F. A. 1 1 .500
23rd Inf. 1 0 1.000 6th Marines 1 2 .333
15th F. A. 2 1 .667 9th Infantry 0 2 .000
2nd Engrs 2 1 .667 17th F. A. 0 3 .000
American Le agu e.
W. L Pct. W. L. Pet
San. Train 4 1 .800 Sup. Train 3 2 .600
Div. Hdqrs. 4 1 SOO 4th M. G. 2 8 .400
2nd M. P. 3 1 750 1st F. S. Bn. 1 8 .250 6th M. 0. 3 1 .750 M. T. C. U. 0 8 .000 Amm. Train 8 2 .600 5th M. 0. 0 4 .000
My candidate for the eating contest refuses to con-alder rice a proper food for a gastronomic test. He declares he would starve on rice if he were fed it continuously through a suction pipe.
He is Private William J. Wood, of Company F, Second Ammunition Train, and he is eager to enter an endurance contest with pie or army beans as the objective of the attack. He makes no conditions, quantity being the only thing taken into consideration—by weight, measure or count.
I have seen Private Wood in action and will back him against the entire world.
—Pvt. Thos. N. Graves, 2nd Amm. Train.
With a Dodge car, a Dutchman's harrow, a three-sided roller, and a couple of garden rakes, we prepared ourselves a decent diamond, which now has but one obstacle, namely, a patch of wine bushes, and the only reason we don't confiscate them is on account of the shortage it will produce in our 1921 supply.
Our games usually end in favor of the non-coms, who boast a few ex-leaguers, but we have failed to see any grand-stand stuff yet. Coming as this does, from a private, it might be taken as sarcasm. However, from all indications, we are going to develop a team to be respected by the best.
—Pvt. Everett L. Horner.
In this military life a man is either a hammer or an anvil.
"Let's go." 'tis easy to say, but "where do we go from hero?"
The Russian has been a peasant and the German a soldier so long that they are just having a hot time prattling about in the nursery of citizenship.
We are great admirers of "Brainless Bates," and are learning by mail how to act when we get home. Our lessons for the first week of May are as follows:
Thursday: Call her on the phone as soon as you reach home, and see if she recognizes your voice. If she doesn't, you may learn something.
Friday: It is highly desirable to get home in the day time. If you should approach the house at night the dog might think you .more an alien enemy. Also the family may have moved.
Saturday: Having assured yourself that it Is the right house, advance boldly. It is not necessary to crawl up on your stomach. All the barbed wire is In France.
Sunday: Use the front porch as a listening post. You may hear father criticizing the administration, and thus you will find out what the country has been up against while you were away.
Monday: Now open the door and walk right in, calling out in a loud voice, "Bong swawr' If it is evening, say "Bon joor." Be careful not to get the phrases mixed.
Tuesday: Explain to mother that she is mistaken about the tank corns. Assure her there are some very respectable fellows in that branch of the service.
Wednesday: Try not to scratch yourself in company. Some of those present may have a good imagination.
Private Harclerhode wants to know what color service chevron he is going to get for serving in Germany.
"Hawkjaw," A Company's gumshoe man, went into a German house to look for hand grenades. All he was able to find was a cabbage.
Remember, boys, WHEN you get home, do not salute every uniform you see. The policeman might think you are trying to kid him. So might the conductor. Give the elbow a rest.
—Cpl. Robert W. Moore, A Co. 2nd Ann. Train.
It was on the Argonne front. The mess sergeant of one of the supply trains waX leaning lazily against a tree watching the cook prepare supper at a field kitchen a short distance away.
A battallion of doughboys was passing up to the front and one yelled in derision: "Hey, sergeant, you must feel pretty safe back here, do the machine guns bother you any?"
Just then there was a hum and a roar. A big shell had blown the kitchen up. Without changing his position the sergeant growled. "There goes my second kitchen and my second cook." The doughboy stared a moment, hung his head and passed on in silence.

Second Division Trucks on Way to Chateau-Thierry, May 30, 1918. Paris-Metz Road.
French Tanks Advancing Toward Vierzy During Second Division Attack, July 18, 1918.
Captured Batteries of 77's at Chenery, November 1, 1918.
German Prisoners Coming Out of Vierzy, July 18, 1918.
Troops Passing Through Sommeanthe About November 5, 1918. Meuse-Argonne.
Bridge Built by Second Engineers Over Meuse River, Near Mouzon, November 10, 1918.
Pvt. David L. Malbin, one of the fleet-footed battalion runners, seems to be the champion mail getter of the battalion. He received 192 letters a few days ago.
Private McCoy, a D. S. C. man attached to headquarters, has just returned from Monte Carlo, and reports a splendid trip.
