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The Indian Magazine
Volume 1, No. 7 — May 27, 1919

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If the number of musical instruments used is any criterion, the Second Division must be the most musical outfit of the Army of Occupation.
Likewise, if the number of shows produced by soldier talent be any standard, this division must be the most versatile and histrionic.
Almost immediately upon the arrival on this side of the Rhine, a program of self-entertainment was launched, under the very able direction of our former senior chaplain, Jason Noble Pierce. The various units were encouraged to form show troupes, and the Y. M. C. A. agreed to furnish costumes, musical instruments, posters and other necessary supplies.
One of the first things done was to purchase a stock of theatrical costumes from a house in Neuwied. Nor was it many days before nearly every suitable musical instrument then available had disappeared from the Neuwied market. It became necessary to set German musicians on the trail of such secondhand instruments as could be obtained to fill the rising demand.
Later, the Y. M. C. A. at Cob!once' took over several German factories, and set them to work manufacturing musical instruments solely for the use of American soldiers, and when traffic conditions permitted, also brought a large supply of theatrical ne- • cessities from Paris.
The Indian Vaudeville Troupe, a divisional organization, was the first show on the road. It gave its first scheduled performance at the theatre in Neu-wied, now Uncle Sam's Theatre, on December 23
Every outfit in the division—that is, every regiment, train, and machine gun battalion—has produced at least one show; nearly all of them two. All told. 32 productions have been put on the boards by this division, many of them playing elsewhere in the Army of Occupation when they had completed our own circuit.
During the period ended May 15, we received 49 shows from other divisions, and 39 Y. M. C. A. attractions. Movie performances from the week of January 5 to the week of May 10 have aggregated 1.147, an average of more than eight shows per day for this period. These movie shows were presented with an equipment that up to March 1 comprised three portable machines and three stationary ones—the latter German. New acquisitions make the present equipment six portable machines and four stationary ones.
To costume the troops formed, to equip their orchestras, and to furnish entertainment in the huts. the Y. M. C. A. has furnished, up to May 15 1,465 pieces of wearing apparel, besides other stage properties, nearly 500 musical instruments-494 to be exact-47 phonographs, and 17 pianos, not including those requisitioned from the Germans. The musical instruments distributed include 70 violins, 43 mandolins, 52 harmonicas, 36 guitars, 29 accordians, and 22 snare drums. In addition, a great amount of accessories has been furnished, such as strings for instruments, grease paints and other make-up, orchestrations, popular music, programs and posters for show troupes, and song charts.
So, then, put another notch in the record of the Second Division! It is using more musical instruments in its huts and in its shows than any other division in the, Army of Occupation, and has contributed more soldier troupes than any other division to the entertainment of the Third Army.
Dgertainment Director, Y. M. C. A
The officers of the staff of the Fifth Marines gave a dinner to their commanding officer in the ballroom of the White Schloss, at Schloss Monrepos.
It was the colonel's birthday, and among the officers present were General Neville, Colonel Lee. Colonel Matthews, Colonel Holcomb and Major Williams. The tables were formed in the outline of a "V," symbolizing the "Fifth." Music was furnished by Lieutenant Simpson's Fifth Marine Orchestra. Alter the dinner, the new show of the Fifth Marines made its debut.
There is much talk nowadays of the Secoi,d Division going home.
Truly, they are only rumors, but there is plenty of hope. .
Going home means more to these battle-scarred veterans than merely riding "40 hommes" fashion to a seaport, and leaving Europe (let's hope.forever) in our wake.
This going home means to us not only shaking the dust of a world-despised hades off our feet, but a return to a much-worshipped paradise, where songbirds notes arc sweetest, where sunshine is more
splendid and glorious, and where love is wailing for us with wide-open arms..
It means tears of joy and hearts of gladness, and "goodby Buddie." Many of us will feel a lump in our throats; trying to hold back our goodbye and good-lucks to our once unknowns, but now our dearest of friends, whose friendships have been made impregnable by hardships, danger, devotion and duty.
Just the other day one of our men left for home, -and I noted, as he clasped the hand of his "bunkie," that behind his attempt at a smile there were a thousand aches. They looked into each other's eves for a moment, and, almost mechanically, they repeated their goodbys and good-lucks.
Many nights these two buddies had shared each other's blankets, and on many tiresome hikos had leaned on each other from sheer fatigue. The) shared their boxes from home, exchaneed conk. dences, one knew the other through and through like he knew hie-name, and now they must part.
• So—when we are back once more in our land of desire, let us recall, when things are going wrong, the precious memories of the time when we had a real honest-to-goodness "buddie."
—Cpl. B. G. Kmetz, Battery E, 17th F. A. *
While waiting for the coveted embarkation orders, the calmest and best satisfied bunch of men is that which is occupying Rengsdorf, a noted summer resort. Five hundred carefully selected representatives of the division are "summering" at this most delightfully situated town, while attending classes in agriculture, art, mathematics, science, foreign languages, history, English, and many other suhjects.
The commandant, Maj. W. E. Finzer, of the Twenty-third Infantry, presided at the formal opening of the school, Friday, May 2. Addresses were made by Dr. J. T. Rorer, superintendent of instruction; by Prof. H. Z. Wilber. assistant superintendent. and by Dr. John Deans of Brooklyn. The music was furnished by the Twenty-third Infantry band.
The regular sessions began Monday, May 5, when the school was honored by the presence of Maj.-Geit. John A. 1.ejeune, and Col. Hu B. Myers, chief of staff. After reviewing the school battalion, General Le-jeune addressed the men upon the importance of the educational work of the army, and contrasted the indifference to the hygenic and educational welfare of the soldiers in the earlier armies, with the care for the personal interests of our troops today.
The teachers of the school, all of whom have been selected from the division, were tendered a reception by Major Finzer, Friday evening, May 9. Twenty-eight states wore represented in the group, and nearly all the men have had teaching experience at home.
Hardly a day passes without some distinguished visitors inspecting the school. Among these may be noted: General Rees, of G. H. Q.; Colonel Reeves. president of Beaune University; Lieutenant-Colonel Covell, assistant chief of staff; Lieutenant-Colonel Ahrens, school officer of the Third Corps; Dr. Butterfield, commissioner of the Educational Corps; Dr. Benton, superintendent of instruction of the Third' Corps; Dr. Lough, of Beaune University, and Major Hackett, school officer of the Third Army.
Athletic teams are being formed, also musical clubs and debating societies. Hikes and excursions to local points of interest will also be arranged.
When we scramble up the gangplank of the ship that's
bound for home,
And we bid this dreary land a glad goodby,
Will we over long to wander from the shores we call
our own—
Will we over be so loony, you and I?
Will we have that roving fever—poets call it "wanderlust;'
For a glimpse of storied kingdoms o'er the sea? Will we get the strolling notion, sail the earth-encircling ocean,
Leave the land of our devotion—can it be?
We have read of orientals—will we be so wild to see
Pretty maids of Yokahama, Timbuctoo?
Or the lassbs of Somali, Honolulu, Barbary—
Don't you sort of feel the Yankee girl will do?
No, I've got enough of Europe--nothing much to Germany
But some frazzle-headed frauleins and the Rhine; France can boast some faded beauties, and of course she has Paree—
But the U. S. A:s the land for me and mine.
Just a little cozy cottage—don't it drive you simply mad,
When you try to paint that picture in your mind? Not a lass in all the world could ever make you quite so glad
As that little loving "girl you left behind."
So buck up, old chap; be cheery! Here's the latest, and it's true—
We'll be homeward bound before the summer's spent.
No more foreign exploration—just one sweet, lifelong vacation
With the only girl and home and heart's content —Cpl. Elwood L. Haines, 84th Co., 6th Marines.
Lieut. C. F. Heimerdinger, who has been with us for the past week, has been transferred. This is the third officer who has left in the past four weeks. Cpl. G. Thompson is now the proud owner of two bars of chocolate, nine cakes of soap and twelve packages of Chesterfields. However, he says that he is not starting a canteen.
Corporal Summerlield, giving a description of the happenings of the night before, said: "There was a good fight, but I couldn't see all -of it; some renew kept sticking his fist in my eye."
A certain member of the Italian race, who had been through the war with the Ninth Infantry was telling a bunch of replacements about the shelling at the front. He said, "An' da begga shell he come over night an' say—'z-z-wop,' an' an oder one come an' say 7.-7W0P,—an' I never answered!"
If you want to know how William's shaving cream (Adv.) acts as a substitute for tooth paste, ask Corporal Bellarts—he knows.
The shoe is beginning to pinch. The Neuwieder Zeitung comes out in big headlines,"GRIEF, DEEPEST GRIEF," and then quotes an order from President Ebert, proclaiming a National Sorrow Week as a protest against the stringent terms of the peace treaty.
Of course, now, the world is going to repent of its harshness and slap Germania lightly on the wrist and tell her to run along and play and never touch the naughty, naughty, fireworks again.
It certainly does hurt to dig down in the old sock and hand over 20,000,000,000 marks just as though it were 20 pfennigs, but they should have thought of that before they started the war.
—Sgt. 0. J. Anderson.
In the first three issues of the Indian there have appeared just three contributions from the Twenty-third Infantry.
It would seem that a regiment with so much talent and such a record for valor should be able to write something worth while.
So far as is known the publishers of the Indian have no grudge against the members of the regiment. Why not try to make ourselves known in the division? This is due notice that B Company will try to eclipse all competitors.
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We forget whose office it was that Sergeant Dyer went into to inspect the telephone t'other day, on complaint that the instrument was out of order, but anyway, this is the conversation that ensued.
"What seems to be the matter with it?" inquires Sergeant Jack, with a business-like air, just as though he knew something about telephones. "Needs a battery and needs one bad, and—er—just throw the old one in the waste basket here when you take it out," was the answer.
After a minute—"Battery tests up to strength, sir, and I can hear on it perfectly."
"Well, put a new one in anyway,„ will you?”
"But this one is all right, sir,' objects our conscientious inspector.
The officer looked pretty peeved for a moment. Then he grinned. "I guess I had just as well told you at first that I need a new battery for my flash-
light," he said. —De Vault.
In reply to the. question of Pvt. W. B. Harris, Seventy-ninth Company, Sixth Regiment U. S. Marine Corps:
When it was announced that an insignia would be used to distinguish the various divisions, a truck driver practiced on the side of his truck with such success that his design was accepted. It consists of a star taken from the flag and the head of an American aborigine.
Question: What is the duty of a personnel sergeant.
Answer: To wake up the sergeant major when
the C. 0. is coming. M. S. E. Root.
M. S. E. means much sleep and eats.
Page Four

