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'Twas a great day. The lid was off. No reveille, io drill, no study, no work. It was the first anniversary of the battle of Chateau Thierry, and they ust told the boys to go to it.

And go to it they did. Just to give an idea of the kings throughout the division area, the program for )ivision Headquarters and attached troops at Heddesdorf is given in detail. Just to give a faint idea, that's all.

Here it is. To begin with, from 9:30 a. m. to 10:15 a. m. there was a baseball game between the First Signal Battalion and the Second Supply Train at the tall park. From 10:15 until 11 a. m. they called off the sports, and put on Houdini stunts, and the "Iron Jawed Man." After that was another baseball game, between Division Headquarters and the Second Miltary Police. Music? Sure there was music.

Chow, of course. Then came the doings for the afternoon. And while speaking of chow, it might be mentioned that meals were provided for all visiting kldiers, whoever they might be, at the big mess in Uncle Sam's Theater, Neuwied. (For the benefit of the folks back home: Neuwied and Heddesdorf are practically one town.)

"Well, in the afternoon Cora Youngblood Corson's "All American Girls" put on a show at the ball park, then came more baseball, and from then on until supper time a vaudeville show called "Are You There?"

That night there was boxing at the ball grounds, and in order that the fight fans might see the show at Uncle Sam's, they put it on twice. When the fights ended everybody streamed to the theater and took in the second show.

It was some show "me brave lads," some show. An all-star cast of professional and soldier talent. The overture started the show, of course, and was by the orchestra of the Sixth Machine Gun Battalion. Then Breen and Green, of the Fifth Marines put on "A Little Bit of Comedy."

Jack Lewis, the contortionist, "Pantages Time;" "Charley Chaplin," and then "Patsy" Baker, the "Jazz Baby" of "The Girl Barrage." Next came the "Marine Trio"—Crosby at the fiddle, Schwartz at the cello and Chaplan at the piano.

More yet. There was the "Harmony Sextette," or "The Boys That Did the Double Time;" Hunting and Francis, in "The Flower Shop"—these "big time" artists first played to the division at Suippes, October 11th, 1918; and last, but not least, Marcus and Harman, of "The Deep Black," ordnance review.

A fleet of thirty aeroplanes, flying the Second Division pennant, soared over the towns and villages of the area, throwing to earth Major General Lejeune's message. It follows:

(By Maj. Gen. John A. Lejeune, Commanding Second Division, A. E. F.)

"1. One year ago, the enemy was at the high tide of success. His great offensives of March and April in Picardy and Belgium had with difficulty been checked, when on the verge of attaining decisive results; and at the end of May, he launched a powerful surprise attack against the thinly held Allied lines between Soissons and Rheims. This attack had been successful and many enemy divisions were marching victoriously toward Paris. The way seemed open; the opposing Allied forces had been defeated; and there were few available reserves with which to stem the enemy's advance.

"2. On June 1, when the Allied hopes were lowest, the Second Division was brought up by camions and deployed north of the Marne near Chateau Thierry, across the Paris-Metz highway. It stopped the advance of the enemy, in spite of heavy attacks by strong forces and, on June 6, it assumed the offensive and attacked successfully. It seized Hill 142, Bouresches, and the southern part of the Bois de Belleau. The news of this victory, coming at a psychological moment, spread like wild fire throughout the world. It filled the Allied nations with a new hope of ultimate victory and correspondingly depressed the morale of the enemy. For over a month the


Second Division continued its fierce attacks, and in spite of bitter opposition cleared the Bois de Belleau, captured Vaux, and advanced its lines along its entire front.

"3. It is very fitting that we should celebrate, on German soil, the first anniversary of this great battle. It was in that battle that the American established his moral supremacy over the enemy, and this was the prelude to his final defeat. All honor, therefore, should be given to the living and to the dead of the "Immortal Second Division" for their glorious victory in the Chateau Thierry Sector."

The memorial services at Heddesdorf, May 30, were very impressive. The Second Division baseball grounds were staged for the program, which started promptly at 9:30 a. m., with the arrival of Major General Lejune. The assembled units from companies stationed in Heddesdorf stood at attention while the band of the Twelfth Field Artillery played the national anthem.

The reading of orders followed, after which the band played a funeral march. Senior Chaplain Lee Owens then read the memorial services, and a sextette of soldiers sang "Nearer My God to Thee." The commanding general then stepped forward and addressed the men on the origin and new significance of the day.

Again the band, and then a special prayer by the chaplain. The details were directed to proceed to designated cemeteries for the purpose of decorating the graves of our fallen comrades, the band playing the recessional, "Onward, Christian Soldiers."

At 11:30 a. m. the Twelfth Field Artillery band reported before division headquarters and for half an hour rendered appropriate airs. At noon, the "Star Spangled Banner" was played and the flag was hoisted to the top of the staff.
Have you heard the latest rumor?
Private Barbee's in good humor;
Sergeant Hoffman, our personnel clerk,
Today had to do 'bout 10 minutes' work;
We're suffocating—someone swipe
The sergeant major's corn-cob pipe;
Ach! 'twould make your little heart flutter
To hear Cash say, "I've sworn off butter."
Heimiller says, "It gets me noives
To ride with Pierson 'round the coives."
All our marks have come to tears,
Johnson's bought More souvenirs;
Now that Shunk's been appointed cook,
Perhaps he'll dig up the old cook book;
Boiled potatoes fill us with joy,
But fry them once in a while, old boy;
'Twould be a relief in this A. of 0.,
If you'd tie a can to the oleo;
Am I awake, or do I dream?


Bailey's bought some more ice cream;
Yet, with all our whims and ways,
We've got SOME outfit nowadays.
Now, no doubt, the bunch will think
The sergeant major's spilling ink;
Boys, if you'll put your heads together,
You'll find it's a bird of another feather.
—One of 'Em.
Lost, Strayed, or Stolen—Sergeant Hoffman's application for discharge. Finder please return and receive a divisional citation.
Took a peep in. Sergeant Cash's "zimmer" today. The beds were neatly made up.
Sergeant Major: "What makes Hoffman sing so much this morning? Must have fed him birdseed."
Sergeant Cash: "I should think they fed him oats."
Heimiller: "Have you noticed Q. M. Sergeant Johnson's newly-acquired chevron, with the circus poster effect?"
Pierson: "Yep. Looks like a drop curtain."
Inquisitive: "Drinkin' any more now, ————?"
Wise Man: "No. Just as much."



