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Volume 1, No. 5 — May 13, 1919

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Never in the history of warfare have armies been as well cared for as the American forces overseas. Of these forces the divisions that form the Army of Occupation upon the Rhine are in a particularily favorable position.
To begin with the officers and men of the Army of Occupation are quartered in comfortable billets. Beds are being obtained for every man. They are located in towns that have been the mecca for tourists for years. And they are part of the best fed army in the world today.
In a general way, the days are divided into two parts. Mornings are devoted to drill, tactical exercises, and the care of equipment. Afternoons are devoted to athletics and play, and evenings to entertainment.
Of the mornings, nothing need be said. After all, this is an army in an enemy's country, and soldiering is soldiering, the world over. Of the afternoons and evenings there is so much to be said that lack of space forbids anything but the barest mention of the hundred and one activities of the men.
Take the great carnival, horse 'and motor show at 'Coblenz, given by the Third Army, for instance. This was not the first affair of the kind, and it will not be the last, but it shows what is going on over here. This event lasted five days. It was held on an island in the Rhine at Coblenz, and special steamers, trucks and automobiles were pressed into service te carry the men to and from the show from all portions of the area. Those beyond reasonable truck distance were brought in on the railroads.
Large aviation hangars were erected and in these 6,000 men were fed every hour. The food was prepared and distributed free. -There was .a horse show, with races,_ steeplechase races and jumping competitions, and the best horses and mules in the division competed for ribbons. Escort wagons, water and medical carts, and every variety of wheeled transportation, also guns and caissons were entered in the various events.
Then there was the motor show, in another part of the grounds. Automobiles of all types were shown. trucks, ambulances, artillery tractors, motorcycles. with and without sidecars, and a side exhibit of an educational character, showing motor parts, repair shops, and German truck types.
The track and field meet was a big feature of the carnival. This was participated in by the best athletes in the Third Army. These men had been se lected after gruelling elimination contests in their respective companies, regiments and divisions.
There was an airplane show that drevi enormous crowds. American, English, French and German planes were exhibited, and their mode of construction and method of operation explained by fliers. The air force gave exhibitions of flying over the carnival grounds and the river, while the men in the balloon corps showed how sausage observation balloons wert operated, raised in the morning, and put to bed at night.
So much for just one carnival. Each division has had horse shows of its own, and its own track meets, and the corps have had their horse and motor shows also.
But horse shows are not the whole thing by any means. Take the Rhine river excursions for instance. Every day in the week two big excursion steamers make the trip. One goes up the Rhine as far as the Lorelei rock, the other down the river as far as Bonn. The boats are crowded to capacity, and, by the way, everything is free. There is a brass band on each boat, a good hot lunch is served at noon, and a lecturer points out the various castles and objects of interest and explains the historical significance of everything. This is a trip tourists paid big money to take before the war, and spent the balance of their lives talking about.
"Leave centers" have been established at various towns. A leave center is a place where visiting soldiers from other towns find beds, food and entertainment galore during their short stay while on leave in the area. This is just by way of a change, and has nothing to _ do with the regular big leave that comes every four months as regularly as clockwork. At some of the leave centers are famous mineral baths where millionaires and kings tarried in other days. American soldiers splash about in the palatial tubs now.
Shows? There are soldier shows, shows from gay Paree, shows with real American girls in them, band concerts, musical comedies organized by soldiers with "a carload of special scenery," singing leaders and lectures. Good shows seem to grow on trees. Movies most every night, and in the big towns every afternoon too. All free, of course.
There are clubs for officers, which are real clubs in every sense, and there are clubs being organized for the enlisted men. The Red Cross, Knights of Columbus, Salvation Army and Y. M. C. A. cooperate in the distribution of magazines and newspa-
One day a soldier stationed in a small Rhine village wandered down the narrow street that brought him to the banks of that great river. In being a nice spring day, he sat down in the sunshine and had almost fallen asleep, when aroused by a voice coming up out of the water. At first the soldier was startled, but the voice said: "Be calm, and I will relate some of the things I have seen and experienced in my life."
"Lad, I am very old now, but once I was young. I then lived at the top of these hills you see, but as I grew older I slowly crept down the hillside until now I am too feeble to go farther. Instead of .my life being filled with pleasures and happiness, it has been-filled to overflowing with tragedy and disaster. One horrible war alter another has been waged along my banks. I have seen the bloody battle standards. of powerful nations sweep across this valley, while I nad to stand in breathless agony, watching the future of my people.
"My friend, for eight long years I stood between Caesar's terrible legions and, the people I am compelled to call my own. I saw Attila cross my banks with his mighty hosts of warriors, bound for the fateful fields of Chalons. Again I yielded for his shattered hosts of murderers to recross.
"I lived through the age of feudalism, and watched the lords crown my steepest hills with their castles, and carry on a succession of bloody wars.
"I saw the Crusaders go forth with their hearts brightened with a holy vision. I saw Napoleon lead his Grand Army over my waters and beat my people into the dust. Again, like Attila of old, I saw him return in defeat and despair.
"All these things have made my life a dark one,. but the saddest day was yet to come. A great change came over my people. They no longer had good rules of conduct. They began to make wars, to dream of conquest and how they might rob their neighbors, thus making me very unhappy.
"Finally, in the year 1914, I saw them crossing my banks to meet the civilized world with blood and tears, and knew that the worst was yet to come. I had seen the great armies of Caesar, Attila and Napoleon carrying out their missions of destruction, and had later witnessed their defeat.
"I' did not have long to wait until I saw the shattered hosts of my cruel ruler fleeing back- across this valley in disorder and dismay, minus their king. I heard your army singing its song of freedom, and I loved them because they came, not like the warriors of old, to rob; murder and steal, 'but to plant the seeds of freedom that they had harvested in the west. Now, kind stranger, with your help I can live in peace, and be free from the horrors of war."