Someone said the other day that a man in uniform has an attraction for the women and the children of any country, whether or not relations between their respective countries happen to be friendly.
An amusing story came to us the other day that throws- a little light on how we stand with young Germany. The story belongs properly to a Marine whose name I do not know; he told it to me while we waited our turn in a bath house in Neuwied.
His squad, he said, had been billeted since they came to Germany, in a house whose family contains an 11 year old boy, and the youngster seemed to lave more than the 'usual aptness of youth for learning a new language, so that in the course of a few weeks he had mastered a pretty creditable line of conver'sa-tional English, which we must state with much regret included most of the cuss words of the American vocabulary.
Such became his efficiency that a doctor of the or-'anization found it convenient to take the youngster along to use as an interpreter, when he made a tour of some houses in the vicinity in the interests of sanitation. Through him some of the owners were advised to do some cleaning in various places.
Pleased with the feeling of authority that this gave him, young Heinle conceived the idea of making a tour of his own the next day, and around he went advising people here and there to clean up their yards; etc.
Using the words of the narrator, one irate Dutchman "bounced a pan off the kid's bean," and in high indignation our hero located the doctor to make a report of the outrage.
I haven't the words of the report, but he ended with the reflection that, "You can't trust these damned squareheads, they're liable to do most anything."

All officers of the A. E. F., visiting or 0
O stationed in Neuwied or Heddesdorf, are in- 0
O vited to take their meals at the Y. M. C. A 0
O Officers' Club, 79 Schloss Strasse, Neuwied, in 0
O the building known as the "Casino." 0
O The schedule for the meals is as follows: 0
O Breakfast, 7:30 to 9:30 A. M. Lunch 12:00 0
O noon to 2:00 P. M. Afternoon Tea (with 0
O music) 4:00 to 6:00 P. M. Dinner 6:00 P. M 0
O to 8:00 P. M. 0
O R. E. Leonard, Sgt. Maj.. Office of G-1. 0
O 0
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

First Marine: "What's the difference between satisfied and contented?"
Second Marine: "Well, I was satisfied that we'd win that ball game Sunday from the Third Divisica. but I wasn't contented when I left—not by 1600 francs worth."
Third Marine: "Huh! I'm satisfied that we'll go home by September but I'm not contented either"
And now they are going to try the kaiser. Wonder what the charges will be? "Desertion in the face of the enemy, or just plain A. W. 0. L.?"
"So you asked the skipper for leave to Berlin. eh? How'd you come out?" "Through the window."
Did you write mother today? "You bet I did.
I'm strong for Mother's Day and I'm stronger for
mother's pies, and we're going home, you know."
Young wife of ex-soldier: "What do you suppose the mess sergeant would do, if you went into the mess hall and banged things around, just because the coffee was cold?"
Ex-soldier: "Why, he'd make it hot for me."
Year before last, I wrote mother from a little Spin' village; last year from a dug-out in France; this year from a palace in Germany and next year—who knows —maybe from the Russian throne. Eh, what?
Latest communique communique from Le Mans: "The
Marines have landed and have the situation completely in
hand." Voila! —Mike, Fifth Marines.
`Ere the pangs from the Memorial Day celeb.-ation can barely have passed, the Second Division will have a celebration that will be long remembered by its of-
ficers and men. - •
June second, the first anniversary of the entrance of the division into actual combat, has been chosen as the date when all rifles, picks and shovels will be set aside and the day given to athletics, song and enter tainment. And listen to this, boys! Some regiments will have a late reveille, while some will have none at all. It is up to the commanding officer, so you want to be good.
The commanding general has signified his intention of declaring a full holiday and called a conference in which the division chaplain and welfare officers participated. A plan was outlined for a splendid program.
Among the unusual features of the day will be a message from Major General Lejune dropped m leaflets from airplanes.
An officer has been, or will be, detailed from each regiment or train to supervise and assist in making the celebration a fitting tribute to the day. Many companies have announced an extra fine mess for the men, the mess halls to be decorated and a menu printed with the names of the members, while a page
will he set aside for a memorial to the ab.3f.l.t.
Another unique feature will be the circus in the afternoon by the Second Engineers. Each. company running a seperate ring. Boxing and wrestling will be included in their program. The evening will .be set apart for shows and entertainments. The following officers have, so far, been selected:
Lieut. Donald Hamilton, Company E, Fifth Marines; Lieut. R. T. Ishmael, Sixth Marines; Lieut. James J. Rogers, Company A, Fifth Machine Gun Battalion; First Lieut. Earl F. Lucas, Company A, Sixth Machine Gun 'Battalion; Chaplain Samuel E. Crosby, Ninth Infantry; First Lieut. G. W. Kennelly, Twenty-third Infantry; First Lieut. Alfred G. Gallagher, Twelfth Field Artillery; Chaplain J. S.- Pearce, Fifteenth Field Artillery; Chaplain L. W. Benedict, Seventeenth Field Artillery; Lieut. R. V. Jackson, Second Engineers; Chaplain C. L. Reardon, Second Ammunition Train; Chaplain Joseph B. Buckley, Second Supply Train; First Lieut. Bugley Lannell, D. C., Second Sanitary Train; First Lieut. Andrew H. Zundel, First Field Battalion, Signal Corps; Lieut. Vernon Haskins, Headquarters Troop, Second Division; Captain Carl S. Harper, Field Hospital No. 15.
Division Chaplain Oscar Lee Owens, ;s a leading spirit in the preparations.