Know ye, all persons by these presents, that:

In spite of all existing orders and regulations notwithstanding, there has been organized in the town of Rengsdorf, Germany, away from the hurrying marts of trade, a new civic government. This important step was taken in the interests of second lieutenants and M. P.'s, and bids fair to outrival any such organization in the states. It even exceeds that of Chicago, in that our mayor has no leanings toward the German population.

Recent elections held here resulted in the making of Second "Looey" R. B. Laufer, mayor, and as chairman of the city council, Private McHale of San Francisco. These . two . men were chosen upon a liberal ticket, their platform being "less drill and K. P."

As chief of police, "Handsome Harry" Winburn nosed out his closest rival, Sergeant Kidder, and owes his election to pull exerted by the fair representatives of our local Y. M. C. A. These ladies fared forth into the city, bearing banners imploring the voters to elect their candidate and promised that in the event of his gaining a victory, free chocolate would be served at the canteen for one mark a cup—bring your own cup.

The election was carried entirely by the liberal ticket, the successful candidates being: Sergeant Major Campbell, chief justice of the police court; Sgt. H. B. Harvey, confidential secretary to the mayor; Sgt. Harry Martin, health. commissioner; Pvt. Otto Helwig, court interpreter.

Things That Get Your Goat (Image here)

At a meeting of the city council held today it was decided that under no conditions would this body - accept a separate peace and that it would stand by the President to the last gasp. We have been approached by envoys (they looked more like convoys) bearing gifts and "everything" and have endeavored to ascertain just how we stood on this matter, but we are Americans through and through and we refused to be bribed away from our duties as we see 'em.

We will endeavor to keep everyone appraised of, and perhaps, surprised, at the doings of this august body, and as such we leave it up to the citizens.

By proclamation of the Mayor,
(Seal.) Robert B. Laufer,
Per "Surge" Harvey, Secy.

Coblenz is not the only place that can boast of a carnival. The Germans have one at Engers, our old town, that consists of two merry-go-rounds without any popcorn or peanuts or anything else that it takes to make up a real show, except for the crowds that it draws. They come from all over this section of the country and bring all the kids, and down around the vicinity of the school house on Sunday. It reminds you of a circus day in Arkansas.

A great many of the bucks here are of the opinion that the Rhine is several hundred feet below the sea level, or that there is some mistake about the heights of that hill where our target range is, but after seeing how some of these birds shoot, we realize why we all have to go so far into the wilderness to practice.

All the world knows that there is not, or never was. any better feeling between two organizations than that which exists between the engineers and the marines, and when the marines come over and root for us when we are playing a game of baseball, with some team like the First Engineers, it is then that we cannot find words to express our appreciation for their friendship.

The Second Regiment of Engineers has prepared a popular history of the regiment which will be out in a few days. It is written like a story and covers the period from the organization of the regiment in Mexico in 1916, to the present. It contains several drawings, seven maps, 25 photographs, and 125 pages of reading matter, besides much other interesting data, such as citations, awards, tables of casualties, etc.

The price is 7 marks. As many as desired can be ordered from Lieut. A. Burton, Second Engineers.



Lieut. Col. A. D. Bruce called the Fourth Machine Gun Battalion together on the evening of May 17 and gave the following impromptu talk:

"Men, I want to say tonight a few words regarding the Second Division Association. I never realized what such an association really meant to a max until I received my orders to leave this battalion. There has been some misunderstanding in the battalion as to who could belong to the association. Every man who has served with the Second Division, at a cost of two dollars can even now join the association. It i my parting wish that every man in the battalion become a member. When we return to the United States and some of you to civil life, then you will realize more and more just what it means to be a member of the Second Division Association, and the Second Division is second to none.

I have been commander of this battalion in three major offensives—St. Mihiel, Champagne and Meuse-Argonne, and to tell the truth, when I had command at St. Mihiel, to say the least, I had my 'wind up' at the outcome, but when you put over one .of the best barrages that has ever been put over by any machine gun battalion, I was proud of you. Then again at Champagne you did nobly, Com-)any A going over the top with the Twenty-third Infant' y, and Companies A and B being used to maintain combat laisson with the Thirty-sixth Division and the French, and while doing this work maintained combat laisson by repulsing a counter-attack and stopping confusion caused by this counter-attack.

In the Meuse-Argonne you again put over a splendid barrage. After being hauled within one kilometer of the front lines by machine gun trucks, you went over the top during the night with the Twenty-third Infantry, placed harrassing fire during the succeeding days of the advance, and you were in position to cover the bridge crossing on the night of November 10. after a rush order that necessitated the covering of several kilometers in machine gun trucks.

When we return to the United States, and some of you to civil life, it is my earnest wish that every man of this battalion call on me as 'friend,' and every man who remains in the service call or write me as `friend'.

The man who is coming to take command I have known since September, 1917, and it is an honor to have his acquaintance. It is my wish and hope that you give him the same hearty support and co-operation that you have given me. Remember the Fourth Machine Gun Battalion, and above all, the Second Division. Goodby."
—Sgt. A. J. Clegg.


Our Y. M. C. A. Secretary. Mr. Killcrease, who was with us throughout our fighting in France, and has helped make our dull moments in Germany brighter, has gone back to the States. We are sorry to lose him, but we rejoice that he is soon to realize that fondest of all dreams, "home." We now have with us as "Y" representatives, Miss McKibben and Miss Smith, whose every desire seems to be our comfort. The "feminine touch" is already in evidence in our improvised hut.

To the already long string of honors held by the Eighteenth Company another was added when Cpl. Leland K. Peyton won individual honors in the A. E. F. shoot at LeMans. Corporal Peyton's phenomenal shooting is due mostly to consistent hard work and practice. The members of the company are especially proud of him and are expecting still greater things of him in the future.
—Sgt. 0. B. Carr.


First Sergeant Dobry is now back on the job. Hope you had a good time,. John, but sorry you did not see the Headquarters-Twenty-third game.

Captain Harvis and Doctor Moring are now back to duty.

Our major has been selected by G. H. Q. to act as Ridge in the LeMans meet, and Captain Curtis is now in command, with Lieutenant Schwerin as adjutant.