—Brittie J. Stewart, 81st Co., 6th Marines.
She: "Were you ever cited for fighting?"
He: "Yes. I was fighting one day and the captain
sighted me."
She: "How lovely! And what did he say?"
He: "Two thirds for three months."
(Full page image.)

Sgt. F. F. Vaughan of this company has received his discharge as an enlisted man, and been sworn in as a commissioned officer. Mr. Vaughan enlisted November 2, 1917, joining the headquarters company on the 17th. His ability was soon recognized and resulted in rapid promotion.
Headquarters Company has lost another top sergeant. First Sergeant R. W. Forbes has been trans-rerred to Battery B of this regiment as a second lieutenant.
Headquarters company loses a good top, and all of the fellows are sorry to see him go. But his promotion caused a perplexing difficulty. Men are not exactly in the habit of contracting loans with superior officers, but an obliging top kicker is always willing to help a fellow. Now there are quite a few who do not know just where they stand. They borrowed off the top, but how can they pay a lieutenant.
At the time Mr. Forbes was commissioned there was a scarcity of francs, marks, and even pfennigs, and the liuetenant was heard to remark: "They turn a man loose in his underwear, and tell him that he is now an officer and should look dignified."
The paper barrage which descended on this regiment during last week claimed 77 victims. Seventy-seven men of this organization received their traveling orders and are on their way to the States.
—Sgt. Reis El Bara.
There is a new Sam Browne in our midst—Second Lieutenant William L. Van Dyke, if you please. He was formerly sergeant major. Good luck to you, lieutenant.
The following happened on a front where the "one-way" road regulations had everyone guessing. A mule team started up a road and was halted in the following manner:
"Hey there, lad! You can't go that way; it's a one-way road." The driver came back at him: "Well, I am only going one way. Giddip."
While the M. P. was figuring this out, the wagon
proceeded on its way. —"Blitzen.'
If you see some of the engineers with that far-away look in their eyes these days, don't think some doughboy has stolen their billet. Nay, not so. It is because their marine buddies, who have been attached to theni for the last two months, have been returned to the marines again. We hope they come back again.
—Louis Kumpf, Engineers.
Officer: "What is the greatest calamity that could
befall an army?"
Bright Buck : "To lose their mess kits, sir." E BATTERY, SEVENTEENTH FIELD ARTILLERY
Wanted—Beaucoup replacements..
Important notice; E Battery goldbricks, look out for your scalps. Captain Ramer is on the war path again—or rather, yet.
Three best bets: Inspections, halter-shanks and re-
Bright remark from Private McDowell after being
quizzed about his baldness: "Didja ever see grass
grow on a busy street?"
The crown prince, during an interview with a newspaper correspondent, is reported to have shed tears as he recalled the sorrows of the people of Germany.
Do you recall reading in "The Alhambia" how the young king, fleeing with his mother from the invaders, wept for his subjects, at which his mother remarked: "It is well for you to weep like a woman for what you could not defend like • a man."
Owing to the efforts of Mrs. Simmons, who has charge of the canteen there, a very successful May dance was held in the "Y" hall at Heddesdorf on May 1. The room was tastefully decorated. The music was furnished by'the orchestra of the 308th Engineers. Mrs. Simmons ,secured the services of 15 Y. M. C. A. girls, who participated in the dances, after which refreshments were served.
Private Toblery of Company D, Second Supply Train, was driving a Ford through Engers last Saturday when its name suddenly changed to Maud, and it refused to go. Tobler returned to Heddesdorf to get a truck to tow it in, and when he returned, the machine had been stripped and even the rear wheels taken off.
No soldier in the Third Army should miss the opportunity to visit the points of interest in the occupied zone. Facilities have been made to take large numbers of men on trips up and down the Rhine with stops at historical points, Commodious boats have been put in this service.
A Third, Army regetta will be held on the Rhine about the first of June, for the purpose of selecting swimming crews to be sent to Paris to represent the Army of Occupation in the A. E. F. regatta on June 14. Several very promising crews are now working hard for this honor.
"Keep yer eye open and don't let anybody get behind ya."
"Yeah. And look hard-boiled. Remember this is an enemy country, and we gotta be careful."

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Deck—The cold, hard surface upon which you land from a trip to Dreamland, to the harsh notes of a bugle, and often with the assistance of a rude sergeant's No. 10.
Brig—A place of meditation and repentance.
Scuttlebutts—H. 2. 0 headquarters; the marine equivalent of the old town pump; first aid dispensary on the morning after.
Sick Bay—The sanctum saonctorum of the medicos; the haven of the sick, lame and lazy.
Galley—The company beanery; hash-house; slum-shop; chow-foundry.
Mess Hall—The room where the company holds mess-gear drill.
Chow—The mess sergeant's idea of food. Slum—The mess sergeant's favorite Arsh. Canned-bill—The canned flesh of ah animal closely resembling horse.
Moukey-meat—The French variety of canned-bill. Punk—Army imitation'of the staff of life. Fish-eyes—Tapioca pudding.
Army Strawberries—The juicy prune, canned or dried.
Troop—A full-dress affair, to which all enlisted men are invited.
Skipper—The company commander.
Ton—The greatest manhandler at large; the most hard-boiled guy in the company.
Music—The little brat who disturbs our slumbers at daybreak..
First Class Private—A doughboy distinction wished on us temnorarily by the army.
Dog-robber—An officer's orderly. Tfam-and-Ezzer—A bird with a soft billet.