The outpost battalion held a4reunion in the way of a smoker, on Thursday evening May 8, at Waldbreit-bach, Germany, in the new Y. M. C. A. hut.
All men who could be spared from the fifteen towns in which the battallion is billeted, were present. Everyone had a good time and the affair was a decid-
ed success.
The program was opened with a pie eating contest,
Private Kemp, proved to be the champion pie "guzz-
ler;" prize 50 marks.
Private Delayo of the Forty-fifth Company took the honors in a four round bout with Dunham of the Twenty-third Michine Gun Company; prize, 100
Boxing bout. Meyerash, Forty-seventh Company, vs. Sciheppie, Forty-seventh Company, four two minute rounds, won. by Sciheippie; prize 100 marks. Lester and assistants in sketch.
Equipment race. Corporal Geryton winner; prize
75 marks.
Boxing bout. Vollmer, Headquarters Company,
vs. Simon, Signal detachment, draw; prize 100 marks.
Intermission. Refreshments served, sandwiches, doughnuts, hot chocolate, bullion, cigars and cigar
ettes. •
Battle royal. Private Troupman winner; prize 50 marks.
Boxing bout. Muhlstein, Twentieth Company. vs. Petit, Signal detachment, draw. Six two minute rounds; prize 100 marks.
Vaudeville sketch. Blythe and Company, Forty-fifth Company; prize 100 marks.
The affair was made a success by Maj. Louis M. Bourne, Commanding Officer, First Lt. James J. Brem non, Entertainment Officer; Lieutent Burris, Canteen Officer; Miss Hall, Y. M. C. A. d: Mr. Cann, h. of C.
—Pvt. Lon Smith, Third Battalion Headpuarters.
First Lieut. M. A. Van Dusen of the Ninth Infantry is anxious to get in touch with officers who were formerly attached to the Twenty-seventh Divisibn, but who are now in the Army of Occupation. They have formed the "E. PLURIBUS UNUM OFFICER'S CLUB."
All was quiet at A. P. 0. 710 except the "put, put, put," as stamps were being cancelled, the sound recalling the machine gun fire at the front.
Suddenly the telephone bell rang, Lieutenant McLeod answered it and these words trickled over the wire. "Hello, this is the rolling post office; we are up at Coblens and cannot get started as someone has stolen our (the next was a trifle indistinct), what will we do?"
'Get another)" yelled the officer.
"But where?"
"Steal one," replied the "Loot."
An hour later the motor truck pulled in and Lieu-
tenant McLeod hustled out to look it over. You got a new steering wheel?" he asked. "Steering wheel!" replied the driver. "It wasn't the steering wheel; my assistant had taken out the battery so no one could start the car; I thought it was stolen, but it was all right when lie returned."
Did the Fifteenth Field Artillery go over the top with 75mm. guns at Soissons last July? Private Schmidt, now attached to A. P. 0. 710, says it did, and he ought to know, as he was with them at that time. The boys are quite certain that, on the contrary. the top went over them. It all happened because the Forty-eighth French Morroccan Division was to attack at 6:30 a. m., and the 15th F. A. was to send over a rolling barrage.
The guns were brought up to the immediate rear at 6, but before the zero hour arrived, the Bache attacked, and the Morroccan troops fell back to the rear of the guns.
At the K. of C. room at Heddesdorf is a table on which there are three bowls, two filled with loose cigarettes and one containing full packages. They are free.
One morning two soldiers came in hurriedly and approached the table. There was but one package left and the first man grabbed it.
"Pardon me, Buddy,' said the second man, "but those are my cigarettes."
The first removed a smoke from the box, and handing the rest to the speaker remarked, "Well, next time don't leave them on the tree lunch counter."
To begin with, let us state that the town of Nieder-Honnefeld comprises thirty-five houses, covers four acres of ground, and is entirely surrounded by land.
Th, principal civilian characters are a Burgomeis-ter named Hen, tour frowsy frauleins, and a miscellaneous collection of the younger set. The town is noted for the extreme quiet and restfulness which prevails, even the hens cackling in a subdued manner.
It is understood those same hens have union hours, it being impossible to purchase eggs before 10:30 a. m. Altogether we like our little town, but for the love of Pete, somebody please send us a brass band. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O 0
O 0
O The Second Division Association, through 0
O The Indian, oilers two large pennants to the 0
O victorious teams in the National and the 0-
O American Baseball Leagues, during the short 0
O season of playing that is taking place while 0
O the big league players are working on the di- 0
O vision team. 0
O These pennants will be given to the win, 0
O wing teams, and have no connection with the 0 0 championship games to take place later be- 0
O tnecn the leagues, or the regular games with- 0
O in those leagues. They are for the substitute 0
O teams only. 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
In addition to his other duties, Lieutenant Peck has been appointed fire marshal. He states that al all official fires he will wear his issue tin derby in lieu of the brass helmet affected by so many civilian fire marshals.
A complaint has been lodged with the town major of Elligen about the speed of the double-truck trolley cars. Sergeant Mulloney narrowly escaped annihilation the other day when he dashed in front of a rapidly moving car and snatched Sergeant Cloud from the jaws of death.
Collins entertained the Fifty-ninth Infantry, at Val-lender, last Monday, with his original one act play entitled '"I'he Human Tank." Ile has recently been decorated with the Noble Order of the Corkscrew with Olive Branch. On returning to Nioder-Honne-feld he presented his sketch, "Where Are Those Signs."
Who is the member of B Company who addressed the letter to Mr. Alexander Hamilton Institute?
The company barber has a new supply of Rhein tonic in stock, and all of the officers and men get at least one rub a day at two marks a rub.
"Prince Mac" was at Coblenz the other day and witnessed the following: An officer had made a purchase and had not received the right change. He was trying, to the extent of his limited Deutch, to explain to the frau. Finally he turned in despair to a buck private who was standing near, somewhat tipsily (1 mean the B. P.) and asked him it he could speak German. "Sure I can. Hey, Madame, spracken se Deutch?"
"Then, why the H— don't you give the officer his change?"
She did.
Overheard at the game:—"What are our chances?" "We can't lose." "Good' Then I will bet all my money. If you don't think we can win, I will be patriotic and only bet some of it."
Our good Y. M. C. A. woman, Miss Gilbert, got busy, and with the Second Ammunition Train furnishing transportation, and the regimental band putting out the music, the First Battalion of the Fiftenth Field Artillery stepped out and put on a costumed stag dance.
No frauleins were invited, but the way some of the bunch dolled up! Chorus girls, ballet dancers, demoiselles of all descriptions, wenches from the sunny south, German counts, hoboes, and a sprinkling of odds and ends were to be seen.
Mess Sergeant Hertel at first refused to go, as he predicted a dull evening. We finally persuaded him into taking a chance, and when the band played, "Homeward Bound," he was seen making faces at himself in the looking glass, so we guess he had a good time.
Three prizes were awarded. Corporal Jamison and his fraulein, Taylor of A Battery, won a chocolate layer cake for being the handsomest couple. (It makes me blush to mention this).
ifedderman and Read of C Battery landed a carton of cigarettes for the second prize, then Jamison stepped out with Redmond of A Battery and copped the prize waltz and a box of fudge.
Doc Kennedy was heard singing, "That's what I call tacking 'em down," and while he wasn't in the "Gasthouse," was ragging off a few with the girls. They tell me he won a sheep, but you can't prove it by me.
About 10 p. m. we enjoyed refreshments furnished by the three batteries, and about eleven o'clock we all blew. '
I'm sure everyone enjoyed the evening, and here's hoping we have some more dances in the near future. —Pvt. Frank K. Taylor