"Doc" Roberts certainly slipped one over on Ser-
geant-Major Clevenstein, when he pulled the only
two teeth the "Stormy Petrel" owned.
—Pvt. Lon V. Smith.
3rd Bn. Hdq.
One good result of this world war has been the establishment of friendly relations ashore of the "Leathernecks" and "Gobs."
Overcoming all precedent, it is no uncommon sight to see the two arm in arm and calling each other "buddie." All goes well until the musical marine sings his anthem ending "When the army and the navy gaze on heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States marines," and some refractory sailor insists on his version—"When the army and the navy gaze on heaven's scenes, they will find the brigs are crowded with United States marines."
The marine comes back with the old one, "Ten thousand gobs laid. down their swabs and ran from one marine," and the fires seethe until the love moulded in the comradeship of recent dread prevails, and they continue to talk of home.
—Richard M. Atkinson, Ph. M.-2. --*--
Up on the hill tops, the marines enjoy plenty of scenery, sunshine and social seclusion.
Nothing to worry about but going home, and no use to worry about that.
Two new associations have been formed that bid fair to rival even the Second Division Association itself. The A. V. S. (Arlon Veterans' Association) are composing a resume of the more important events of the war. The 0. D. H. (Om., Drive Heroes) are specializing on Chateau-Thiel ry, Soissons and Champagne.
—45th Co.
The, second platoon, under Lieutenant Cukela, Wok first honors in the first battalion's competition in drill and .musketry. It is conceded that under favorable circumstances, the second platoon will be a strong contestant for divisional honors.
When asked if he would climb the 75-foot flag pole. Private Lerch, our interpreter, answered: "Huh, my feet don't fit any limb."
—66th Co. --*--
Sgt. Justus. S. Bell is enjoying a well earned vacation at a popular French seaport leave center. If anyone deserve:4 it, he does, as he served through every
Captive Balloon at Vertes Feuilles, in Front of Vierzy, Soissons. July 18, 1918.
action with the Fifth Marines since the organization came over. Have a good time, Sergeant. ,
—Co. K.
Cpl. H. H. Dogan and Pvt. W. J. Greer, representing the Twentieth Company on the regimental baseball team, shared in the recent victory of the Fifth Marines.
A great many people are under the impression that a doughboy .and a marine cannot get along together, but all we ask is that sometime they may see some of the Fifth and Sixth Marines in trouble, and there are sure to be some of our buddies of the Ninth and Twenty-third close upon the scene of action.
There are places galore where the Third and Fourth Brigades have given their lives for one another, in the cause of Old Glory and for the cause that was at stake. And as buddies we stuck through thick and thin.
"Esprit de corps" shall exist forever with the 'old Second Division.
—Pvt. Bernard Yoakam, Cpl. John Mackinzje. *
The Second Division magazine, The Indian, will require no postage when enclosed in a sealed envelope containing nothing but The Indian. Rolled, folded or unsealed, postage will be required.
A. H. MC LEOD, First Lieut. Infantry, Postal Officer, A. P. 0. 710.
When the American soldier came to Europe in 1917 he was an innovation. It is true Americans had been well known in all parts of Europe for many years, but they, as a class, were not the true American. The Europeans accepted them as moneyed individuals in search of higher culture, supposed to be lacking in their own commercialized country.
Through the medium of the American soldier the ideals of true Americanism, and the ability to understand the American mind, have slowly but thoroughly come to practically all of Europe.
The European is pleased with the revelation, and he is willing to meet his newly-made friend half way in any undertaking which is for their mutual welfare. He loves the big-hearted American, and he wants to work in harmony with him.
Now, granting the European understands the American, the question naturally presents itself : Does the American understand the European? Ask yourself this question: "What is my honest opinion of the European people, judging from what I have seen of them? Where is the French mind different from the English? And where are both different from the German?"
The war has brought about internationalism as we know it today. And the war will do a great deal toward the well being of the world in the future if the American soldier at large takes the proper advantage of the opportunities that are now before him. It is his duty as the future voice of a world power to analyze the European mind, and to find out what manner of man he is to deal with.
The average American soldier lives too much in his own narrow sphere. He does not realize that in him is wrapped the future of a nation.—Sgt. Oliver B. Carr.
Here's the standing of the outfits, lads, on the roll of the Second Division Association.
The figures were supplied by Capt. Luther W. Jones, acting secretary. It shows the live ones. Get in line and make YOUR organization one of those in the 100 per cent class.
Pct. Pct,
3rd Brigade Headquarters 2nd Engineer Train
90.5 96.3
4th Brigade Headquarters 2nd Field Artillery Brigade Headquarters 95.7
5th Marines 6th Machine Gun Battalion
59.6 91.2
Division Hdqrs., Hdqrs. Troop, Railhead Det., 2nd T. H. and M. P.