0. D.—A shavetail who rates the guard and is trying to learn his general orders.
C. T. M.—Chateau-Thierry Marine.
E. P. D.—Unnecessary and degrading labor performed by privates—conferred upon the victim by the first sergeant, as a special mark of esteem.
A. W. 0. L.—Gone, but not forgotten.
D. and D.—Unheard condition of a marine. Before the Mast—On the carnet; un for a shoot.
—Mike, Fifth Marines. R ATHER !
"In any case not covered by instructions, call the
cornoral of the guard." -
That is what Private Goolsbee, of F Company. Second Ammunition Train. did recently. And now he wonders why Sergeant Warren. who was the corporal of the guard at the time. wanted to "ride" him for it.
All because Private Goolsbee wanted to know the time. This being a case not covered by instructions.. Goolsbee sings out: "Corporal of the guard, number. five!" Cornoral Warren rushed out, breathless, only to he asked : "What time is it?"
This is an excellent method of ascertaining the time when on nest. but it would not be safe to spring it on Sergeant Warren again.
—Pvt, Thos N, Graves, Co, F, 2nd Am, Train.


This is a story of misapplied talent that harks back to those nightmarish days of the Meuse-Argonne offensive.

Following sleepless nights and chowless days on the muddy, shell-shattered roads, the boys of Company F, Second Ammunition Train, were so fortunate as to meet up with their kitchen at Landreville. The caissons were parked in a low, muddy flat near a small stream; the horses were watered, fed and tied up for the night and then the men themselves were permitted to feast upon that good old standby—slum.

The men were told to get what sleep they could. But as there was not a single dry spot on which to make a bunk, and as the hour was well past midnight, numbers of the boys gathered around a fire and passed the cold, dark hours discussing the things usually talked of by similar bunches—rotten weather, execrable roads, bum chow.

A First Division chap chanced along, and room was made for him in the circle. He proved to be a talkative fellow, and soon had the gathering spellbound by his amazing stories of life in action. Encouraged by the eager interest manifested by his hearers, he grew bolder and bolder, until at last he sprang this:

"The first shell hit right at my feet, and after it had exploded I was standing in the shell hole. Seeing the next one coming, I ducked. It burst so close that my blouse and shirt were burned, but I was not hurt."

Further conversation elicited the fact that this bold warrior was a replacement, having joined his outfit only a few weeks previously. This probably accounts for his ignorance of the fact that his apparently credulous audience were veterans, most of them having seen service in Mexico, as well as Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel and Champagne.
—Pvt. T. N. Graves, F. Co., 2nd Arnm. Train.

Edward P. Ryan has been made a corporal in the Marine Corps He is now diligently searching for chevron polish.
Sgt. Joseph Klump, just returned from the Paris sector, reports that the battle is being won by the veterans of the First and Second Divisions.
Since "Pat" Ryan was put in charge of the runners, several of them have been noticed attempting to "handshake." Don't let them do it, corporal. stand pat.
--*-- -
Pvt. Nick Orak has opened a barber shop on the first floor of Arenfels castle. Nick cuts them all in the latest style—regulation.
Private Long caused considerable excitement one morning when he came rushing into the office and declared that he had been robbed. After searching all morning, he finally found the lost article wrapped
inside his puttee. —Cpl. F. L. Renton.

Chief: "We will have to dismiss Officer Blank." Commissioner: "What! He is a discharged soldier with a record for bravery."
Chief: "That's just it. Last night Mr. Brown called him and he said there was a burglar in his house. Blank asked him if the burglar had a machine gun, and when Brown said 'no,' he told him to take the burglar himself; he did not need a cop."
* -
Let's quit this business of writing of our petty grievances to the papers. If some fellow from the Umpitty Steenth Signal Corps says that he captured Blanc Mont, let him think so. The official records are what the world will judge by, and they are open to all. And then ,too, you only make yourself and your whole outfit look foolish, and newspaper editors are a pretty busy bunch.
Going over the hurdles from sergeant major to captain was like going over the top for Capt. LeRoy Vander Burgh. On May 1 he was directed to proceed to Coblenz to be sworn in as a captain in the reserve corps. In company 'with Lieutenant Drake, he entered a Ford for the trip. At the corner they collided with another car, and both were thrown out. Captain Vander Burgh received severe lacerations about the head, while Lieut. Bacon was removed to the hospital.
Lieut. S. A. Walser lately was confined to his bed with measles. Yes—German.
Tony Notto, who conducts a tailor shop over Supply Train headquarters, is to receive his discharge. Tony indignantly denies it is for the purpose of getting mar-ried—he already has a wife and two children.
This German caisson was caught by the American barrage on the morning of November 1, when the towns of Chenery. and Bayonville were taken by the marines. The driver was evidently making a vain attempt to escape before the batteries near at hand were captured, but his caisson and several others were caught here in the sunken road and smas1-.• .! to bits a few minutes before the skirmish lines swarmec. over the battery of 77's. Sixth Marine headquarters was established here on the night of November 1.
Pvt. H. H. Watson, Mechanical Staff :
Art Editor. ME INDIANSgt. F. Busik
Pvt. James W. Caudle, Pvt. W. Jenkins
Business Manager. Pvt. A. Diekmeyer
Cutout that hero stuff. You're a hero, all right. Any man who has gone through what the old-timers in this Second Division have suffered and endured, has earned the title. But let it. end there, sonny. It won't get you anything back in the States.
Back HOME the folks will know what you have done here, but in the final analysis it's the KIND OF A MAN you are THERE that will count with them. They will appreciate to the utmost what you have done for them, but they won't let you live on your reputation. They won't let a good boxer do it, and they won't let YOU do it.