Bugler Smith was strutting around the other evening sporting a pair of spurs.
The boys wondered what the big idea was, so Doug Knowles inquired. "What is the idea, Schmidly, you
R46h6.44istryedl era 4e, Av Al.49,
mounted now?" "Oh, no, I use them to mount guard with that's all," pipes Smith.
This isn't bad. Last week Corporal Adolfi was kicked very severely in the chest by one of his animals, knocking him out.
After five minutes he came to and began feeling of the upper pockets in his blouse and then sighed, "Gosh, it was a lucky 1 didn't have any cigars in my pocket."
Recently an order came out prohibiting the wearing of all "French" caps. Our top kicker, Monroe had been sporting one with pretty good peaks on it for almost a year.
Yes, yes, it was sad but true, he had to put it in the attic, and one day came out under a real government issue. Some of the gang were heard to whistle that old familiar tune, "Where Did You Get That Hat." And funny to say he had no alibi.
A question of absorbing interest in the battery in connection with the hat problem is, what kind of headgear will Lieutenant "Algerian" Smith now wear. Lieutenant Smith has previously been wearing an honest to goodness Algerian or Moroccan cap.
—Sgt. Franklin 0. Billings
Capt. Walter G. Long, Editor Capt. J. R. Minter, Asst. Editor Pvt. J. W. Caudle, Business Mgr.
Pvt. H. H. Watson, Art Editor Pvt. R. C. Mather, Foreman. Pvt. Harold L. Johnson
Pvt. W. Jenkins Pvt. A. Diekmeyer Pvt. V. H. Burlingame
Pvt. L. N. Keller Cpl. Max L. Morton Cpl. J. G. Minard
Officers and men in the Army of Occupation, who have come into personal contact with the German petiple, still find themselves at sea regarding the workings of the German mind, although many of them have been observing the Huns for more than I've months along the Rhine.
The following translation is from the Militaer Wochenblatt, 8 military magazine, published in Ber• lin, that received wide circulation among the German army officers.
Under date of November 14, 1918, just after the collapse of German military power resulted in the armistice, this journal stated: "On November 11, 1918, was brought about the end of the world war, through the means of the armistice, which is a blot upon our enemy's record.
"Since August 1, 1914, the Gentian army and navy haye been successful, almost throughout their entire campaigns. Especially in the last month, during which we were compelled by a greatly superior enemy force, from the middle of July, 1918 on, to carry out a systematic movement of retreat. The army has accomplished wonders of strategy, which have won the admiration of the entire world.
"Today, after the conclusion of the armistice, the German military power remains unbroken, and it can look with pride over its glorious past.
"What forces led to such humiliating armistice terms only history will be able to decide. It will be a comforting thought for our army to know, however, that our enemies are still afraid of us. The terms of the armistice are an evidence of the fear of the German people's power.
"In the present serious times, which are doubly, trebly difficult for the conscientious and hottest soldiers, and officers as well, we officers must relinquish our own selfish desires, and must do the best we can to preserve only the welfare of the Fatherland.
"If everyone does his duty in the old Prussian conception of the sense of duty, in the place which has been entrusted to him, then, with the help of God, it will be possible for us to restore quiet and calm and interior peace and settled conditions.
"The idea of eternal peace is utopian. Complete disarmament is an impossibility. Every govcnr ment, even the present one, must needs have an armed force to maintain peace and order in the empire.
"The days since November 9th have shown this. Let us do it and do our part, so the army will not degenerate into an armed mob, but upon the other hand, will be an orderly, disciplined troop upon which our Fatherland may rely.
"Then we will not be scoffed at by foreign countries, especially enemy nations, which would only rejoice in weakening Germany, and would utilize this fact to humiliate us still more."
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Beside a western front line trench
One cold November day,
Inside an empty dugout
A dying marine lay.
His old pal stood beside him,
With low and drooping head,
Listening to the last words
The dying marine said.
"I ant going to a better land,
Where everything is bright, Where the M. P.'s cant run you And you can stay out all night.
"The bugler cannot blow laps stall,
Or no reveille in the morn,
Because where I'm going
The bugler has no horn.
Tell that bunch in the Sixth Marines
My face no more they'll view, Because I am passing the great divide,
And now I'm going through.
Tell them not to weep for me,
No tears in their eyes must lurk,
For where I am going
There's no police call to skirk.
Listen! I hear them calling.
I must go on the fly, hitt—
I would like to have a drink of cognac
Once more before I die.
The marine stopped, his head fell back,
He sang his last refrain.
His old bunkie took his gat
And went on through the rain.
—Tpr. C. N. Vanmeter, 97th Co. 6th Marines.
Fred Walters of the Twenty-first Railroad Fmgi• ners performed a feat of daring May 18, when he jumped from the Crown Prince bridge at Fngers, into the Rhine, a distance of about 110 feet.
Waters made the jump from the topmost point of the central span. When he struck the water he was rendered unconscious for several moments. He soon recovered, however, and struck out strongly for the shore. A boat awaiting to rescue him, dragged him aboard. Walters is the first American soldier to make the dive from any of the bridges on the Rhine.
(This one tells all about the guns.)
These are' just a few verses
Written when my day's work was done. They are about the Yank artillerymen And the Yank artillery guns.
Your shells blow up many a Dutch kitchel.
And spoiled poor Heinie's meals; When they heard your shells a-coming
All you could see was their heels.
I'll bet there were Heinies opposite us
Who before the war worked in a garage;
But these same squareheads were out of lurk
In a Yank artillery‘barrage.
As a doughboy I have faced the German soldier, And really it wasn't any *fun;
But I never was afraid
When the Yank artillerymen were working at ' their guns.
I have fought against the Boche
• On cold and rainy nights;
And whenever I would meet the mess sergeant
With him 1 would start to fight.
So between the mess sergeant and the Boche I have had plenty of fighting you see;
But I never want to fight again
Without the Yank artillery.
—Cpl. A. Connor, L Co., 23rd Infantry.
The artist who draws the soldier going over the top, will now draw German cottages on the Rhino with knobs on the doors.
Why is it that a criminal has such an active mind along certain lines? Why is it that a criminal is so alert? Isn't it because in each slid every person he meets holds possibilities of danger to his life or liberty? Isn't it because in each and every person he meets there is a possibility of a "haul"? Isn't it the one thing that the thief, the smuggler. the murderer, and in fact all criminal life, isn't it alertness and his readiness for instant and violent activity that keeps him out of jail?
He is alive to opportunities and dangers alike. He is putting his all into the game and he intends to win, right or wrong, just as long as he has his life and freedom.