P. E. S. Det., Bakery Co. 319, Salvage So. 2, 2nd Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop 73.9
Sales Comm. Un. 1, Laundry Co. 326, 17th Field Artillery
Clothing and Bath Unit 320, Del. and Bath 2nd Supply Train 59.4
Un. 17 58.3 15th Field Artillery
6th Marines 2nd Sanitary Train 50.5
23rd Infantry 50-3 2nd Ammunition Train
5th Machine Gun Battalion First Field Signal Battalion 46.3
9th Infantry 2nd Engineers
41.3 39.8
4th Machine Gun Battalion 12th Field Artillery
23.0 30.8
There have been received, and paid for, 11,040 applications, which is 43.7 per cent of the strength of the division, present on the Rhine.
Pvt. H. H. Watson,
Art Editor.
Pvt. James W. Caudle,
Business Manager.
Mechanical Staff :
Sgt. F. Busik Pvt. W. Jenkins Pvt. A. Diekmeyer
CAPT. JOHN R. MINTER, Asst. Editor.
YORK SPUR'S DOPE By a Navy Man With the Division
"No one can afford to be too busy for courtesy." Are you courteous because you have to be? Or do you like to be courteous? Some folks don't believe In it, but they are learning fast.
The military courtesies exchanged in the service only go so far, and can be exercised without showing the slightest semblance of real courtesy. The motions are gone through with according to regulations, but there is something lacking. The feeling, and the desire to express that feeling, sometimes are not there They seem to be at odds, seem to be grappling with one another within the very soul, and the action that was meant for courtesy is in reality an exhibition of conflicting emotions, and an expression of an unidentified feeling that we don't want to do what we are doing.
Put it away, and look the part. You can't afford not to. it's got a come-back that hurts. The rough stuff that's handed out is remembered, and you're not going to gain by being remembered in that way; in fact, you're going to lose, and It's going to hurt. You are going to be remembered by courtesy, the real kind, just as long as you live, and it has a come-back that is a good deal more agreeable and profitable. Try it. It makes life more worth living, for you and the other fellow too.
When your troubles get the beat of you and you feel the whole world's going wrong, just remember what we used to sing about such things as that—"What's the use of worrying? It never was worth while. Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag . and smile, smile, smile."
That song takes away a lot of troubles that are not really there, troubles that have grown out of our own imagination because we let ourselves worry. The Literary Digest says: "Many a man strays away from a common-sense view of things because he overworks his imagination," and they're about right. A fellow can work himself into a pretty bad condition by the use of that wonderful faculty of imagination. or he can make It work for him and make himself happy and contented.
If you've got troubles, separate them, line 'em up, and count 'em off. Those that can be put behind and forgotten, put them away and forget them. And those that have to be thought over and worked over in order to be gotten rid of, why think them out and make up your mind what you are going to do about it, and be done with worrying.
Thinking over your troubles in order to fight the thing out. and then getting rid of the whole thing, is quite different from worrying over it. Make the best of what you have. Will newer ("the driving force of man," someone has said) was given to us for just such occasions, and if it's trained to do what it ought to do, and was intended to do, our troubles won't last long. Our will power will drive them out and away.
Give it a trial, and it your will power is not in good working order it's because you haven't used it frequently enough. Use It regularly, consciously, purposely. Use It because it's worth using, and you'll feel better.
"Thoughts thoroughly thought produce thorough thinkers." Who among us thinks his thoughts to a logical conclusion? Who among us is the real thinker? Some men are placed in predicaments where they are forced to think quick and hard, with all the concentration at their command.
Such was the position of Napoleon when he found himself in supreme command of the armies of France. a young man, controlling and commanding men of much greater experience and much older than him. sell. His ability to think clearly and quickly crowned him and kept him emperor for fifteen years. A concerted attack of all Europe was necessary to dethrone him, and we call our great defeats today "Waterloo," in remembrance of his fall.
If Napoleon ordered a soldier to his death, the soldier would say, "The Little Corporal knows what he's about," and he would die as ordered, without com. plaint. Today we have the same circumstances as far as receiving and obeying orders is concerned, for we believe in our officers and their decisions; we've seen these decisions proved and found to be correct.
It takes quick, hard thinking to make quick, hard decisions, and it takes hard thinking to think a thing through to the very finish. As they said of Napoleon. "He knows what he's about." Do we know what we're about in our living, and in our thinking?
Mrs. Wise: "Why are they bringing all these divisions home? Suppose the Germans should refuse to accept the conditions of the Peace Conference and commence hostilities again?' Mr. Wise: "Well. my dear, the Second Division is still over there, you know."