By the time we all get back the home folks will be a bit fed up on this hero business anyway. They will have met real heroes galore, and quite a few fake ones. They will have learned to distinguish between the two kinds. And they will be sitting back, by that time, watching to see just what a hero is really good for in piping times of peace.
Don't forget the home folks are ready, willing and anxious to allow the men who have won the war run the country. It's always been that way. The fighters of the war of the revolution ran the country after independence had been won. The boys of 1812 and the Mexican war ran the country of THEIR day, and the Grand Army of the Republic and the Confederate Veterans came pretty close to saying what was what in their respective portions of the country after 1865.
They expect it back home, and they are anxious about it, FOR THEY WANT THE COUNTRY RUN PROPERLY:
That's where We come in. There isn't the slightest doubt, right now, that we are all better men for our army experience, whether that experience has been gained in the front lines, in the' service of supply behind the lines, or as an orderly or clerk in a base hospital.
All right then. We are better men. Now it is u o to us to prove it when we get back. After the first flush of excitement is over we will have to buckle dawn to it, we will have to put our shoulders to the wheel. If we do, the country will be the gainer by just that much, and the country will call its ex-sohliers
• blessed.
And if we don't—well, remember what somebody or other has so aptly remarked :'"There is noth-
ing in this world so pitiful as a destitute hero."
We've all had our fun at the expense of the comrades behind the line. We've made our jest and laughed our laugh. But now, as the war draws to a close, let we, the front liners, express to you, the Ser-
vice of Supply, our, gratitude. •
Our gratitude for a stupendous task well done in the face of the greatest difficulties. Our gratitude for the ammunition we needed so 'badly, the gas masks we could not do without, the food, yes, and the clothing you somehow managed to get to us.
We know now as we've known all along how men in the S. 0. S. would have given all they possesed for our opportunity to serve in the front line. Time after time they DID manage to get transferred to the front. There they often DID give their all.
And WE, of the front line, can look back and recall, in many instances, just by what narrow margins many of US escaped service in that same S. 0. S.
There is another S. 0. S. the home country. In that far-off land, while we fought and struggled—and enjoyed it—the old folks, the wives and the sweethearts, sat by the fire in many a farm and ranch house, gathered about the lamp in many a humble dwelling, or waited in many a mansion. WAITED. Just WAITED. They could do nothing else. Only sit and wait.
Don't you forget THAT, either. And when we all go home let's tell them what we know to be true, • that WAITING is harder than FIGHTING. Especially if you are waiting, day after day, for th4 dread announcement that will close the window of your life and leave darkness where once was light.
Faith and Jobs
"Faith can move mountains, (sure it can) but the big men in life believe it is better not to wait for mountains thus to be moved, but-to go right out and get to work at moving them." That's a fact we can't get away from.
If you want a problem solved, solve it, or have it solved by an expert, but keep at it until it's solved. For those of us who expect to go back to civilian life some time soon its good to have absolute faith that we're going to get a job when we get home, and have faith that it's going to be a good job. It's alright to have faith, and a plenty of it, but NOW is the time to START AFTER THAT JOB (if it's not already cinched.)
And NOW is the time to get in training to hold that job, and make it grow bigger and better after we've got it. We may have all the faith in the world in. our prospective employer,
but HE may not be so affected, he may not have any faith at all in us.
He used to have, probably, but that was a long time ago. We've changed now, and we've forgotten a good deal of what our boss paid us to know. Books on any and all subjects are to be had from the American Library Association, 10 Rue de l'Elysee, Paris. Write for them, three at a time, and brush up. Back up your faith in your ability to land a job, and to KEEP that job, after it's landed, by studying up on it.
You have self confidence and ambition? Don't forget there's goiag to be a mighty lot of competition, and there are a lot of your competitors already in the States, getting a start on you. TOMORROW NEVER COMES. Start it TODAY and NOW.
The average person doesn't see more than one object out of every thousand that passes, and there are many persons who have two perfectly good eyes and don't see one object out of every ten thousand they pass.
Must we be forever SEEING THINGS to grow in power and ability? Sure thing. It's true we can't see and remember every object, great and small, hut we ought to observe all things that may in any way be of advantage to us later on. When we look at a person or an object we ought actually to. SEE that peror object, and be able to tell afterwards exactly what that person or object looked • like, and where they were, and what their surroundings at the moment we saw them.
When the habit gets into our system to overlook things, to look at the things and not see them, or never attempt to see what's .going on around us all, we're in a bad way. Russel H. Conwell tells us in his "Acres of Diamonds," about scores of men who sold out all they possesed, and struck out for all manner of un- known places in search of gold, or silver, or diamonds, as the case might be, only to discover that their old home they sold for traveling money was a veritable hotbed of what they were spending their lives searching for in foreign lands.
They were so eager in imagining what was over the hill they failed to SEE what was under their very noses. In 1901 when Harriman planned to wrest the Northern Pacific from James J. Hill he overlooked the fact that the stock he was buying was redeemable, and that Hill had it within his power to redeem it at will and convert it into cash, causing it to lose it's voting Dower.
Therefore Harriman failed to gain control of the Northern Pacific. He just simply overlooked one small point, but it was THE point that meant success. If you don't see what you look at, look again, and be sure that you know you've seen it and you know all about it, else you will some day fail to see what may mean life or death, success or failure, to you or your most beloved.
We all have a great respect for the abilities of Abraham Lincoln, and know he was one of the world's greatest men. He became great by adopting several principles or habits of action or endeavor, and sticking to them until the very last.. One of his greatest endowments was his ability of concentration. "Whatsoever he had to do at all, he.put his WHOLE MIND into it and held it ALL there until that was ALL DONE."
