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The Indian Volume 1, No. 6 — May 20, 1919

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VOLUME I, NUMBER 6. May 20, 1919. NErwiEiwN-THE-InitNE
He who runs may read, and he who reads the Ed-lowing may understand some of the reasons why it was that the SECOND DIVISION took most of the prizes in the BIG WAR.
The SECOND DIVISION was first In the rifle shoot, and first in the pistol match, held at Le Mans, France.
The FIFTH MARINES, of the SECOND DIVISION, was first of all the regiments participating in the rifle match, and second in the pistol match.
Members of the SECOND DIVISION have won both the individual rifle match and the individual pistol match.
The only first place connected with the shoot which the SECOND DIVISION has not taken is first placa in the regimental standing for the pistol match. However, organizations of the Second Division took second, third, and fifth places in this.
Corporal Leland A. Peyton, of the Fifth Marines, was first in the individual rifle match. Corporal Or. ville B. York, of the Fifth Marines, was first in the individual pistol match.
There were 71 regimental and other similar organizations represented in the matches. Units of the SECOND DIVISION took four places out of the first nine in the rifle match, and four places out of the first fourteen in the pistol match.
More than thirteen hundred picked marksmen, from every unit and every service in the A. E. F., participated in these matches. Some of them have been rated among the best shots in the world.
The average of the scores in the rifle match made by the 86 competitors representing the Second Division was just 1.81 points above the score necessary for a qualification for expert riflemen in the regular record course.
Standing by Divisions
r a - Division . • . 498.74 6th Division - - • - 46808 1st Division - - • - 482.76 36th Division - - 465.32 3rd Division • . - - 475.13 7th Division - . • - 465.12 5th Division - • - - 472.78 9th Division . - -.465.11 81st Division - - - 472.25 88th Division • - - 464.08 4th Division .. - - 46926 78th Division - • - 484.08
Standing by Regiments
5th Marines - - • - 507.62 148th F. A. - - - 504.42 8th Engineers - - • 507.50 13th Marines • - -502.88 306th Engineers • 505.87 6th Marines • - - 502.70 1st Engineers - - •505.83 2nd Engineers • - 501.37 2nd Am. Train - • 505.17 106th Engineers - 499.71
First Twenty in the Individual Match
Cpl. Leland A. Peyton, 5th Marines - - -
Sgt. Jonas F. Waters, 13th Marines - - - •
Cpl. Delmar Rippey, 5th Marines
Sgt. Olav Gunheim, 351st Infantry
Sgt. Ray F. Truster, 5th Marines
Sgt. J. Weisek, 2nd M. G. Bn. - • -
Sgt. Leeman Gray, 53rd Infantry
Pet. Carl S. Kennedy, 141st Infantry -
Sgt. G. B. Smith, 5th Marines
Cpl. Fred Waters, 13th Marines - -
Cpl. Oscar Moreland, 6th Marines
Sgt. Leland A. Chenoworth, 13th Marines
Cpl. Floyd T. Sisk, 144th Infantry
Sgt. James Szymanski, 3rd Marine Guard
Cpl. Artis E. Windsor, 6th Engineers -
Sgt. J. Burkett, 148th F. A.
Sgt. Roy W. Elliott, 8th Infantry
Pvt. Charles M. Schwab, 349th Infantry
Sgt. Robert Burn, 11th Marines - -
Sgt. Ernest J. Estonson, 53rd Infantry
Standing by Divisions
2nd Division • . - - 570.94 81st Division - - - 527.78
lst Division • • - - 563.62 5th Division - - - • 525.85
36th Division • - - 563.12 4th Division - - - - 511.14
3rd Division - - - - 560.19 7th Division - - • - 503.40
Military Police - - 551.80 th Division - - -499.67
6th Division • - - 534.97 78th Division • - - 486.60 90th Division - • • 478.66 Standing by Regiments
6th Engineers - • 638.75 47th Infantry - - - 591.00 5th Marines - - - - 621.88 28th Infantry - -589.60 6th Marines . - -618.16 6th F. A.. - - - • -589.33 144th Infantry - 617.50 7th F. A. - - - -587.83
9th Infantry - - - - 615.75 18th F. A. 587.83
308th Infantry - • 604.50 2nd Engineers • 587.00 3rd M. G. Bn. • - - 604.28 64th Infantry• - - 585.67 133rd M. G. Bn. - - 603.00
First Twenty in the Individual Match
Pvt. Orville B. York, 5th Marines 698
Color Sgt. James W. Dell, 15th F. A. - 692
Chief Mec. L. Wilson, 11th F. A. 674
First Lieut. James R. Beverly, 343rd F. A. 673
I'vt. Antonio D. Nicotine, 148th F. A. - 671
Sgt. Melton Cooksey, 77th F. A. 671
Cpl. Paul Bird, 17th F. A. 671
Pvt. Walter R. Stessickland - • ----- 666
Major Edwin A. Volse, 144th Infantry - 664
Major James C. Hartness, 313th Engineers 666
548 545 545 543 540 540 539 539 538 537 535 535 534 533 533 532 532 532 532
Aecond tt. Lawrence W. Eskllon, 6th Marines First Sgt. Clarence Robinson. 2nd Cavalry Sgt. J. Shameth, 14th M. G. Bit. • - • - • Major 0. T. Snyder, Ordnance Dept. - - - - First Lieut. 0. B. Stauffer, 308th Engineers • First Lieut. A. \V. Long, 18th F. A. • • • - 662 661 660 657 652 652 652 651 648 647
Lt. Col. Edward Bittel, 4th Division - - •
Lt. Col. C. K. Lamotte, 26th inf.