The following lucky ones have started for the States lately: Joe Grant, Sergeant Wheaten, Sergeant Sege], and Private Rogstad. As it is close to going home time, most of us would rather go home with the outfit.

When you go into a beer joint in Melsbach they ask you if you want Jocko wine. Asked to explain what they mean by Jocko wine, they say it is the kind Jocko drinks.

Everybody is looking for the man who invented the "doughboy" game. If they find him, he'll be as popular as the game, which means he had best not show himself after dark.

Lieutenant Barger has returned from a course at the school for the care of animals. Remember the old saying: "Never get in front of a machine gun or behind a mule."

Koberna is now top soldier of the Seventy-seventh Company. May all his troubles be of small calibre. But the job is not what it is cracked up to be. You are everybody's enemy from now on, Jim.

All corral and police sergeants are requested to put their home addresses on the bulletin boards so when the boys are discharged they can send fond remembrances.

Corporal Darby looks as though he had been in conflict with Mother Earth. Cheer up, Kerum, the horse feels sore too.

When asked why he did not salute the colors the other day, a private said the flag was not on a flagpole. Next time we lower the flag, Vorhees, we'll have someone stand by with a flag-pole.

What will the Eighty-first do while Mike is in Paris? Starve to death, we suppose. Mike wants to see if there are any new French dishes out.

Captain Reece has been doing some good swimming at the division pool, and is expected to bring home a ribbon or two for the battalion.
—Sgt. Maj. A. Clifford


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Before going to a shoe store to buy your "civie" shoes, ascertain your proper size. Following is a useful formula: Army size, minus 99, plus two, then extract the square root.
In a_pproaching a shoe clerk, address him boldly, just as though you had worn shoes all your tile. Do not let it faze you if the clerk bears a striking resemblance to your former captain or major.
Never line up outside of a 'fashionable restaurant waiting for chow call. Walk right in or you may get arrested for loitering. Move over to any table (none are reserved for non-coms) and sit down.
Nothing will show you up so plainly as standing by the table waiting for somebody to yell "seats."
At the table do not make the common error of filling your soup plate half full of desert at the start. The chances are there will be enough to go around. If you should spill your soup, never scoop the noodle up in your plate, and do not wipe your hands on the seat of your pants or the underside of the table, use the napkin.
When you have finished do not attempt to wash your plate and silverware in the finger bowl. And above all, don't carry your dirty dishes up to the cashier's desk.
Never have hobnails put in your tango pumps to prevent slipping, use a rubber insert. Besides that, your girl may have corns.
Don't get a hammerlock or a half-Nelson on your dancing partner. Remember, it's not the Y. M. C. A. and nobody is going to try to take her away.
If the mail man should happen to .15low his whistle
downstairs, never ,give up your partner and try to grab another one. The other guy may have been a shipbuilder and not appreciate your confusion.
Don't wear your helmet to a dance, even in raioy weather. Umbrellas can be -purchased at leading haberdashers. Besides you may have to take a lady home in the rain.
Never explain to your girl what division won the war, she's probably heard all about it before.
And, for the love of Mike, when you see her the first time, don't forget where you were wounded and why you refused to accept a commission.
—Pvt. Odin Thomas, 96th Co., 6th Marines.
The Fifteenth Field Hospital company has left Ben-dorf, where it had occupied the Rheineu, a German hospital for the insane. The organization now funs-lions in a hospital for the sane, in Sayn. But there is yet operating a German hospital for the insane, in Sayn, nevertheless there is no connection with the American institution, also in Sayn.
The Division psychiatrist, who examines the insane, is also in Sayn.
A patient in the insane asylum in Sayne speaks English, but when he was told, (over the fence), be an American thAt he was "in Sayn," he misunderstood the exprefsion„ which it ad reference to geography not to pathology, but which merely happened It be corrected as regards location and diagnosis.
When a fair "Y' replacement said one day, "Boyn. aren't you just crazy to get home?" Someone aa swereded, "Yah, we're in Says."
- _
How the Twelfth and Fifteenth Served the -Rallies"


"Let ta be Mshionable, and go slumming," recently suggested our friend, Kornelius Katfish, as Sc grabbed his mess kit and started for the mess hall.
There an ancient mariner,
And he held one of three.
"By your long grey beard and glittering eye,
Now what can your question be?"
And he raised his quavering voice to ask,
"Has the `Hancock' come in from sea?
Or the 'Prairie' or the 'Henderson'—
It 'moichts nichts ass' to me.
For ships are here, and ships are there,
And ships are all around;
Divisions daily pass and laugh,
For they are homeward bound. "-
Day in, day out, we eat our 'kraut'
On the Rhein in Germany.
But what I want is a one way pass
• To the Statue of Liberty." —Horatius Boob
They say that "time is money." At that rate., us guys in the First and Second Divisions "ousr.hta ' be millionaires by now.
—Bill Belleau.
"Han wants but little here below," remarked the new ar:ival in hades, as he hurriedly removed his marine overcoat.
Otto see: "When you feel disgusted, take 's look in your trench mirror; you might be worse off than you are."
"Now why all this roar about who won the war?" The Second Division is asking.
"Let the world get a look at the of record book, And the heroes will all be ttnmasking." —Ella Wheeler Woodbox.
"If you've got troubles, separate 'em, line 'eta up, and count 'em off," sez York Spur, in his "colyum." "Yeh," see Horatius Boob, "but these civilian troubles won't shove off at no military cammand.'
Fraulein Annie Kartofell of Rheinbrahl, a "klein madchen" with a brain about the size of a private's ration after the officers have got theirs out, sang a song called "The Roar of Battle" a few nights ago. After listening to Annie for awhile, Johnnie "Ver boten" remarked that the song contained all the horrors of war, without a doubt.
A "colyum" conductor is like a street car conductor —he's tryin' to crowd a whole lot in a very little space.
Yell, whenever you see a man with a bar on his shoulder, you can bet he's a lieutenant; but when you see a man with his shoulder on a bar, he's probably only a private.
—"Millinery Taeties"—By Capt. 0. G. Warsell.
Otto see: I was readin' that, at one time, the poet Tennyson took three months to finish one sentence. But that ain't nothin'—we got "beaucoup" A. W. 0. L.'s right here in the A. E. F. that have spent six months on a single sentence.
Every 14enThtOwe has—
A Café du Lion Noir.
A Nouvelles Galleries.
A town pump
A public laundry pond-fontaine.
Beaucoup smiling demoiselles.
And a lot of likeable little kids who shout "good-
night" to every American they see—Yank Talk.
Which moves one to add—
Every German town has—
A Gasthaus eur Krone.
A Schloss Stress.
Numerous M. P.'s.
An iron cross store.
Viel weary doughboys.
And a swarm of little squareheads who hold tip
every enemy in sight for "nix gummy."
And why not—
Every American town has—
Ananxious-looking hotel bar.
An Englisk-speaking population.
A memorial for the MEN IN SERVICE.
Lots of pretty girls.
—Pvt. George W. Sommer, 2nd San. Train.
, A
• 00i .411