It takes effort to acquire that ability. And it takes earnestness of purpose, and a desire to accomplish results of a definite order, to unceasingly use that ability once it is acquired.
The student whose mind forever wanders from his studies, doesn't accomplish any great amount of learning. So with any other form of endeavor, if the mind cannot be forced to rest it's attention upon one subject, and only one, wden it is necessary to do so, the accomplishments of that mind are going to be incomplete and without thoroughness, to say the very least.
Emerson tells us, "Our strength grows out of our weakness" It is our inability to concentrate absolutely upon one subject or thought that brings to our attention that we are weak in that respect, and that is what stimulates us to train our minds to greater effort, to learn by continual practice to focus our mind power and thought force as we would aim a rifle, and hold it there until we hit the bull's eye, until we have finished our task and know it to be complete.
Company C and Company F, Second Supply Trains, have published a little souvenir book telling of their trip to Marseilles and back for the purpose of bringing up trucks. It is for distribution among members of these companies only, and bears the title "From the Mediterranean to the Rhine."
"Fall out and stand by to be assigned to billets," was the order our captain passed down the column to us early one morning in May. 1918.
The order to "fall out" was literally obeyed by most of us, for we were tired only as soldiers could be who had ridden in wobbly French camiona and hiked alternately for two days and nights.
We were changing sectors, and had been given to understand that our next taste of front line warfare would be the real thing. However, that morning as we plodded our weary way into the sleepy little town of Merlant, we were not thinking of what the future had in store for us, we were more concerned whether or not we were soon to have rest and sleep.
The clock in the village church tower was chiming the haur of four, and 1 could just discern the outlines of the tile-roofed cement dwellings on either side of the narrow, winding streets as we were at last sent in details o different billets throughout the village.
I happened to be one of the fortunate party of eight quartered in a large roomy barn loft. There was an abundance of sweet smelling hay about, and we soon had very comfortable beds made. After that it wes only a matter of minutes before most of my "bunkies" were claiming their well earned rest.
I was just falling asleep when I came back to con. sciousnoss with a start. I had certainly heard some kind of an unusual sound. My sleep-fagged brain was about to dismiss it being only a friendly rat, when I heard it again, this lime more distinctly.
I rubbed my eyes and looked about. My eyesight gradually became accustomed to the semi-darkness and what I saw made me think at first that T was dreaming. There was an old French woman leaning over one of my comrades, crooning a low, sweet melody as if to himself.
She was very small and bent with age, and esrried a cane with which to steady herself. She had "mother" written all over her, from the little lace cap that covered her snow-white hair to the large wooden shoes that encased her disproportionately small feet.
She went to each one of the sleeping men. all the time crooning her own beautiful melody, and tucked the covers around them.
When she came to me I feigned sleep. but could not keep down a large lump that kept rising in my throat.
When everything was to her satisfaction she cast one more lingering glance over the assemblage. wined her age dimmed eves and hobbled her way painfully down the ladder and into the court beyond.
During our few days stay in Merlant I became fast friends with the little old lady. I learned that she and her aged husband owned the barn in which we were billeted, and lived in three small rooms adjoining it. All the fellows called her "mama" which seemed to please her very much.
One day she opened an old family bible on her sew• Ing table and took from between its leaves two photographs and handed them to me. They were the pie- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O 110W TO JOIN 0
O Anyone in the division who did not get in as
O a charter member of the Second Division As() sociation, can join by sending his application,
O with two dollars, to the secretary of the assort-
O ation. Be sure to send your organization and
O your home address.
O Those who have left the division, and who
O are with other organizations, as well as those
O who have gone home, can join by sending their
O applications to the Secretary, Second Division
O Headquarters. A. P. 0. 710, American E. F..
O with two dollars for initiation fee and first
O year's dues.
O It is necessary that the organization to which
O the applicant belonged and his home address
O be given. 0
turns of two stalwart young Poilus. I knew without asking they were her sons.
"Pour la France?" I queried.
"Pour la France." She answered.
—Sgt. Oliver B. Carr, 18th Co. Fifth Marines.
Our well-known Sam, he of motorcycle fame, 15 now spbrting a cigar-holder, and when he has it in use one has to get permission from Henry to speak to him. Poor Sam! And he used to be such a nice fellow!
Corporal Dern would not trade his job at the message center for a captaincy, because he is the first one to see if his orders are in for his return to his little wife, and also has first look at the daily bill-of-fare which Mess Sergeant Booth brings in.
We all miss "Murphy" from the headquarters of-
fice. No more filing papery behind the radiator.
Oh, how Lieutenant Keown likes to Jug these Dutchment
We are justly proud of our battalion, for we won two first prizes, one second, and two fourth prizes at the Army Show.
Our handsome Lieutenant Lucas is back from a leave in Paree. He brought back suits for our baseball team.
Someone charged Mess Sergeant Booth with putting sugar in the coffee the other day, and it was not April Fools' day either. We'll have to investigate that matter of wasting supplies.
Speaking of celebrities, may I introduce our Damon and Pythias? Meet Corporal Mason and Private Amen.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
THE INDIAN Page Eleven
It is rumored the boys are getting up a petition to eliminate all top kickers from the athletic meets. The argument put forward is, it is not good policy for these gentlemen to know just how long it takes a man to go a mile.
We don't fully understand the idea of all the chinaware and refined table manners at headquarters company, but there is a rumor out that they are going to send some replacements up here to relieve ine old-
timers, which probably accounts for it.
I notice the Second Engineers have a hospital all their own. Looks like they might be going to lighten up on this prohibition law, or are going to make the tong•expected announcement that we have to dig that tunnel under the English channel.
We were very sorry to see the marines who were attached to us go back to their companies, for they did quite a lot of K. P. and guard duty, not to m^'ttion other things they helped us do.