Then why, oh why, in the name of all that's reasonable and right, don't men that are not criminals take a hint from the jail bird and "look alive".
The ordinary man might pass a dozen opportunities for promotion and advancement in his business or employment, or might walk straight into the gravest of dangers to his life, liberty, and success in life. That same ordinary man—you and me and our neigh-bors—would never notice a single thing. He would never think of taking advantage of the opportunity think of avoiding the dangers that got in his way on the other.
Now, just why is it so? It Is so. But why is it so? Our life and liberty and dur success in lids world of ours depends upon OUR alertness and activity of mind and thought, just as much as that of the criminal. Opportunities and dangers confront us every day of our lives, just the same as they do with the .criminal.
They are different dangers and different opportunities, and we are different from the criminal. Yes. He takes advantage of his opportunities, even though they are not to realize an honest ambition, he is on the lookout, he is LOOKING for opportunities and possible sources of failure that he must overcome. We sit back and AO and tell whoever will listen to us that "Opportunities never did come my way: I'm always in for hard luck. Now that fellow Jones got a job and got a lot of money, but he had pull".
Yes, you can bet your last dollar on it that he had pull. He had enough life and energy about him, and enough ability and desire about him, to get somebody interested in him. He had enough action in him to be worth something to somebody, and that somebody was perfectly willing to pay a good price for his services.
Pull? Sure he had pull, and push too. He honestly, earnestly tried to learn and get somewhere, and ho got there. And you can do the same thing in the same way. Nobody's going to look out for you and your opportunities. They're busy with their own problems. It's up to your own individual self.
You've got to do what's to be done to make you a success, and nobody is going to do it for you. What's your goal in life? Are you going to get there?
• Choosing.
In an article called "Each Unto His Kind" in Har-per's Magazine, John Burroughs says of the chipmunk: "He is living his life. He has a distinct sphere of activity. In this broad, rolling landscape he is a little jet of vital energy that has a character and a purpose of its own. It is unlike any other."
There you are. Animals have a certain limited sphere of activity, and choose their life with certainty. Man has the entire world and all that's in it, and yet his complex nature and the very magnitude of his opportunities seems to grind him under foot and make of him sometimes a wandering, uncertain force without an aim in life.
The child with only one bag of candy to choose from is certainly going to grab that one bag, but if there are twenty or a hundred bags for him to choose from ho can't make up his mind which one he wants, or he wants every bag in sight.
Each of us must choose for himself the kind of business and the kind of employment he is best qualified for, it he is to attain success.
)on't try to buck the other fellow in his specialty. lie's going to win every time. You've got a specialty of your own somewhere about you. Let the other fellow's job alone, and tackle the one that you know you are naturally best qualified for and you'll win, just like the other fellow is winning.
The green things that grow, the animals we raise (and eat), the earth we walk on, every commodity or manufactured article and its transportation from one place to another, the government itself, all of them offer unlimited sources for employment of special faculties and abilities.
Turn where you will, there are to be found such a variety and also such a mass of interwoven and closely related employments that man finds himself confused when he sets himself to discover which particular one of the lot he was intended for.
But it's the man who makes a study of himself and applies himself where he was really intended to be that suceeds best and is happiest. Men fail because they attempt to go beyond their sphere, as the fish trying to live on the sands of the desert, or the birds of the heavens attempting to live in the waters of the sea.
Men must find themselves, must inquire Into themselves and know themselves for what they are, direct their efforts accordingly, and they will succeed. They will be happy, content, and rich in all that the earth has to offer.-
Page Twelve THE INDIAN
The Third Division clinched the championship of the Northern League at Andernach last Tuesday,. when they defeated the Second Division 5 to 2, before a big crowd. The Third remains undefeated, while the Second has suffered three defeats, two of them at the hands of the Third.
Thirteen Second Division men died like heroes on bases, while the weaker end of the batting list fanned the wind, trying in vain to touch the invincible York. Below is the box score:
Second Division.
R. H. 0.
Winkleman, 2b 0 1 2 1
Kibler, cf 1 3 1 0
Legere, as 0 2 1 1
Bossoloni, rf 0 1 1 0
O'Hare, If 0 0 2 0
Duncan, 3b 0 0 2 2
Moneypenny, lb 1 1 7 0
Ashworth, c 0 2 7 1
Brought, p 0 0 1 0
Totals 2 10 24 5
Third Division.
R. H. 0. A. E.
Nadjec, rf 0 1 0 0 0
Martin, ss 0 1 1 2 0
Barrett, If 0 2 1 0 0
Steele, lb 0 0 9 0 0
Deegan, 3b 1 1 2 1 0
Crompton, cf 0 0 0 0 0
Oberc, 2b 0 0 4 1 1
Murray, c 2 1 10 0 0
York, p 2 2 0 7 2
Totals 5 8 27 11 8
Score by innings:
Second Division 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-2
Third Division 00101 800x-5
Summary: Bases on balls—York 6, Brought 3. Struck out—By York 7, by Brought 6. Hit by pitcher —O'Hare (by York). Two-base hits—Legore (2), Barrett, Deegan. Three-base hit—Nadjec.. Sacrifice hits—Nadjec, Duncan, Martin. Passed ball—Murray. Double play—York to Obere to Steele.
The new baseball park at Heddesdorf was the scene of a fearful carnage May 15, when 'the Second Division baseball team treated the Third Army team as if it was composed of Heinies.
The Indians played in top form and proved themselves no "mud larks." Never was a crowd in better humor. Clean, keen wit flowed in an endless stream from the spectators. The game was entirely free from argument, probably owing to the presence of a delegate to the peace conference, who occupied a seat in the officers' stand.
Brought pitched a masterly game. In only one inning did the visitors appear dangerous: it was in the fourth frame they made us sit up and take notice. Wolinski, the first batter up, leaned his wallow against a groove ball and shot it into left field for a triple; Eichelberg murmured "\Vhat man has done. man may do," and he smashed the next offering into the same territory.
Bought now changed his range, and the next three batters were speedily retired. The colonel sat back and made the same remark the kangaroo did when he was created: "How you made me jump!" Follow•
ing is the score by innings: R. H. E.
3rd Army 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0— 2 211
2nd Div 0 3 4 3 4 0 2 2 x-18 9 2
The game between the Second Division and Third Army Corps requires but little description. It was played on the home grounds at Heddesdorf, Saturday, May 17, and was won by the home team.
The visitors evidently suffered from stage fright. At any rate, their backers demanded odds of 15 to 1 before the game. The weather was splendid, and the Second Division aggregation gathered enough runs to tide them over a rainy day. After the second inning. the airplanes circling overhead attracted more attention than the game. Score by innings:
R. H. E.
2nd Div 2 12 0 0 2 1 0 3 x-20 17 0
3rd Army 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 1 8 10
The Second Division Invaded the Fourth Division area Sunday, May 18th, and after sparring four rounds, decided to give the umpires no chance to decide close decisions. They slammed the pill all over the landscape. When the fusilade had died down, 12 Indians had done a war dance on the home plate. and the team returned to Neuwied with another fine collection of scalps hanging to their belts.
Just to show that there were no hard feelings, the Indians gave their opponents a rest after the fifth,
THE INDIAN Page Thirteen
but the day's objective had been reached and they satisfied themselves with holding the ground gained.
Score by innings: R. H. E.
2nd Div 2 0 1 0 12 0 0 0 0-15 14 2
4th Div 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0— 5 7 6
Void of spectacular features, the long postponed Third Army swimming finals were held last Tuesday night in the Y. M. C. A. pool on Marktstrasse, Neu-wied. Winners of the first three places in each event will comprise the team, as well as a relay team of four men and two substitutes, which will represent the Third Army in the big A. E. F. meet to b3 held next month in Paris. Below are listed the events and winners of each, in order of place:
Free-style, 800-meter—Cpl. R. E. Lang, Second Division; Capt. F. W. Brooks, Fourth Corps; Cpl. B. E. Royce, Sixth Division. Time, 14:39.4.
Free-style, 100-meter—Cpl. R. W. Bennett, Sixth Division; Pvt. J. Kassell, Second Division; Pvt. J. P. McFarren, Second Division. Time, 1:09.
Plunge for distance—Lieut. J. W. Monthan, Sixth Division; Cpl. R. E. Bennett, Sixth Division; Sgt. W. S. Spangler, Seventh Corps. Distance, 51 feet.
Back stroke, 100-meter—Cpl. R. W. Bennett, Sixth Division; Lieut. J. W. Monihan, Sixth Division; Pvt. J. P. McFarren, Second Division. Time, 1:42.1.
Free-style, 400-meter- Sgt. J. F. B. Hanley, Second
Division; Cpl. R. Biegle, Sixth Division; Pvt. F. R. Petrie, Second Division. Time, 6:31.1.
Breast stroke, 200-meter—Lieut. Monihan, Sixth Division; Sgt. Spangler, Seventh Corps; Cpl. R. Grant, Third Division. Time, 4:08.4.
Fancy diving was won by Pvt. R. E. Douglas, Third Corps. .
Mrs. Nichols, hostess at the Y. M. C. A. Officers' Club, gave an exhibition of fancy diving, and Sgt. Spangler, bound hand and toot, escaped, in less than 20 seconds, from a weighted sack at the bottom of the tank.
Last week THE INDIAN, in a caption under the picture of a disabled tank, inadvertently stated that the first battalion of the Sixth Marines had captured Landres-et-St. Georges, meaning the village of St. Georges, three kilometres west of Landres-et-St. Georges. Landres-et-St. Georges was captured by the Twenty-third Infantry.
In the automatic rifle events at the Le Mans shoot. May 17, Pvt. Fred Kramer, of the Sixth Marines, won the gold medal in the individual competition. with a score of 403, beating his nearest rival by 22 points.
Page Fourteen THE INDIAN
Before the greatest crowd that has yet attended a ball game here, the Second Division defeated the First at Heddesdorl, May 21.
The visitors started right in scoring in the first inning. After Herr had fanned, Correll tripled, and scored on Fountain's single.
The Second came right back in their half with two runs. Winkleman drew a pass and was sacrificed to Second by Kibler. Ashworth was sate on a fielder's choice and stole second. Legere hit through second, scoring two. The Indians scored again in the third. Winkleman and Kibler each drew a base on balls; Ashworth bunted safe, filling the bases; Legere fanned; Bossoloni singled, scoring Winkleman, Kibler being held at third. McCabe popped to second and Pfab flied to center.
In the fifth, the Indians drove Manrose from the mound. Kibler singled and stole second. Ashworth was safe on Zedaker's error. Legore drew a pass. loading the bases. Bossoloni singled, scoring Kibler and Ashworth, Bossoloni taking second on the throw-in. Mc(Rabe singled, scoring Legore and Bossoloni. Flab and Woodland each sacrificed. On an error by the shortstop, Fagen was safe, Bossoloni scoring. Winkleman-tripled, scoring Fagen. Hill now replaced Fanrose in the box. Kibler, on his second trip to the plate during this inning, flied to right field.
The first scored two more runs in the sixth. Hun-isicker tripled; Zedaker drew a pass; Fowler, batting for Gallagher, flied to second. Varroush was passed, but was forced at second by Williams, Hunisicker scoring. Hill singled, scoring Zedaker; Herr forced Hill at second. This ended the scoring. The box score:
Second Division.
R. H. 0. A. E
Winkleman, 2b 2 1 3 3 0
Kibler, cf 1 1 1 0 0
Ashworth, c 2 1 7 0 0
Legere, ss 1 1 0 2 0
Bossoloni, rf 1 2 2 0 0
Mc0labe, lb 1 2 12 0 0
Pfab, 3b 0 0 1 2 0
Woodland, If 0 0 1 0 0
Fagen, p 1 0 0 2 1
Totals 9 8 27 9 1
First Division.
R. H. 0. A. E.
Herr, 3b 0 0 0 1 (1
Correll, d 1 1 2 0 0
Fountain, 2b 0 1 5 1 0
Hunisicker, If 1 0 1 0 0
Zedaker, lb 1 0 6 0 1
Gallagher, ss 0' 0 0 0 1
Fowler, ss 0 0 1 0 0
Varroush, rf 0 0 1 0 0
Williams, c 0 0 8 2 0
Manrose, p 0 1 0 8 0
Hill, p 0 1 0 1 0
Totals 3 4 24 8 2
Score by innings:
Second Division 2 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 x-9
First Division 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3
Summary—Struck out—By Manrose 2, Hill 3, Fagen 8. Bases on balls—OH Manrose 7, Hill 1, Fagen 4. Three-base hits—Correll, Huniseker, Winkleman. Nolan. Two-base hits—Correll. Sacrifice hits—Zed-aker, Gallagher, Varroush, Kibler, PM, Woodland. Hit by pitcher—Zedaker. Passed ball—Williams. Stolen bases—Ashworth, Kibler. Left on bases—First 7, Second 5.
Gyp—you know Gyp, he's the Italian representative of our detachment—returned from a fourteen day trip to Italy the other day. lie says there is a shortage of spaghetti there, which of course explains why we're getting so much of that delectable dish lately.
And Otto Streubing is with us again. Our old company comedian. After a little sojourn with the Sixth Corps, he applied for a transfer, and got it—just one day before the Sixth received sailing orders! What a tragedy! But we're glad you're with us again. Otto, and there's pleasant rumors afloat.
Private Lee Edwin Buchanan met with an accident last Saturday. While admiring the pillow slip effect of his new blouse, 0. D. size 7, in one of the plate glass windows on-the main stem of our burg, he bumped into a fraulein with an armload of sauerkraut. The kraut wag a total loss and he gallantly paid damages to the extent of marks-2.50, or eighteen cents in real money.
Supplyless Sergeant Pollard is off on a furlough to England. Good luck, Pol, old boy. We hope your temporary successor manages to lift us out of this Adam-and-Eve era and provide us with a few glad rags.
Sid says, that when marks drop to fifteen cents a peck, he's going to use 'em in his bedtick instead of straw.
We're brave and true, we're gallant men—
But no. We're kids, especly when
We hear the company chow line shout—
liot Dog! They're puttin' candy out!
—Pvt. W. W. Byrne.
0 0
O A compilation of letters of commendation 0
O received by the Second Division, together with 0
O a collection of interesting data concerning the 0
O division, is being published by the Second 0
O Division Association. It will be sold at a min- 0
O imum cost. The supply is limited owing to 0
O the scarcity of paper. Get your copy early 0
O Price 1)4 marks. 0
O 0 000 0 00 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
THE INDIAN Page Fifteen