There are a few in this army who evidently do not txpect to go home for a couple of years yet. Marty tall, Dike Shingle, and "Old Man" Marks of this out-it belong to that society. They have started raising
•abbits as a pastime, and they expect in a year or so o be making vie! gelt.
Henry Ford, our noble horseshoer, says he has to friends in this man's army—simply "military at-inaintances." You tell 'em, Henry!
The earth shook, thehillsehc oed with thunder, and the heavens were lighted up, from 10 to 10:30 p m., Say 29. The civilian population that had not retired flocked to the sidewalks and windows to see what was going on. It was simply a chemical demonstration staged at Gladbach by Major Summerville, Chief Gas Officer of the Third Corps.
All firing was done with Stokes mortars and trench batteries. A salvo of 40 guns gave the light effect and one of 25 with T. N. T. showed the destructive qualities of high explosives. A salvo of 20 incendiary thells while a smoke screen was created with white phos-par. shells. Night signals were also shown.
Talk about your real good times! Boys, we had
Us marines up here were lonely. Kind of getting
Ile S got1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O 0
O All °facers of the A. E. F., visiting et 0
O stationed in Neuwi,1 or Heddesdorf, are in- 0
O vited to take their meals at the Y. M. C. A.. 0
O OiTicers' Club, 79 3chloss Strasse, Neuwied, in 0
O the building known as the "Casino."
O The schedule lot the meals is as follows: 0
O . Breakfast, 7:30 to 9:30 A. M. Lunch 12:00 0
O noon to 2:00 P. M. Afternoon Tea (with 0
O music) 4:00 to 6:00 P. M. Dinner 6A)0 P. 01. 0
O to 8:00 P. M. 0
O R. E. Leonard, Sgt. Maj., Office of 0-1 0 •
O 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
stale and groggy, you know, and then—wow!—there came Saturday, Any 24, some trucks.
Up this here Noun tain they crawled, and they unloaded a crowd of real honest-to-goodness females. The kind U. S. has. And these ladies sprang from these Fords, Cedilla., and White automobiles and started in r3viving our memories of U. S. days, and they revived them, too.
There were about sixteen of them, I should say. coming from the towns of Coblenz, Engers, Say., Neuwied and Segendorf. Red Cross and Y. M. C A. girfs they were. I am sorry I can't give their names. but all you boys know them, because you see them every day.
We ate a swell dinner at 1 o'clock, served out in the open—picnic style—where tables had been placed in the prettiest spot up here.
The Fifth Marine Band kept the trees softly swaying with that incomparable music of theirs, and after our noon repast we danced and danced—fox tre, one steps, waltzes—just like the States, ye,. and while some danced, others walk's'
cool, shady trees, following vague, c.
these groups visited all the histories
Monrepos. Maybe the boys exaggerated about some of these places, which only goes to prove how earnest they were, and how thoroughly they enjoyed it. Supper was served at 6 o'clock in the same place as the former meal, and the menu was most excellent. We'll never forget it. Chocolate cake, lemonade, cold roast beef.
After eating all we could possibly hold, we went to our ballroom (or rather where we had danced), and watched a splendid show put on by the First Division. Everyone enjoyed it thoroughly.
After the show there was more dancing, and then goodbyes.
Ladies, wherever you are, and wherever you may be in the future, remember this: This gang of marines up here will always remember your wonderful visit; will always remember your presence in connection with the best time ever passed in the A. F and a dose second to the best time we ever had. We entreat you, we beg you, we simply gotta have you up here again, and SOON too, so don't disappoint us.
-THE GANG AT SCHLOSS MONREPOS." Regimental Headquarters, Fifth Marines.


P., Eight 'i•,11, INDIAN
Capt. Walter a Long, if.ditor Pvt. H. H. Watson, Art Editor Cpl. Walter Borg, Collector Pvt. W. Jenkins
Capt. J. R. Minter, Asst. Editor
Cpl J. O. Minard, Sporting Editor
Cpl. Max L. Morton, Circulation
Pvt. A. C. Diekmeyer
Pvt. L. N. Keller
Pvt. J. W. Caudle, Business Mgr. Pvt. R. C. Mather, Foreman
Pvt. Harold L. Johnson
Pvt. V. H. Burlingame
Thousands of American soldiers have bidden France a last farevvell. With sorrow the French have seen them depart. The splendid legions have left their mark upon France forever.
To know people one must live with them. Americans and Frenchmen have lived in the same towns and villages for many months. And they have learned nut, things. The Frenchman has learned that the American is a great warm-hearted boy, who loves dogs and rabbits and everything that lives. When an American outfit left a village "somewhere in France" on its way to or from the front, the hearts of the little children in that village broke.
Si also, have we learned much. We have learned to admire, to revere, the aged men and women who did the work of the young men, that those same youths might fight. We have learned that frugality is a virtue. We have learned that one need not he a millionaire to live and to love life and be happy. And we have seen added proof that a deep abiding love of country and of right will carry a people through many trials and many sorrows.
'Pheir young women have listened to tales of the way marriages are arranged in America, and to the horror of their elders—so it is whispered—many maids of France refuse longer to allow their papas to pick their husbands Inc them. They demand the right to do it themselves, in the "good old American way."
The Americans have seen what a country of good roads looks like. Many a backward community is due to receive a shock when the boys come home and insist that "grandfather's roads are not good enough Inc us, let's have roads like France."
So it goes, all along the lb.y. But best of all, when the last American has gone, it will be found they all have left behind an imperishable reputation, as great as that al the good knight Bayard, who was "without fear and without reproach."
Yes, he's writing another one about the Second Division Association. Because it's the best thing that has ,track• this outfit yet, and it is up to eyery man who wears the Indian Head to sign up and show
he is with the old outfit Inc keeps. •
The boys are coming in, one by one, arid by two's and three's, and it will not be long before
it is a 100 per cent organization.
Any man who wants to know more of the details can lust turn to page ten of this issue and get
Vie facts:
And here is another thing. The Second Division Association will be the only medium back
home through which any former member of this division will be able to get in touch with his old "bud
die," So far, so good, but how about ion'. "buddies" getting in touch with YOU. They just wont, ti,at's all, unless your name and home address is on the rolls of the Second Division Association.