First Lieut. Gardie, 56th Infantry
Capt. Francis Fisk, 5th Marines - • • -
"Om just got to get me a Dutchman, so here goes!" Such was the declaration made by a sergeant in the horsed battalion of the Second Ammunition Train one day last July.
About an hour after he had so declared himself, the sergeant was sent out on a trip to the front, along with several other non-coms. Their mission was the Seventeenth Field Artillery, and, heavily loaded with powder and shells, the wavon train set out.
While approaching the battery, everyone was astounded to see Sergeant — galloping off at lull speed toward the trenches held by the Ninth Infantry, and at that time a sure enough "he" sector.
The company commander called upon him to return, but to no avail. Vin rouge and the desire to gel a Dutchman had proved too much for the old soldier, and he was soon out of sight and hearing.
He rode on until he came to a town whore there was beaucoup shooting, whore he dismounted, hitched his horse, and with rifle and gas mask rushed in to get his Dutchman. When he arrived, hatless and out of breath, at the place where the rumpus had been, the infantry had cleaned house and all was quiet.
Entirely undaunted, he remounted and rode off in search of more adventure—and Yin rouge.
He found both. By good luck he fell in with a con) pony of marines just about to pull off a daylight raid on the Hun position. Ho went with them, and when the boys went over the top the sergeant got his Dutchman. Then, when a few minutes later they discovered a keg of wino, he got his vin rouge.
Finding the Second Division's scope of operations entirely too small for his rapidly growing appetite for war, he set out on loot (an ambitious marine having borrowed his horse), in search of more adventure and possible glory.
Wandering out of the Second Division's territory, he spent several days with the French. tie was nearly killed a few times, and did not have an abundance of food.
While In the French sector, the sergeant ran into some M. P.'s who were looking for absentees, and was promptly sent back to his outfit.
Heinle: "Ja, you Second Division link dot you won a pig victory, but wait till you get back; you take water den I bet you."
Leaders of men are born—Foch to smash the Hindenburg line, Wilson to guide the statesmen, Lejeune to command the Second Division, and my
gunnery sergeant to lead his platoon. •
Being a member of a "rainbow" replacement, sent over alter the storm, my humble share in winning the war was to hike into Germany with the Fifth Marines. Now, this advance across the Rhine was made soon after the forced crossing of the Meuse, on the night of November 10. Among those spared that night for greater things was one who Is a natural-born leader of men—leader of fighting men, leader of soldiers.
And it is this man's leadership of real men that has inspired me to set forth the secret of the strength of the war-time non-commissioned officer.
Having little schooling, but possessing physical vigor given him by a life of hard work in the coal mines of Tennessee, this man withstood the hardships of the war from the time of our entrance to the end, with a splendid record for personal bravery, and on the hike into Germany he was fittingly made gunnery sergeant.
On reporting to the company for duty, 1 had the good fortune to be assigned to his platoon, and thus have been enabled to study the man and his power over others.
After a herd day's hike, with little to eat, when everyone was all in, the food and drink to my tired body and soul was my gunnery sergeant's soldierly appearance and cheering smile. Often his remark ran like this, "Boy, let's get her over with," when he announced that I had to stand a guard or a galley watch.
Just a word from this veteran of Belleau Woods, Soissuns, St. Mihiel, Champagne, Mt. Blanc and Argonne-Meuse was enough to bring me to my tired feet and cause me to do willingly the hardest tasks.
His first thoughts were of the boys in his platoon and of their comfort—then he thought of himself. In his unselfishness lay the secret of his power—that was the reason his boys loved him so and would follow him to hell.
—Sgt. Daniel, 49th Co., 5th Marines.
Mess Sergeant Roder of Company A wishes to advertise through The Indian for a cow, so that Sergeant Hetherington and Corporal Perkins can have milk in their coffee every meal.
Being 21 years in the service and having entered my second childhood, I wish to apply through the columns of The Indian for an expert chauffeur to teach me how to drive a Dodge truck. I came near ruining one by driving 30 kilometers in Intermediate or second speed, owing to the fact that I didn't know a Dodge had three shifts. At one time in my career
I was a mule-skinner. —First Sgt. Sigg.
Commanding Second Division.
et 11
Page Four 'ruE INDIAN
Many members of the battalion who did excellent work during the war are receiving recognition of their services. Many Croix de Guerre have been distributed and more are coming.