French "75" In Dugout at Fort Troyon—Third Piece of F Battery, 15th Field Artillery Laid for Normal Barrage; Fused D. E. Shell Lies on the Trail.
What the operator was doing one day when you had to ring twice before he answered.
"Division operator."
"I want G-whiz office. Hello, HELLO, HELL-O. Oh, blast this phone, I can't hear a thing. Say, operator, gimme wire chief or chief operator, or something."
"Wire chief, talking."
"Say, I want you to come and fix this phone, it sounds as though there were seven brass bands in it " "It isn't your phone that bothers you, it's the induction on the line."
"Well, get him off, I'd like to know what busines, you had putting him on when I was talking. I'll re-
port you for this." —De Vault.
Well, Doctor, when one doctor is doctoring another doctor, does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the other doctor as the doctor wants to be doctored; or does the doctor doing the doctoring, doctor the other doctor as the doctor doing the doctoring wants
to be doctored? —A Doughboy.
O 0
O 0
O Anyone in the division who did not get in as 0
O a charter member of the Second Division As- 0
O sociation, can join by sending his application, ()
O with two dollars, to the secretary of the associ- 0
O ation. Be sure to send your organization and 0
O your home address. 0
O Those who have left the division, and who 0
O are with other organizations, as well as those 0
O who have gone home, can join by sending 0
O their applications to the Secretary, Second Di- 0
O vision Headquarters, A. P. 0. 710, American 0
O E. F., with two dollars for initiation fee and 0
O first year's dues. 0
O It is necessary that the organization to which 0
O the applicant belonged and his home address 0
O be given. 0
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
First Marine: "Do you think the riding school will be a success?"
Second Marine: "No, the • pupils are falling off every day."
Page Sixteen THE INDIAN
With The Second Engineers
B Company