Full page Image



Below is a concise, condensed statement of the aims of this organization, and instructions how ajoin.
Applications for membership should be addressed to the secretary of the association, Headquarters, Second Division, A. P. 0. 710, American Expeditionary Forces.
For the information of those concerned, the following extracts from the Constitution of the Association are published:
"The objects of this Association shall be:
"To promote and maintain among its members the comradeship and spirit engendered by active service with the Second Division, A. E. F., in the Great War;
"To preserve the history of the accomplishments of the Second Division by preparing
and publishing a complete history of the Second Division, A. E. F., and of the gallant and heroic deeds of its officeiS and men.
"Active Membership
"All members of the Army, Navy or Marine Corps, or of the Allied Armies, who served, or may serve, honorably overseas as a part of the Second Division prior a he ratification of the Peace Treaty with Germany, are eligible for membership in The Second Division Association.
"Honorary Membership.
"All members of the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus and the Salvation Army. or any other welfare organization who served, or may serve, honorably over seas under assignment to the Second Division prior to the ratification of the Peace Treaty are eligible as honorary members of The Second Division Association.
"They shall not be required a nav dues, but will be required to pay an initiation fee." Applications for membership, submitted on and after April 16, 1919, shall be accompanied with an initiation fee el One Dollar and the first year's dues.
The yearly dues is One Dollar; initiation fee is One Dollar.
Active Membership: TWO Dollars.
Honorary Membership: One Dollar.
Samuel Bennett is anxiously awaiting the order to slap on the Sam Browne belt and gold bars that be purchased in Paris about VOA months ago.
`Tatty" Ryan is taking singing lessons from Tommy Lo.ig and expects to step out into the limelight inside of .,o weeks. He may be just in time to amuse the folks back home.
Nick Orak says he is proud to be a member of the famous Second Division, and that he assets The fe-diss a publish this statement to the world at large. --*--
What do you think of the buck private who stays up until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning to develop pictures for "officers." It looks bad, Whiteman.
Sgt. Joe Klump is still having trouble with his eyes, but that does not interfere wills him working at his old profession of training has. Joe has a patent
on a little device which he attaches to a fly which makes it look like an aeroplane flying around the roorn. Keep up the good work, old man, and they will have you with Barnum and Bailey yet.

Sgt. "Dinty" Moore of the officers mess was in his glory the other morning, when he was put in charge of ten "bucks" on the police detail. It takes the Old soldiers to snap the boys out of their hop.
—Cpl. F. L. Renton, Reg. Hdqrs.
Sergeant Patrick Keckgan has returned to his company to take charge of his platoon after spending three days at Neuwied, buying souvenirs for his Irish friends. He bought meerschaum pipes and, knives paying many marks for the same, and the boys are still joshing him about what an easy mark he must have been. But at the same time the boys are glad to have him with them again.
—Sergea,,i 'Poe.


THE INDIAN Page Eleven
"If one faculiy is developed out of proportion to the thers, no matter if it amounts to genius in some par-cular line, the brain as a whole is not as effective. ecause there is no poise, no balance of mentai ower."
No poise and balance? We must develop what we ave, and do it with every energy that's in us. Less Ifective? The brain with less-than-genius develop-lent of its best qualities is more effective than mil-tons of others. If it exerts its most useful power to he very best of its ability, it is succeeding in accomp-shments that most men fail to succeed in.
An all-round mind and an all-round body are treas-res that few of us have and most of us never will ave, but. wonders are performed by men who are not erfect, wonders are performed by men everywhere, nd we know they are not perfect, but they attain suc-ess and greatness and wealth and do wonderful hings.
They do things that we want to do and things we ;AN do if we will. Build upon your best qualities, 'slid up your poorer and weaker qualities, and build pon all that you have and are. We don't want to pend our lives chasing after symmetry of mind and iody, and reach the end of our lives still groping and ,eling around to see whether there is some faculty r ability that we've overlooked, but we want to build. The spirit of forever trying to better one's self will son add to our sum total of what we are, and what ve can do. The very doing of the things we find it within our power to do, the very effort and develop-sent of our best faculties will carry with it a growth n lesser and weaker branches of our make-up.
Yes, get yourself developed in as many ways as you an, and as much as you can, just as long as pots live. t adds to your opportunities and possibilitites; but :cep that special quality, that special faculty that you !aye, keep that at the head of the procession, and lush and dig and squirm and lift until it gels to the op of the universe. That's where it belongs. See if 7ou cme't put it there.
One of lily good friends has told me I kiln going
itraight to and perdition" because l'es always
alking about money and greatness. Well, if every ante who's got money goes to the home of the devil. 11 have lots of company when I get there, and it
is company that I wont be ashamed of.
Some of the best men in this world of ours, from he standpoint of a Christian gentle!»lltl and from the standpoint of a red-bl.,oded fighting man who will stand by a fellow till ie last drop of life has gone from him, some of the very best of men in modern history, have been man wits money and lots of it. The matt who gets his name in the paper because he uses his money to "oppress the poor," and the men everywhere who are chronicled in the newspaper because they steal and rob and cheat to get rich; those men are such a minority, they are so few, that they are considered outside the ordinary life of the day, and that's why the newspaper writes about them. It's news that you want to hear, news that gives you an excuse to stay poor, news that offers excuse for thousands of men to live their entire lives as poor, whimpering, defeated failures. The good men who have plenty of money and are rich don't parade themselves before the public with disgraces and abuse of their privileges. The good rich men are so many that the papers don't write much about fleets. They Imen't space. But when they do write about them the average person forgets them completely within five minutes to gloat over the fact that another rich man is "wicked as satan himself."
What would the church itself do without money? What would a preacher do if he didn't receive a sal. ary? What would our country do 11 11 didn't have money? What would YOU do if you didn't have E red cent? I know what I'd do. I'd make it my busi-
ness to get some' and get it as soon as I possiblyooeld, could, by rightful means, and save it, and store it up, and use it to the very beef of my ability to benefit myself and those about nee.
The more money we have, the more good we can do. I'll admit that it gives us power of evil as well as power for good, bof it gives POWER, just the same. doesn't it? Money isn't what makes men "evil" and "Wicked" and all the other adjectives commonly heard of the rich man. It's not the money. It's the "love of money and the love of idleness,. an„ the making of money a separate God and an object of worship" that you're talking about. Not money.
It's the power and the ability to live decently and to take our rightful part in the world's affairs that we want .money for, and if we don't want money there's something wrong with us. The inan who complains the most is generally the man who wants money most, but he's too trifling lazy to go out and work for it, and honestly earn what he wants by hard, ;,Itelligent effort. Oct lie can't see it that way.
There are great men who have no money Lral great men who have "oodles" of it, and they're honest, good men. Now what do you think of THAT? It's all true as gospel every bit of it.