The height of disappointment: A replacement for the Second Division getting over here too late to get in a drive.
Here we are kicking on "Spit" cigarettes. Think of the days when Bull Durham looked like gold dust to us.
—Pvt. Harry Hoffmeier, 18th Co., 5th Regt.
Sergeant: "How many men have you left in your
Corporal: "Only two."
Sergeant: "The deuce!"
I remember the first day I saw her. T'was ;n an ice cream parlor in Neuwied.
A friend and I dropped in and seated ourselves at a little round table and looked around.
"Ice cream," were his magic words, and my heart skipped a beat. But, Gee! My heart's exertion was wasted, because it wasn't ice cream. T'was some kind of imitation sherbet, and I think there were three colors to the mess handed me; dark purple, a sickly red, and a muddy green, and it tasted gritty. But it isn't the ice cream I want to write about; it was HER.
Ah! Those eyes, that nose. But sure enough she Was pretty. Built along the graceful lines of a motor launch, trim and neat.
As she placed my dish before me, I glanced up, and as I gazed into the liquid depths of her orbs. those dark grey eyes, I suffered a complete change. Home, U. S. and the "Gal what waits," faded away from my mind, and I saw a bungalo am Rhine, and I pictured this beautiful creature my wife.
I ate the dish of near ice cream in a trance. Fred noticed my vacant gaze, but, kept his opinions to himself. I afterward heard she had glanced in his direction also.
When I reached my room that. night, I was thrilling with all kinds of emotions. Should I desert my country and settle down with this flower of—of Neu-weid? Could I possibly smuggle her back into the old U. S. A., and get by with it? What could I do? She was too beautiful to lose.
I threw off my cap, sat down and meditated. and wethinks, "Well, I'll destroy Margie's picture because I love her no more," so I got up and opened my hope box. (A box containing an assortment of everything in the line of souvenirs, a soldier HOPES to take back with him.) From said box I took HER nicture. Margie's and then I suffered another comnlete change. Margie BEAT, the girl a thousand ways. Why, come to think of it, this girl didn't even have good stockings on, they were heavy ribbed ones, and those fat red cheeks were never a comparison to the changing tints of my Margie's lily complexion. And Margie's eyes were much more heavenly, why H-1, where was my memory. Margie was a real true-blue American girl, and it was just the long separation that had caused me to think such traitorous thoughts.
And now I leave it to you, don't you honestly sometimes forget iust how _sweet, and loving that girl is "What's waiting for yuh?"
5th, Regiment Marines
Aeronlane Mechanic. —— Squadron: "Well, we were right up at the front at St. Mihiel."
Doughboy: "Where were you?"
Mechanic: "I was up as far as our P. C. Doughboy: "Well, where was that?"
Mechanic: "Toul."
Sergeant Baucom has gone to brigade headquarters to exhibit his western riding abilities, taking old Tom. He brought an ugly horse down to replace Tom, and someone told Odell to ride the new mount.
Odell went to the stable, bridled up the animal and almost climbed upon his bare back—almost. He didn't get up though. Old man "Red" Madden was requested to show Odell that the horse was nice and gentle, but he didn't get on either.
Robertson, the wonder from the supply company, managed to get upon the horse's back, but he got down again—"toot sweet."
Then Corporal Etzler appeared on the scene and led the horse out on a ploughed field, where he also failed to mount. By this time this "bad actor" was rating quite a bit of attention and Corporal Richardson succeeded in getting a strangle hold with his knees, and the crowd was given an exciting exhibition of bucking and riding. Richie held him pretty close and finally mastered him.
Although we do not want to give Burdick too much publicity, we feel it is necessary to mention the fact that two dog tags, attached to a piece of tape that once was white, and bearing the name of Sergeant Burdick, has been misplaced, lost or stolen. The reward for the finder is ten pfennigs, payable upon the return of the lost articles.
Gunnery Sergeant Rosser has succeeded Sergeant Castello as landscape artist of the town of Datzeroth, especially in the vicinity of the mess hall. The lawn on the starboard side has, in addition to the cedar trees, a divisional emblem and a croix de guerre. We all thank Sergeant Rosser for his efforts in beautifying the town of Datzeroth.
—Cpl. R. E. Odell, M. G. Co., 5th Marines.
It was a peach of a. show boys, and we howled and whooped, yelled and clapped our hands off.
When those green velvet curtains slid up so gracefully in the ball room of Schloss Monrepos, and we beheld the antics of our ladder balancer, to say nothing of his marathon around the stage with a paper funnel stuck in his eye; well we started in enjoying ourselves.