— a ---
Now that we have a rifle contest, pistol contest, and athletic contest, we have a suggestion to make. cup-pose we have a mascot contest. We have one who rates three service stripes, talks good English, and keep all Dutch kids of his own age off the streets. Take him all the way 'round, he's a pretty good citizen of the Engineers. —Pvt. Ben Morrell, Co. B.
The Corporal: -Giben see nicer a couple flashers vin blinc loot sweet, an be dawgawn sure it's goot. Ferstayen see? Combien?"
Page Twelve THE INDIAN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O 0
O 0
O The Second Division Association, through 0
O The Indian, offers two large pennants to the 0
O victorious teams in the National and the 0
O American Baseball Leagues, during the short 0
O season of playing that is taking place while 0
O the hig league players are working on the di- 0
O vision team. 0
O These pennants will be given to the win- 0
O ning teams, and have no connection with the 0
O championship games to take place later be• 0
O tween the leagues, or the regular games with- 0
O in those leagues. They are for the substitute 0
O teams only. 0
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The March to Germany. The gallant old Third Army
Crossed the line to Germany;
The boys were marching route stop, A lovely sight to see.
We hiked many and many a kilometer Until our poor feet came down with a thud; Then a motorcycle comes along
And covers us with mud.
We had blisters on our shoulders,
We had blisters on our feet,
But for a hiking outfit
The old Third Army can't be beat.
I have hiked on the roads of France;
Yes, I've done it at double time,
But I have never seen such winding roads
As those that lead to the Rhine.
I'll curse the hills of Germany
Until the day I meet my death.
It was on those little mountains
That every second I would gasp for breath.
Did you notice the good railroads?
We walked right by their side; But will someone please tell me
Why they didn't let us ride.
Every doughboy had two blankets;
Yes, we all had 100 rounds;
But we felt we had an ammunition plant
Every time our foot hit the ground.
Well, we dug right in and hiked, boys,
Never did we lag;
BM after all is said and done,
It was for our grand old flag.
—Cpl. Allen Connor, L. Co., 23rd Infantry.
"The Sporting Duchess," a musical comedy in two acts, is being played by members of the Second Engineers with great success throughout the Army of Occupation.
The show sparkles with catchy musical numbers, pretty girls and clean comedy. The curtain rises on a Ladies' Aid fair for the benefit of which the suppor-ing Duchess has offered her hand, and a purse of 50,000 dollars to the first man to make a trip to the sun.
An American aviator is about to attempt the flight, but is prevented by ludicrous situations arising through the efforts of Willie Lander and George Shelton as "Sudds" and Butts." The cast includes some well known vaudeville favorites such as August Bedouin, A. K. Chaplain, J. Paul Higgins, Elmer (Roar) Smith and Roy L. Cramer.
A chorus of twelve assisted by an orchestra of fifteen. The book is written and produced by Willie Lander and the show is under the management of Lieutenant R. V. Jackson, who has had many years experience and is well known in theatrical circles.
The standing of the different M. T. C. outfits on the roll of the Second Division Association as published does not show any applications from the M.
T. C. units. Our headquarters detachment showed 100 per cent when the applicitions went in. S. P.
U. 303 had 26 applications out of a strength 29. while S. P. U. 363 had 25 with the strength at 32. The boys naturally think they should be classed with the "live ones." We will bring up the percentage
in the next few days. —"Blitzen."
There was a fellow out on the rifle range who had never handled firearms before. The coach sat down next to him and gave him a few pointers, then told him to fire at will.
The first three shots kicked up the landscape about 100 yards in front of the target. "Hold 'em," says the coach. "Your shots are falling short."
"Alright coach," says he, "I'll pull the trigger harder next time."
Have you heard about the new recruting station in Neuwied? The other day they stuck one re-enlister in front of one of those crazy charts for testing eyes. You know—the kind where the top line reads, "C-R-M-T-U-1." They covered his left eye and the doctor said. "Can you read that?" "Yes," says this bird, "But, I'll be damned if I can pronounce that language."
If you happen tot be out around Puderbach and want a good chow, drop in and see Company A. They have a splendid mess.
THE INDIAN Page Thirteen
F. Battery Gun in Position. on Hill Back of Conpree, Guns Camouflaged tinder Apple Trees Laid for Bar-
rage, Were Firing Over Paris-Metz Road From This Position.
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Capt. Daniel J. Canty's army is demobilized. It was an honest-to-goodness army of thoroughbred patriots, drilling three times a day, while "Smiling Bill" Harbin, the culinary expert, tickled their palates with savory dishes that kept mother's memory fresh.
Bill was the cook at the officers' mess, and all the members swore by his cooking. But Bill is gone. He had applied for a discharge, and it was granted. and what chance has an army without a cook? Did not Napoleon once remark that an army travels on its cooks, or words to that effect?
Captain Canty insists that the army consisted of .only himself and Cpl. Michael Visaggi, but Bill wants to know how about Capt. John Bennett, Lieut Samuel '1' Swift, Lieut. Frank I. Michiels, and Chaplain Lynch.
The negro labor battalion was loading trucks near La-Ferte-sous-Jouarre when one of their number suddenly appeared walking along the street with a pretty French girl on his arm. The men stared a moment and finally one called out, "Say nigger, what yo' all doin'?" To which the other replied: "Shet up, black man, l'se an American Indian."
Hornsby: "Those skirts the Scotchmen wear may
be all right over here, but they would never do in
Barnes: "How is that?"
Hornsby: "How can he strike a match?"
Buck: "This is the Crown Prince bridge. Do you see that arch in the center span? Well, when they were putting up that bridge, they found the builders had made it too long, and they had to make a hump in the center to make the ends fit."