I 'age Twelve '1'111, INDI.NN
Five rattling good bouts were staged at the division baseball grounds on the evening of June 2. French boxers were the opponents of the Second Division champions and the Indians won three, drew one and lost one bout.
The first brought together Bora of France against Rogers; four rounds, 122 pounds. Rogers had it on Bora three of the four rounds, the other being even. It was Roger's fight.
The next was between Serveini of France and Christie; four rounds, 140 pounds. Christie lead the first two rounds but vveakened in the last two. It was Servein's fight.
The third bout was between Francis of France and Leckie; four rounds, 133 pounds. While Leckie seemed to have a shade the better the first two rounds, Francis evened things up in the next two This bout was a draw.
The big crowd was now treated to a "battle royal," with five huskies. After the first round there were but four, the next round saw another eliminated and the last found James A. Skivner of Battery B, Twelfth Field Artillery, successfully repulsing assaults from flank and rear. He was declared the winner.
Blazy of France and Cosmos had the crowd on its feet during their six rounds. Both weighed in at 145 pounds. The first round was even, but Cosmos lead all the rest of the way and won by a big margin.
The last bout was between Carlos of France and Broad; eight rounds, 150 pounds. It was a rattling good bout with Broad on top of his man at all times. In only one round, the third, could Carlos be credited with an even break. Broad won.
The exhibition of French toe boxing by two French experts did not seem to appeal to the Americans as it savored too much of foul fighting. The men went through two rounds but no one seemed to know or care who won,
The battle royal was staged by the Y. M. C. A. and the balance of the card by the K. of C.
The Knights of Columbus staged their final boxing card of the season at the Festhalle, Coblenze, May 29, and several boys from the Second brought home the bacon.
The fight between 'Sailor" Petroskey of the marines and Reilly of the Fourth Division was stopped in the second by the referee to save Reilly. The best bout of the evening was between Kid Broad of the Second Ammunition Train and Carlos of France. Broad won the decision.
Leckie of the Sixth Machine Gun Battalion shaded Albert of France in their six-round go. Cosmos of the Twelfth Field Artillery defeated Avaulle of France in six fast rounds; Dupre and Rogers fought to a draw, while Blazy took the decision over Christie of the Fifth Marines.
The bouts were arranged by Sergeant McFarland of the Sixth Machine Gun Battalion.
The baseball part of the Second Division Day program consisted of two games in the morning between teams 'representing the units stationed at Heddesdorf, for the purpose of selecting teams to play in the afternoon for the championship of that town. The games were cut short to permit the balance of the program being carried out. Music was furnished by the Fifth Marine Band.
The First Field Signal Battalion defeated the Second Supply Train, 3 to 1. The score:
First Field Bn. S. C. 1 0 0 0 0 R. H. E.
2-3 5 1
2nd Supply Train 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 3 3
Batteries—McLain and Kerr; Schneider and Barbour. Struck out—By Schneider 5, by McLain 4. Base on balls—Off Schneider 2, off McLain 4. Hit by pitcher—By Schneider, Harper. Three base hit—Jarvis. Stolen bases—Davis, Phillips, Barbour, Cassidy, Harper, Thorstead. Double play—Lardner, unassisted.
The second game was a four round go between the Second Military Police and Division Headquarters and was won by the latter, 3 to 2. The score:
R. H. E.
Division Headquarters 0 3 0 x-3 1 2
Second Military Police 0 .2 0 0-2 3 2
Batteries—Gibson and Maza; Nelson and Ellis. Base on balls—Off Gibson 2; off Nelson 2. Struck out —By Gibson 2, by Nelson 2. Hit by pitcher—By Gibson, Champion. Stolen bases—Ballard, Haupt, Butt-ulph. Double play—Daniels to Droudt to Potter. This brought the Signalmen and the Headquarters teams together in the afternoon and the battled six scoreless innings. The score:
R. H. E. Division Headquarters 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 3 First Field Bn. S. C. 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 3 Batteries—Pulver and Maza; Kelly and Kerr. Base on balls—Off Pulver 1, off Kelly 1. Struck out —By Pulver 3, by Kelly 6. Hit by pitcher—By Kelly, Schulte.