Rumor has it our division is not only going home soon, but we are to land in Boston. What has given color to the Boston part of the rumor, is that they have doubled up our exercises every morning. This is to make us hard so we can tell the people of Boston who took Belleau wood.

—Pvt. Ben Morrell
D Company

We are trying to find out what company has the worst ball team. We give D Company the first place with Headquarters a close second.

A few nights ago, D Company's club opened with a bang. The 50 pounds of candy, to say nothing of chewing gum and cigarettes, melted away like snow under a Texas sun.

Private Hoffman took an inventory the next morning and reports most of the piano is left.

Private Izzy Lipchitz defended his title Monday night in a pie eating contest, but Private Hoffman was too much for him. He finished a close second.

We are wondering what has bceome of our band. Probably it has become attached to some lost battalion.

The sergeant's mess is moved again. They will probably get some exercise now, it is almost out of town.

We are constantly losing men as a result of the splendid opportunities offered by the A. E. F. schools.

Now we have prospects of losing Sgt. John J. 0'Brien, if a course is open, teaching "goat-raising."

After successfully dodging all the G. I. cans at the front, Freddy Bernd at last made the hospital. He cut his hand opening a can of monkey meat and blood poisoning set in.

D Company's Great White Way is about completed. and rumor has it a delegation from headquarters will give it the once over.

The regimental inspector gives us credit for having one of the cleanest kitchens in the division. It is painted white, is roomy, with plenty of fresh air, and affords lots of work for the K. P.'s.

Oh, you pick and shovel artists of the fighting Second Engineers, won't it be great to sport one of those fourrageres on your left shoulder?

Well, along comes the Three Hundred and Fifteenth Engineers, from the Ninetieth Division, for a couple of games of baseball, and we accommodated them. They took the first, but we romped home with the second, 6 to 5.

The regiment assembled for a photograph, and even the Y. M. C. A. was represented. The picture turned out fine except the front row were laughing; don't know why, unless it was Easter.

We hear lots of rumors that we will be home in time to see the States go dry. Here's hoping.

Everything is "souvenirs" or "hard luck'' these days, and Corporal Hand has them both.

One N. C. 0. has searched his head and the I. D. R. for the Six Hundred and Third Article of War, but so far has had no success. It was on the bulletin board a few days ago and had quite a few guessing.

Sergeant Berlander was decorated last week for the third time. This time it was a "Sam Browne" belt. In most cases he salutes first, but is learning fast. We all join in wishing you good luck, "Loot."

Pvt. Richard "Sis" Wales left on pass to England. Who suggested a change of climate?

Corporal Magee has either lost a bunch of francs or his best friend; or maybe there's a girl in the case! At any rate from the range score something awful has happened. Vas ist los, Magee?

About the only thing that reminds me of home is the children.

In this country it is either raining or trying to. Ever notice it?

—Pvt. Guy L. Tucker.
E Company

E Company of the Second Engineers has installed a club all its own, having a piano, pool and reading room and canteen. It is generally believed among the outsiders that drinking water and gun fighting are prohibited as games in this model club.

The Sergeants of B Company issued the following last week: "We, the honorable sergeants, do hereby humble ourselves in challenging the 'John Corporals' to a game of baseball." "Humble" was right, the corporals beat them 14 to 3. It's a good thing they did not challenge the privates.

First Class Private Nick Orak had a narrow escape from being run up for a -shoot," last Sunday, when he attempted to tell Corporal Thomas F. Long that he was out of uniform by wearing a rose on his blouse. Corporal Ryan, an old timer, was standing near by when the argument started and he fixed it up for Nick in good shape.
You will have to be more careful how you talk to a non-commissioned officer the next time, Nick.
Sgt. Joe Klump came into the office this morning with a bandage over his right eye. It was the same old story about bad eyes but we are inclined to believe that he got the worst of it.
"Buck" Wheling is no morn. For the excellent work he has performed in the regimental message center, he has been promoted to the rank of Corporal. They say that it always comes to him who waits.
Sgt. Samuel Bennett is suffering from his attempt to show the young "Bucks how the national pastime was played. Ile twisted his knee and has a sore finger.
Well, boys, we just received sonic news over the wireless about going home. We are going home in July and General Pershing is to go with us.
We will all look like real veterans in the near future with our victory medals, campaign bars, decorations and qualification pins fastened on our breasts.
When we land at New York the people will say. "Oh, that is only a banch of 0d-timers returning from the Islands. You can tell by all the junk they wear.
—F. L. Renton, Cpl., U. S. M. C.
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.