Paxton: "These French and German streets must
have been surveyed by a first sergeant."
Barnes: "How is that?"
Paxton: "Evidently he could see around a corner."
The League of Nations will do away with the
plague of nations.
"The kaiser is losing his appetite."—News item.
Ahem! Don't want any more "seconds?"
Paden: "What does 'ausgang' and 'eingang' mean?" Wolf: "It means 'us gang is one gang'."
Schwartz: "I wouldn't want to go up in one of those airplanes."
Peebles: "Oh, I don't know. I wouldn't care how high it went so long as I could keep one foot on the ground."
M. P. "I see in the papers the names of prominent men to whom explosives were sent by mail."
K. P. "The Huns sent me a whole pile of explosives but you did not see my name in the paper."
Page Fourteen 'I'Hl• INDIAN
Many of the good things brought about by the war as yet remain to bo seen. However, as far as America is concerned, one of the best results is already quite apparent. .Upon the heels of the great world war, there Comes convincing evidence that our efforts are to be crowned with success in an educational way.
Today we are reading pages and pages devoted to education, and only a few years ago its discussion wed bruited to paragraphs.
Secretary Lane tells us that "Illiteracy is a national concern." From Everybody's Magazine we read: "Down in Washington educators are saying that reconstruction is almost a matter of education. Through our schools our biggest American problems must be solved. And perhaps the greatest benefits the war has brought us is the broadening and deepening of the ideal of American citizenship." Another writer says: "Our young men must be more thoroughly Americanized." Is there anything more essential to Americanization than education?
The declaration of war was necessarily follow.ld by the selective service act, which called to arms thousands of men who knew absolutely nothing about the principles for which we were fighting.
Many thought they were fighting for Wilson; some said they were fighting for France, and others said for the United States.
The soldier who did not realize that he was doing a patriotic, Christian duty was one to be pitied, as much so as a slacker is to be despised. Both are victims of poor education along certain lines.
Americans of the coming generation are going to have the advantage of a better education, moral, physical, and mental.
America's educational awakening is here, and in future years it will be a great consolation for her, and especially gratifying to those who participated in the great conflict, to see our educational system on the high plane of efficiency where• it rightfully be-
longs. —T. W. G.
Latest rumors from battalion headquarters:
1. All public animals, harness and carts will be turned in within the next two weeks.
2. The Second Division will parade in Washington. D. C., on July 4.
It is rumored that the sergeants of A Company have been thoroughly convinced that they know nothing about baseball, and will retire from the Scrub League. However, it is hoped the mess sergeant will fully recover from the shock in time to parade on July 4.
Scouts Epps, Hayse and Peters were among the spectators at a recent ball game, looking for material for future K. P.'s. Watch your step, Bowers.
Private Siefert has signed up again for Sergeant Tieman's cavalry. All the mules are happy, as he is well posted on the nomenclature of a mule.
Private Lann has been appointed town major. and is very busy checking up on the billets. —Cpl. Clark.
Two days before the Second Division relieved the Forty-second, in front of Landres and Landres-et-St. Georges, the men were given explicit instructions not to impart military information to anyone, whatever be his apparent rank or station. Due emphasis was placed upon the fact that there were numerous German spies masquerading around in American uniform.
The good old Second went over the top, and Hun emplacements that had been considered impregnable before were reduced in a short time.
The Beebe, utterly cowed and completely stunned by the vigor and dash of our attack, fell back to his' reserve positions, and our marines and doughboy's, together with the artillery, moved forward.
One night on the road leading into Landres a long line of wagons was slowly moving toward the town. German shells were claiming an occasional victim and nerves' were strung up to their highest pitch.
Suddenly a halt. The men clambered down to warm themselves, then as the column did not move out, began to gather in groups and talk over the events of the preceding day.
A staff car rolled up to one group and stopped. A major descended, approached the men, and the following conversation took place:
The Mijor (gruffly): "What outfit is that?"
First Voice: "Who the h-1 wants to know?"
The Major: "I'm Major ---. Is that the horsed battalion?"
Second Voice: "Damfino."
The Major (loudly): "What company is that?"
Third Voice: "This is Q 'Troop of the 389th Balloon Corps, dismounted. Spurs left behind by order of General Contractor. Also we have—"
The Major (rapidly losing his temper): "What the blue blazes am I up against—a bunch of nuts? I say, there, where are you from?"
Fifth Voice: "Oh, down the road a ways."
The Major (mad as a wet hen): "What the blank-ely-blank-blank have you got there—ammunition?"
Sixth Voice (sweetly): "Oh, no; these here are pomegranate seeds for the Gods on Mount Olympus."
The Major (his goat gone): "Who in h—I do you think you are?"
Seventh Voice: "Hickey, the ball tosser."
The Major (beating a strategic retreat): "§ ? ? ? Il." Now, the boys obeyed their orders, did they not? "Dismiss the company!"
—Pvt. V. H. Burlingame, 2nd Amm. Train.
This one happened in a "boot" camp back in the States. An officer failing to receive a salute from II seedy-looking private, called him to account. Pointing to his nice, shiny puttees, he said, "See these?"
"Gee," says the offending party, "you got a classy pair, look what-they handed me?"
—Pvt. J. H. Frohlich.
THE INDIAN Page Fifteen
Well, stranger, my little job in the Big War was to bustle the 75's up to the batteries, an. our gospel was to keep the caissons movin'. I have a tolerably good idea of what courage is—and tear, too. I've gone through hell without movin', an' I've shook hands with aeath.