THE INDIAN Page Thirteen
Before a. good sized crowd, the Second Engineers !cleated the Twelfth Field Artillery on the Heddes-lorf grounds June 1. Major General Lejune and staff *mod the game while the Second Engineers' band urnished the music. The score:
R. II. E.
od.thtgei. 1 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 1-8 12 2
.2th F. A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 4 Batteries—Cope and Durham; Rush and Benson. 'too base hit—Fonts. Sacrafice hits—Zimmer, Hallman, Fonts. Struck out--By Cope 8, by Rush 4, 3ases on balls—Off Rush 2. Hit by pitcher—By Cope, 3urnette. Double plays—Reid, Woodhouse and Zim-ner; Rush and Zimmer;Drury and Hyde; Burnette and Fonts. Umpires—Honley and Spankhurst.
"We have met the enemy and he is ours!" Once tore the Second Division "went' over the top. ,If ,ou don't believe me, ask any one of the fifty-one varriors who with bats, balls, gloves and other para. thenalia invaded that famous town of Wiesbaden. .nd, who incidentally, had the time of their young ives.
The team left Heddesdorf at 12:30 p. at. Saturday, lay 31, in five Chalmers trucks, and arrived at Wits-iaden about 5:30 p. m. The entire bunch spent most their time on the way down in admiring the cenery, which is famous the world over.
The route lay over a fine macadam road from Neu, told to Coblence, through Boppard, Bingen and its anions watch and. Mouse tower, then to Mayence and p to Wiesbaden. Here the fellows were billeted at arious hotels and then left to themselves for the ight. And such a night, When we first ventured ut on the boulevards after removing the stains of
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I COOTIE IS FOUND—CAUDLE'S PUP LOST 0
Yes, Cootie was found by Pvt. B. Shapiro, of 0 B Company, Second Supply Train. Shapiro 0 read the ad in The Indian and Ameroc con- 0 corning Cootie's loss, used some Sherlock 0 1 Holmes deduction, and found the dog in pos- 0
session of several German boys. 0
BUT NOW—Business Manager Caudle's pup 0 is lost. Thank heaven Fuzzy Wuzzie is still 0
i around. 0
I But about Caudle's pup—it is grizzled and 0
1 grey, and about the size of a scrubbing brush. 0 1 It is said to be a German shepherd (1og, and 0
is a stocky little beggar. Was stolen or wan- 0 dered away; from Caudle's billet at No. 10 }fed- 0 desdorf Strasse. Look the pup up, boys. The 0 finder gets a free subscription to The Indian 0 at Caudle's expense.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(0 0 () travel, we at first thought that we had somehow or other landed in Paris. The gay uniforms of the French office. were mixed indiscriminately with the many bright and varigated hues common to feminine taste. We could not help wondering as we saw the fine gowns, variety of food and appearance of wealth on all sides, whether these were people who were Stat., ing or not. Ham and eggs there was in abundance, and a fine dinner of roast mutton and peas could be had for the sum of five marks.
Sunday at 2:00 p. in., Captain Kibler's Winners, and Vandergraf's Tigers, lined up on the diamond and after a few solemnities, during which both leaders received much joshing, the game was on.
The French idea of a baseball park was rattier amusing. There was barely room for the infield to move about in. The outfielders having to play on the outside of the grounds with a fence between them and the rest of the players.
And here let it be said that Johnny Newhall paced off the distances between bases, and did so in a most accurate manner. No tape being available.
From first base to second was only about three hundred feet, and in order to steal third the runner had to be given a hundred yard start.
The distance from the box to home plate was so great that several ,pitchers were entirely worn out trying to heave the pill up to the catcher.
The features of the game was the hitting of everyone, the "beaning" of McGlade by Anderman and the coaching of Vandy, who was mimicked by the French in every move that he made. The "Y" girls did a lot of rooting, which caused not a little amusement to General Mangin, who was an interested spectator. Final score. Winners, 6; Tigers, 2.
Captain Harry Legore, the Second Division's crack all-round athlete, has gone home to the good old 11. S. A. His loss to the baseball team will be hood to replace and he will be missed by all, but we envy him just the same.
ma%sE,disPveetrryoskane,),,,i0xuv:Ilt-ok=gfeiglte.rheofinthaen Jisfteht
Pete is a clean fighter and loves the sport. He offers to meet all comers in the light heavyweight and heavyweight classes.
The division will stand some boosting in sports. When we have a fight, why conceal it under a basket? First Lieut. Joseph Carhart, Manager, Eighteenth Company, Fifth Marines.
0,1-A Croix do (ioer,e, in Hoddesdorf or vicinity on or about June 2. Finder will confer favor by returning smne to orderly morn of Company It, First Field Signal Battalion.


Page Fourteen THE INDIAN
There have been several changes during the past seven days. Lieutenant Simpson isn't a lieutenant now; he's a captain. He's very modest about it, too,-his double bars are almost microscopic.
Mad Lieutenant Zundel, our athletic director, is wearing silver bars instead of gold.
Anybody that has the interest of Germany at heart will do well to tell her peace delegates that they heal better sign the peace treaty, if they want to save Germany. I know one division that would be so mad that they'd go through Germany as quickly and as thoroughly as a rumor circulates through Division Headquarters. So Germany, if you want to see us fight, just refuse to sign.
I saw Sergeant Zwanziger drinking water the other day and, upon asking him why, he replied that he was just getting into the habit; he hears that we are going home soon.
Useless Information (To the A. of 0.)
The government printing plant at Washington has a printing capacity of 25,000 honorable discharges daily.
Troops are leaving France at the rate of 300,000 per month.
When you return to Nev: York, stay at the Hotel McAlpin or the Waldorf Astoria. A substanial discount and every possible preference to men in uniformed service.—(Adv. in Nets York Herald.)
Straw lasts will have bdglitly colored ribbons instead of plain black basalt this year.
S'.,rgeant Gallagher of Col-1,2,1/1y C says: "Don't he-all you see in the street car advertisements. Like a poor nut I believed that ad, 'Wear Paris Gar-thrt. ho Metal Can Touch You'. I wore a pair of the darned things and blamed if a machine gun bullet didn't rip right through my s:ioulder!"
--Sgt. 0. J. Anderson. 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ii 0
() NOTICE! 0
() 0
0 A compilation of letters of commendation 0
0 received by the Second Division, together with 0
O a collection of interesting data concerning the 0
O division, has been published by the Second 0
O Division Association. It is now being sold at a 0
O minimum cost. The supply is limited owing to 0
O the scarcity of paper. Get your copy at your 0
O canteen. Price 1. marks. 0
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The jarheads have lost their best friend. Doc Moffet has joined the ranks of the rapidly growing civilian corps. And he has departed to that far-off land called America. The horses and mules were not the only ones who liked Doc, by any means. We are all sorry to see him go. And glad, too! Glad that he was lucky enough to get his finals, but very sorry to have lost such an all-around good fellow. Here's wishing you luck, Doc, and lots of it.

Sergeant Mike Cahill and Wop Bollotto have also forsaken us, due to pressing needs at home. Goodby, boys, and don't forget the Second Division Association when you want to look up any of the old bunch.——*——

Cpl. Jack Savage has decided to stop gold-bricking. Yesterday we overheard him ask the top to assign him to the thirteenth squad, and consequently beaucoup arbeiten.

Lieutenant Hansey, who has been enjoying a furlough, is now back with us, and everyone is glad to see helm once more at the helm.