Then when that gentleman soldier came out and tickled that German piano until it spoke real American music, we increased our applause, and after the grand revue, where that fool nigger with his telephone and his education kept the tears of laughter in our eyes; and the close harmony of the Bohemians with their up-tordate songs—well, after that we went wild.
Regimental Headquarters, Fifth Marines, hereby thanks the players of the 356th Infantry for risking their lives by climbing in those Second Division trucks and coming to this mountain Schloss Morepos, and this isolated bunch of marines. We have the name of being the most appreciative audience on the circuit, but believe me, we are good judges just the same, and again we thank you. We hope you will come again.
—Cpl. H. C. Wiseman.
One hundred thousand hours of laughter. That is the record of the Twenty-third Infantry Minstrels.
They have played before capacity houses throughout the First, Second and Thirty-second Divisions and Third Army Corps areas. The comment one hears everywhere is "simply great," and "cannot be beat."
The show includes 19 people, lasts two hours and ten minutes, and from beginning to end is a "howling success."
We of the Twenty-third wish to thank the management and members of the minstrels for their untiring efforts and success at dispelling gloom. And there are many more who wish to thank them for a part of that 100,000 hours of laughter.
Lieutenant Kelley states that the show may tour the A. E. F. at an early date, but will first give several performances at Vallendar.
Cpl. Howard F. Widmer of Company D, Second Supply Train, was struck by a motor truck on March 17, and so badly injured he died that night.
Cpl. Widmer was 21 years old, and was born in Naples, N. Y., later moving to Elizabeth, N. J., where his parents now reside.
He enlisted at Fort Slocum, N. Y., on April 7, 1916, and was assigned to the coast artillery. On November 7, 1916, he was transferred to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where he was employed in the motor transport service. He served through all the border trouble. and when Motor Truck No. 10 (now Company D, Second Supply Train) was organized, October 1, 1917. Cpl. Widmer was transferred to it.
He served continuously with the company through all the operations of the Second Division and was known as a diligent and fearless worker. He was always in a good humor, and his happy disposition lightened the burdens of the men when the hours were long and every minute precious.
Cool under fire, faithful to orders, he was a man to be depended upon.
The funeral took place Tuesday, March 18, in the American cemetery at Coblenz, and Company D has placed a monument to mark his resting place.
A soldier was telling an interested throng of the wonderful advances made by the division. Suddenly he stopped as he spied the Indian head insignia on the left shoulder of one of his listeners.
The crowd took notice of the cause of the speaker's embarrasment and asked the indian head warrior how his division advanced. "Well," he began dryly. "we never saw the divisions on our right and left after the Second Division got started, and after the first day even the flanks of our supply trains were exposed."
First Replacement: "What do they mean by not fraternizing with the enemy?"
Second: "You musn't join the Turn Verein or any of those Dutch fraternal societies."
When Murray, the mess sergeant, asked Sergeant Zwanziger why he put butter in his coffee, Zwanziger replied: "The strong should support the weak." Sergeant Roe is on the job these busy days. The Division Headquarters had just received another bunch of green drivers, and in questioning them, the following conversation was overheard:
--*-- Sergeant: "Did you ever have any experience with a gas engine?"
Corporal Bellarts, our statistical clerk, being a "touch artist" on the typewriter, naturally gets peeved when some poor "hunt-and-punch" writer uses his "mill." To remedy this, he cut out pictures of the heads of some extremely pretty moving picture stars and inserted them over the letters on the typewriter. Now, poor Bellarts finds that he has become a 'hunt-and-punch" artist too, for the pictures are so tempting that he can't keep his eyes off them. After typing for half an hour he is quite dizzy from trying to look at all the pictures at once. New Driver: "Yes. I ran my father's water pump back on the farm."
--*-- Sergeant: "Fine! Give Kelly a hand with those gas drums."
Sweet: "A feller insulted me the other day by offering me a drink." *
Williams: "And what did you do?" A RICOCHET
Sweet: "Oh, I swallowed the insult." Musketry Officer: "Where's the "balance" of your rifle, lad?"
Dear little Fido, Ura Dope: "It was all there when I cleaned it this morning, sir."
The sweet little pup; *
He could stand on his hind legs, Overheard in a gasthof : "What did you do in this man's war, anyhow?"
If you held the front ones up. Chateau Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne survivor: "I lived through it."
Sgt. J. Anderson, Signal Corps. *
The ruined castles along the Rhine were never as beautiful as Rheims cathedral.
"Nor stony towers, nor walls of beaten brass, nor airless dungeons, nor strong links of iron, can be retentive to the strength of spirit."