The old bunk about courage meanin' to face death unafraid don't go any more. I reckon the bravest man of all is the one that faces death afraid. Fear is as natural to a human bein' as hunger, an the man who carries ammunition over the roads under shell tire is well acquainted with both. When you are hit and can't hit back, but have to jes' sit an' take it, you need all the courage you can find.
Back at St. Mihiel, the night before the drive started, we passed over a road which the Boche shelled unceasingly and effectively. That day we had seen them tear h--I out of a truck train on that road, so we figured we might make it safe at night .
Alter a bit the column halted. Two French tanks had blocked the road. In the woods off to our right a wig-wag signal was flashing. In a moment an immense flare lighted the sky, makin' the road as clear as broad daylight. A slight uneasiness passed down the line. Was there any connection between the wig- wag and the flare? Had our presence been betrayed by a spy or a traitor hidin' in the woods? To this day that question troubles my mind.
At any rate, almost immediately the road became an inferno. We were in the midst of an intense bombardment. We were trapped. The caissons could not move, and the enemy kept up his wicked fire for about 30 minutes.
I lived yeats durin' that bombardment. My heart was beatin' with sledge-hammer blows. Shells were breakin' on all sides, so close that it seems a miracle that I was untouched. I gave up all hopes of survivin' the ordeal. Each moment 1 thought to be my last. Neither word nor picture can describe the thoughts that race through the brain at such times. I thought death was inevitable an began to wonder which shell would get me, where I would be hit, an' how badly mutilated.
Then the pandemonium ceased. Somebody was moanin' as if in great pain. Just ahead of me, Jones and Kerpit had been mortally wounded. Jones died within the hour, Kerpit later.
At I o'clock in the mornin' the American guns opened up with unconquerable force, and from then on Fritzie had to save his own neck, and we took even greater pleasure in helpin' to kick him out of France.
—Pvt. T. N. Graves, 2nd Aron]. Train.
The Fourth Machine Gun Battalion has moved again and is now located in Fahr, taking the place just vacated by the Fifteenth Field Artillery. After moving into the town, Lieutenant Caldwell left the orderly room door open and received a reminder from First Lieutenant Arthur K. Overbacker. It seems he forgot
Didia ever hear of Marine En6i met's.? They're got en' at ER8ers.
the door, thinking he was still in Mich, where he had'a couple of servants to follow him around to close door•,.
The battalion baseball team is rounding into shape, and from now on we expect to give the other clubs a good run for their money. We lost one of our best ball-players lately, he having been transferred to the
Seventh Infantry. —James J. Shea.
Page Sixteen THE: INDIAN
'lo the Commanding General, Second Division.
1. Report that at the Motor Show held April 23 and 24,1919, at the Third Army Carnival, the Second Division was third in the entire army in the exhibition classes, winning two first prizes, one second prize and one third prize. In the Ford touring class the Seventeenth Field Artillery won first prize; in the truck, three-ton class the First Field Signal Battalion won first prize and the Second Ammunition Train ssun second prize; and in the staff observation and reconnaissance car class the Seventeenth Field Ar-tilery won third prize.
2. In the field events the Second Division was first in the entire army despite the fact one entry was ruled out on a technicality, winning two first prizes and one second prize. The slow speed race for general cars was won by Sgt. E. Townsend driving Brigadier General Neville 's car, of the Fourth Brigade. In the tractor, obstacle race, little competition was found, Captain H. Y. Stebbins, Seventeenth Field Artillery winning first prize and First Lieutenant J. W. Milisbaugh, Seventeenth Field Artillery winning second prize.
3. The final result in the entire army in the exhibition classes was: First, Third Corps; second, First Division, and third, Second Division. In the field events, the Second Division was first; Fifth Division, second and the Third Corps third. in the entire show the Third Corps was first, the Second Division second and the First Division third.
4. Request to call your attention to the co-operative, enthusiastic and excellent work of Capt. II. Y. Stebbins, director of the Second Division and Third Corps Motor schools, of First Lieutenant J. W. Mills-baugh, assistant director of the same schools; and to the energetic work of First Lieutenant H. C. Ransom, Fifth Machine Gun Battalion, supply officer of the Second Division Motor Show committee. The creditable showing the Second Division made with ten days to get their entire entries ready is due to the capable leadership of the above officers and to the hard work of the drivers, mechanics and painters from the different organizations of the division. The personnel of the Motor Schools of the Seventeenth Field Artillery and the Second Division deserve great credit as three-fourths of the entries of the Second Division were overhauled and painted there.
A. D. Bruce, Major, Fourth Machine Gun Battalion (Commanding.)
When Captain Calvin's Battery C, Wein') Field Artillery, drew up winner at the Army of Occupation tournament, Sergeant Brosky. who was in charge, had an agreeable surprise awaiting him.
General Mangin, under whose command the Second Division was during the summer of 1918, in the Cha-teau-Thierry-Soissons engagements, and who has followed their subsequent battles with pride, stepped from the reviewing stand and congratulated the sergeant and his men on being the best section in the contest. He said:
"1 knew you would be successful, because the Second Division was once attached to my corps, and proved itself to be successful. You did excellent work during the war, and I am glad to see you still uphold the old spirit, and I know you always will."
General Dickman also commended the men on their excellent appearance. General Hines presented them with the cup for winning the blue ribbon in the harness class, which was considered of more than ordinary importance. They also took second place in the medical cart exhibit, and third and fourth in artillery horses in hand, adding a handsome sum of totals to the number of points won by the Second Division.
A letter mailed in Now York April 24, and delivered in Neuwied May 4, establishes a new record for rapid postal service.
Won 6 Games, Tied 2.
Company D is preparing a booklet giving a briel sketch of the organization and its operations, covering the period October 1, 1917, to the occupation of the Rhine. The title of the book will be "From the Ric Grande to the Rhine."
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.