Corporal Seigey, our famout lortoenecthioebausitteer;itstatrat
i. game again a
after brief
Sergeant Cross is with us again after spending, three very pleasant days at the Recreation Center in Gonnersdorf.
The office force has beats greatly strengthened by the addition of Private Jeffery. He was formerly a coal Miner in Pennsylvania.
The guard was called out late Tuesday evening to suppress what the the sentry on pest thought Wes a riot, but upon investigation, they found it was only Sergeant Brennon's troix Ac guerre rattling,.
Since our mess sergeant has been confined to battery chow in place of steak and flap jacks every day, Ile has been subject to slight attacks of indiges-
tion. Pet. D. Coleman.


2/3 page Image
THE INDIAN Page Fifteen
Editor of The Indian:
In your issue of May 13 i noticed a pretty good piece about the American army in Germany. No doubt, 0cc he title indicates, it is the "best cared-for army in the world," but a few errors have been made to the drills, etc., of the division. Undoubtedly some outfits in the Second Division have their days divided as mentioned in your said article, but one thing I would like to say: Whoever wrote that pie, should take a trip, say an afternoon or morning off, and make a visit to the First Battalion of the Fif teenth. Yes, we have our athletics, but not with glove and ball, but with a pick and shovel, or an ex. Then it was said we are located in the big towns, the "Mecca for tourists," as it were, but again you should take a day off and visit us. Surely no tourist ever sought this place where we are located for a vaca.
hen, as we sure are "out in the sticks." Yes, ad-
mit some of the men have obtained bunks. I made one for myself, or I'd have been S. O. L. But what's the use of kicking. We'll all be home in our own little bunks some day, and all of this will be forgotten. N'est tepee?
—Horace A. Graham, Battery A, 15th F. A
"When My Ship Comes Home"


Page Sixteen TIME INDIAN
As we all know, the Second Division has pracsically knowledge of what went on behind the lines during the war, and very few of us know at first hand how the news of November 11th, which brought the gigantic struggle to a close, was received back in France, far from 00, fatigue and turmoil and the incessant roar of the big guns.
It was my misfortune, or perhaps my good fortune, to get a slight "blightly" on the third of November; and by the Ilth I was up and around in a large hospital center in Beaune, a small, picturesque French village, south of Dijon. Of course, we knew more of what was going on in the world than did you up on the banks of the Meuse; and, early in the morning of November llth we received a bulletin that the Boole,: had signed.
The hospital was crowded to capacity with victims of the early Argonne fighting and it was an inspiring, though heart-rending, sight to see the expressions of relief, joy and triumph illuminate the pain-racked features of the seriously wounded. Poor fellows, suffering the tortures of hell, would try •to sit op and give a feeble shout. One poor devil with both
gone at the knee and a whole in his back sat and
sang till he fainted.
About 3 o'clock in the afternoon I walked up to the village of Beaune. The streets were crowded with an expectant, buzzing, questioning throng. The rumor was afloat, but after four long, bitter years, the French were waiting for more than a rumor. They could not believe that the proud, all-conquering Hun would ever submit to such humiliating terms.
Then at 4 o'clock the official communique that the armistice was signed and that hostilities had ceased was announced and pandemonium broke loose. Never shall I forget that day, as who will who witnessed it, either in the lines, in France, or across the seas in our own land.
Children were dancing, old men and women were laughing and weeping together, scarcely knowing what they did. Music stated to come from out the air itself, while the Tri-color of France, the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes suddenly floated upon the breeze from every window and housetop.
As if by magic from out the throng a cheering, singing, laughing procession started, formed and propelled entirely by its own volition. In the front. rank were four poilus, each minus one leg, but marching bravely along on their nimble crutches, singing "Mad-elon" and the "Marseillaise" at the top of their lunga. their faces lit up by the most joyous and triumphant expressions it has ever been my privilege to behold. Behind them were other poilus, mostly "blesses," from a nearby French hospital; some with an arm gone; many wearing slings; many more with bandaged heads, and some, poor devils, blind and led along by their comrades, but all intensely happy. Behind these poured the entire population of the village, old men, old wornen, children and members of the younger classes already in their blue grey but who had not yet been called upon to plav an active part.
There were scarcely any .Americans in the town, and before I realized what was happening, a crowd darted from the procession, grabbed me, hoise...1 onto their shoulders and paraded me through the streets shouting "Vive l'Ameriquel" "C'est grace aux Americans que nous aeons gagnes la guerre.
Many of us think; wrongly I believe, that the French do not appreciate the part we played in this war. Certainly they were enthusiastic enough over us on that day. It was an hour before I finally made my escape.
At 6 o'clock that evening all the church bells in town pealed forth their anthems in unison. I stood on the corner of one of the oldest streets of the town and listened to the chimes ringing out from the beautiful thirteenth century clock tower. An old, old man looking wistfully up at the belfry called my attention to the beauty of the tones, and also to the fact that they were not so loud as might be. It was his granddaughter who was ringing the old-fashioned chimes, he told me, and she was not strong enough to ring thera loudly, but there 5000 00 young nien. "Eh, 'el., he said, "Cost la guerre, mais maintenant Vest fini, grace de Dieu, a vous, monsieur," he added kindly.
As darkness fell the whole town was brilliantly illuminated for the first time since those early days of August, 1914.
Before every restaurant and cafe 'hung myriad Japanese lanterns, while around the tables gathered the blesses, the permissionaires and the old men, sipping their wine and talking, talking, talking, far into the night of the dark days that were over, the brighter days ahead, and thanking God that at last the war was ended.
It was not a riotous, hilarious celebration such as Paris and the larger cities witnessed, neither was it the sudden calm and relief which you in the lines experienced, but it was typical of the deep-seated and heartfelt thankfulness felt by the whole world on that day of days, the 11th of November, 1918.
R. F. R., Captain, Ninth Infantry
If y. think A. P. 0. Na. 710 is not a busy place, just read the statistics.
This is the amount of mail which was handled last week, which was just an ordinary one: Total number of letters sent out was 26,500 to other parts at the A. E. F. and 96,000 to the States; the total number of letters received was 21,000 from other of the A. E. F. and 90,000 from the States; of second class mail, 40 sacks were sent to the A. E. F. and 75 sacks to the States; while from the States 668 sacks were received and 60 from the A. E. F.
The number of "INDIANS" mailed last week, issue May 20th, was 19,146.
What is the Second Division? A mighty machine in which there is not one useless
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.