When the marines, fresh from the tropical suns and seas, were incorporated with the regular doughboys just back from some expeditionary duty, forming the Second Division, it was somewhat reasonable to fear that friction and petty contentions would inevitably arise between two bodies of such dissimilarities, if you did not realize there was a force prevalent that would animate and guide their actions.
There Is no better camaraderie existing than that found between the various units of the Second Division. So now we are all members of the happiest family in the A. E. F., composed of doughboys of the land, marines of land and sea, and gobs whose home is on the water. It doesn't matter what kind of uniform you wear, it defines your special branch but does not distinguish one above the other for accomplishment.
We marines will say. "Leaving out the Fifth and Sixth, the Ninth and Twenty-third are the beat regi-
ments in the A. E. A Ninth or Twenty-third man
will say, "Leaving out the Ninth and Twenty-third, the Fifth and Sixth are the best." And we all claim that the Second Engineer has no peer. As for artillery, they can chow at our galley any time.
It is because in our division you are treated as your conduct and efforts entitle you to be treated you know that the wearers of our Indian-head insignia are shareholders in one of the safest investments that Miss Liberty ever offered—the Second Division. To us it signifies comradeship, brotherly respect, disci!). line and self-sacrifice. It doesn't matter which individual unit performed such an act, the heart and soul of every man In the "Second" was so wrapped up in that performance that its success contributed to the benefit of the whole.
Just such a spirit animated and carried the Second Division to the top of military achievements, where it now stands, refuting no charges, arguing no points; only referring to statistics issued by 0. H. Q.
II is asserted that we are "advertising" soldiers and marines, and I fear we will have to acknowledge that claim. But don't all good concerns advertise? We advertise, and back it up with goods that were ordered by 0. H. Q., approved by French 0. H. Q., and delivered at Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Champagne, and the Argonne-Meuse. That same old "Need a hand?" spirit is still with us. Our shoulders —doughboys, marines and gobs, all alike, are behind any task.
—Second Lieut. 0. K. Manahan, U. S. Marines.
She: "Who are the Spartacists?"
He: "Those who invested in German war bonds."
The beer Is to be improved in quality here this summer. Don't be In a hurry to got home.'

It happened in the Chateau-Thierry sector about the middle of last June. A bunch of us were assigned to the Ninth Infantry as replacements, and joined up about June 8. Everyone will admit that about that time no M. P.'s were needed to keep sightseers out of the woods, and the only traffic on the Paris-Metz highway was that which was "necessary for the public service."
One never-to-be-forgotten night we started out as usual to perform our nightly stunt of digging trenches, but for some reason or another we were stopped when we reachd the Paris-Metz highway, and were ordered to lie down in the ditch that flanks the road.
While we were lying there, Sergeant Boyle passed the word along that the countersign for the night was "Texas," and the check "Dallas." The sergeant ordered this word passed along the line.
I was lying alongside a fellow who had come up in the same bunch of replacements that I had, and I leaned over toward him and passed the word along. You can imagine my surprise when he said: "Can't you write that down for me? I'll forget it by next week sure."
After I recovered from the shock, I endeavored to explain to him the necessity of having a countersign and check, but I could not see that my explanation made any impression. So I offered to take the part of the sentry and see if he could give the countersign and check when challenged. By this time several of the fellows had crawled up near us, so we had quite an audience. I started out:

"Halt! Countersign?"
"No, you big farmer, it isn't Dallas. Now try again."
"Halt! Countersign?"
"All right; check?"
"The check is "countersign."
"No. Snap out of it! I'll try you again—"
"Halt! Countersign?"
"Dallas, Texas. Now I know I'm right."

When I came to, the company was half a mile down the road and I had to double-time to catch up. When I fell in line he was still repeating: "Dallas, Texas, Texas, Countersign, Check, Dallas."
—(J. H. K.) Stack and Swivel.

They say the only good Hun is a dead one. Even then we don't know' what he Is good for.
A definition: Corporal—An excuse to pay a man six dollars a month more.
Army Paper Work—The slowest way of doing things in a hurry.
To the Rear March—One method of creating a disturbance that resembles the mob scene in Julius Caesar.
—Sgt. 0. J. Anderson, let Field Signal Bat.
In the absence of our correspondent, who is now enjoying the hospitality of the good folk in France while on his leave, let us state of what the M. T. C., Second Division, consists. At present it is very small, including the headquarters detachment and two service park units—No. 303 and No. 363. The unit has done its part with the division, and upon the return of our correspondent, Capt. Robert J. Bentz, we will continue playing our part in The Indian.
Speed fiends attention: All men who care to learn to be touring car drivers should first learn the art of hitting telephone poles, while going 50 miles an hour, without getting hurt. Communicate with Cpl. R: A. G., U. S. M. C., care Hdq. Dchmt., M. T. C., Second Division.
There has been a very heated debate at the M. T. C. officers' mess, which has not yet been settled. Will someone kindly decide the question:
"Is it better to know everything and do nothing, or to do your duty as you see it and let your actions
speak for themselves?" R. E. D.
Company B.
Lieutenant Wells of A Company has been pro-
moted to the rank of first lieutenant and transferred
to our company.
Cpl. Joe Barch and Saddler Fred Houghton tied
for first honors in battalion pistol practice.
Company D.
Company D has the snappiest supply sergeant in
the battalion.
If you want a "growl," go to the kitchen and see
"Pop" Farrell.
—Pvt. Clarence L. Eid.
Our school boys are fast mastering the fine art of good baking. We predict a great future for these noble lads.
The detail for "garden work," Sergeant Burfort in charge, has been touching up the landscape about the bakery quite a bit. They are a gallant bunch, and, personally, we believe that every one of them deserves a medal for distinguished service .
—Sgt. Maurice H. Breazeale
Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, at Spring Maneuvers. Segendorf, Germany, April, 1919.
Of you, comrades of the Second Division,
Who've gone from off Life's stage so far from twine
In heat of battle, or in quiet of ward,
We cherish sad but glorious memories
As treasures in our hearts forever stored.
Your eyes, comrades, cannot look with ours
Upon the goal toward which you struggled with us.
Those eyes whose cheerful gleams lit up the gloon.
Of days when all seemed futile dreary toil;
Those eyes so soft and warm with smiles for all
The laughing, shouting children 'round our billets,
Or hard and cold with righteous hate in battle,
Are closed forever.
Yet we hope
You all can see us and rejoice as we do
That we have reached, beyond the heat of battle,
Our last objective—Peace.
Your hands, comrades, cannot grasp with ours
The fruits of victory, the reward of effort.
Those hands whose firm, strong clasp betokened
Of strength enough to last beyond the grave;
Those hands of yours so sure, so swift, so willing
To help us when in trouble and distress,
Or to use your weapons well against the foe,
Are quiet forever.
Still we feel
That you have helped us often in our struggles
And guided us with hands we could not see,
Through war—to Peace.
Your hearts, comrades, cannot beat with ours
In joyous exaltation for our victory.
Those hearts whose true, staunch love of country
Made your dying a willing sacrifice to freedom;
Those hearts so soft and warm with splendid friend-
For all who shared with you the stress of war,
Or steely cold with justice in the fight,
Are stilled forever.
But we know
The price you paid in blood has not been wasted;
It bought for us, and bought for all your loved ones, I,
Our heart's desire—God's Peace.
Capt. Eugene F. C. Collier, U. S. M. C. •
—a _—
The Seventh Infantry had come up the night before and relieved some of the marines, but the machine gunners stayed in.
In the morning as I was standing my gun watch, one of the infantrymen came along and asked: "Say. can you tells me da way to da Eyetalian headquarters?"
"To the what?" I asked.
"To do Eyetalian headquarters," he repeated.
I looked at him for a moment, and then it dawned on me. I pointed out the way to battalion headquarters.
—Cpl. 0. I. Syverson, Co. C, 6th M. 0. Bn.
(Tune: "John Brown's Body")
We belong to old A Company of the Second Engineers;
'Mongst the men of our profession we acknowledge
none our peers.
We're the Knights of l'ick and Shovel, though we carry guns and spears,
hurrah for Company A!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Glory, Glory, liallelejs!,
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Hurrah for Company A.
We drilled six months in Texas and we marched all
over France;
We went through all kinds of weather without a
change of pants;
When the regiment was moving we were marching in
Hurrah for Company A!
We fought at Chateau Thierry and we fought at Sois•
sons, too;
Your hair would stand on end it we told you all
that we've gone through;
We do squads right and left when we have nothing
else to do—
Hurrah for Coinpany A!
We came down like an avalanche and swept through
We caught old Fritzie napping and it sure was
jolly sport
To see the Beebe retreating out of village, trench and
Hurrah for Company Al
We reached the Champagne sector where the Boche
had come to stay;
But we loaded up our rifles and we chased them
all away;
But while they were retreating, they shelled us night
and day—
Hurrah for Company A!
We built the bridge on which Marines and doughboys crossed the Meuse;
'Tw just the night before the world received the joyful news,
That someone's plans had gone upon the scrap heap—
(you know whose)—
Hurrah for Company A!
Please don't misunderstand us, we don't mean we
did it all;
In conquering old Kaiser Bill, our part was very
But many an Engineer brought down his Roche and
saw him fall—
Hurrah for Company A!
When a man asks you what you think of him, he doesn't expect to get your real opinion.
Walt Mason is a cheerful bard, who reels off poems by the yard, and gets the coin in scads. So why can't I rake down some dimes by thinking up some mangey rhymes as well as other lads? A subject is not hard to find; a million thoughts race through my mind, as I sit down to write. But I am in the A of 0, and they are mostly thoughts of woe, each one as black as night.
I watch the soldiers as they work, or if of different nature, shirk, and also as they play. Civilian plaints I listen to, until they make my outlook blue.
"If he should like your garden gate, and taking it forget to wait, to ask for your consent; do not be peeved, I beg of you. There's really nothing you can do. Your gate has simply went.
"We've made a gun-park of your field, and now you're sure it cannot yield, it's wealth of juicy kraut? Your plot consists of sterile sand, you,d better get some other land or else must do without. I'll ask the Colonel what to do,
about the guy who swiped your stew. Come back another day.'
"I don't know who will foot the bill for damage to your cider mill or to your crop of hay. You'd like a pass to leave this place? You have .a bright and noble face. I hate to see you leave. The Burgomaster is your man, he'll help you with your brilliant plan. You sure are lucky Steve. You can to other parts repair and breathe of other, freer air, while I am out of luck."
—THE "COUNT" Interpreter.
Yes, we hated to see him go—the captain. He is the man who led his men in every battle except part of one. That was in Champagne, where he was wounded on the head, at Blanc Mont. But when the Argonne loomed up, he was there at the head of his men, ready to go and, if necessary, to die with them.
Captain Whitehead was a real man, caring for many a poor marine who was unfortunate, without blankets or chow. And it was just like him to sit down and see that all his men were fed before he took a bite. He went without his blankets, while some poor fellow lay in a shell hole, sleeping snugly and warm, wrapped head and foot in that same blanket.
Few men showed greater courage in the of
crossing the Meuse, on the night of November 10. Few men led their command with greater sureness and confidence. And few companies followed their captain with greater devotion into all that hell and fire of the machine guns and cannon.
We hated to see him go—the captain—the man who has led us in every fight and proved his soul and heart and courage in the awful carnage.
May he prosper and gain speedy promotion in his new field of endeavor as regimental adjutant.
—Cpl. John O'Brien, 67th Co., 5th Marines.
King Richard was a piker—he offered his kingdom for a horse. The kaiser swapped his empire for a sawbuck.
(From the New York Times)
Be humble, 0 America! Let not
The idle boast, the weak vainglory, blot
The fair white page of our acnievement. Let
Us not in this triumphant hour forget
The years we, hesitating, held aloof,
While nations trembled 'neath the cloven hoof.
Forget not Belgium! With unerring blow She hurled her slender body 'gainst the foe. And, bleeding, writhing, paid the awful toll, To save the world and her immortal soul.
Forget not France! Unfaltering she came, Unfurled her banner, crying freedom's name. For four long years she flashed her fiery sword, And checked the onslaught of that barbarous horde. Bare are the fields where sleep her hallowed dead, But God has planted poppies on each bed.
Forget not Britian! With her little band
Of "Old Contemptibles" she took her stand.
And, fearless, faced an overwhelming foe,
Met thrust with thrust and blow with furious blow.
Till, spent with toil, yet heeding still the call,
She smiled at Death, her back against the wall.
Be humble, 0 America! Our dead
Lie proudly side by side with those who bled
That Liberty might live. Be it our pride
We came not quite too late, but turned the tide,
And led the way to victory! Thank God
That in that bloody path we, too, have trod;
That in that Gethsemane we, too, have stood;
That of that consecrated, crimson flood,
That spread beneath the shrapnel's blighting showr's,
One splendid, brave, redeeming drop was ours.
Second Engineers' Phenom.
To Private James F. Kenney and Bugler S. Silva, E Company, Ninth Infantry:
Say, listen, you may think you have a champion rice-eater in your company, but I am willing to bet my discharge against ten pfennigs that we have a man who can outclass any man in the A. of 0., A. E. F., or even in the U. S. A.
His name is Pvt. Izzy Lipschitz, of Company D, Second Engineers. He is perfectly willing to bar steam shovels, grain chutes and derricks, and he will go your man one better by tying both hands behind his back. To avoid extra work for your K. P.'s, I would advise you to have a trough built somewhere in the rear of said mess hall, which would save all those trips to and fro filling my man's mess kit.
No, his mouth does not exceed six feet across, but it has an extraordinary capacity. He would like to know if he would be obliged to whistle after consuming the rice. If so, he would rather sing a song.
Reply to:
Pvt. D. J. Murray, Co. D, 2nd Engrs.
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.