Suspicious Officer. (on the telephone): "I think that operator is listening to what we are saying."
"No, I'm NOT'" explained Private Leddy, the pride of the Signal Corps, indignantly.
Some prize answers to questions at a radio examination, t'other day. QUESTION. (a) What are undamped waves? (b) What are damped waves? ANSWER. (a). Undamped waves come from a dry battery. (b) Damped waves come from a wet storage battery. "Turn off the light, Watson, there's too much brilliancy here."
The Telephone, Telegraph and Radio School is in full swing now and two hundred knowledge-thirsty doughboys are diligently engaged in pursuing the elusive volt, tracking the wily ohm to his lair and wondering what the wild, wild radio waves are saying. Captain Holcomb is "principal" at the school, and is ably assisted by a select staff of experts in the various subjects taught. At the end of the semester diplomas will be issued to the students, citing them for various deeds of bravery on the magnetic fields of battle, and perhaps some courageous doughboy will get a D. S. C. or a D. S. M. for rescuing a fellow student from the "coils" of a transformer.
As Mark Anthony would address the Germans, were tie here today. "Ye who have tears, prepare to shed them now." Reliable word comes from official sources that the Second Division is soon to leave the beloved Fatherland" and set sail for the strange, unknown shores of America.
The dear, old, harmless Germans will be out of luck, for the sympathetic ear of the American soldier will not be here to listen to tales of British and French high-handedness and hard-heartedness toward the innocent, misguided Hun.
But more than likely, they'll tell the same sales to the other troops that will occupy this zone after WE leave, and we will be depicted as cruel, mercenary, hard-hearted wretches, in order to gain the sympathy (and soap) of our successors. NICHT WAR?
—Sgt. 0. J. Anderson.
There is a rumor here that Sergeant Poe's cavalry is about to be demobilized. This is causing George lot of worry, as he is thinking about re-enlisting
Sergeant Saduckious, our popular provost sergeant, has established his headquarters in no•man'a-land. He and Corporal Connelly are greatly interested in the German method of farming.
Some class to that Twelfth Field Artillery, and they proved themselves very much in evidence at the carnival at Coblenz. Battery C alone took two cups, two blue, one red, one yellow and one white ribbon. The cups signify they have the best and neatest 75
gun in the Third Army. Also the best vehicle drawn by three, four, five or six horses or mules entered in the competition.
Taking into consideration that the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Thirty-third, Eighty-ninth and Ninetieth Divisions were among the other contestants, you cannot blame the boys for feeling a bit chesty over it.
The gun Battery C, Twelfth Field Artillery entered, had four gold stars and 18 wound stripes painted on its shield, signifying four men had been killed and thirteen wounded while serving that gun in action during the war. This caused the following conversation to be overheard: "Holy smoke! Look at the service stripes and all the stars on that cannon! Where do they gel that stuff?"
"Get wise to yourself! Those service stripes are for the whole gun squad and shows how long they have been over here. Now they won first prize at the corps show so they add two gold stars and call it 'Pershing own' gun."
First Buck: "What Division does that fellow belong to? He's got a Croix de Guerre, a D. S. C. and red corporal's stripes on his arm."
Second Buck: "You have been over here long enough to know that's one of those 'Devil Dogs.."
—Sgt. John J. Crowley, C Battery,
Twelfth Field Artillery
Sentry on alert at barracks: "Halt! Who's there?" Response from Sergeant Shelton: "Good heavens, man, don't shoot me; l'se got my application in!"
Chow-hound Charley, alias Porky Williams issues a challenge to any man in the Third Army. Purse, 1000 francs.
(Signed) Cpl. Charlie 0. Williams, 45th Company, Fifth Marines. --*—
Will some one inform Shifty Palmer how to keep out of E. P. D?
All the E. P. D. regulars are glad to know that our Police Sergeant Buckle returned safely to duty after a 14 day furlough to France.
Who said the mail orderly could ride an army mule?
A prisoner in London was tickled because the court sentenced him to two months in the "Second Division." He thought he was being sent to the Army of Occupation.
There was much rejoicing in Heimbach and Gon-nersdorf the other day, when the K. of C. put out soap "free gratis" to the boys.
Capt. Jerome J. Waters and Capt. Paul Seims went to Headquarters of the Ninetieth Division to•select 500 saddle mounts. Having 4,000 to pick from, we must say they brought back some fine ones. HOW-ever, judging from the appearance of some of them, they must have been caught in the "draft."
"Runt" Seiger, our competent battery clerk, is losing his valuable assistant, "Slim" Brister. It seems pretty tough, Seiger.
Mess Sergeant F. H. Roger Is with us again, after spending considerable time in France. The chow is normal once more. Plenty of monkey meat, slum vid goldfish.
A detail from the Secon- d Engineers has been busy the past few days building the battery's mess hall and corral. As we are having fine weather lately, the work is progressing very fast, and we hope to be in our chow house before we go home.
—L. A. Rossi, E Battery, 15th F. A.
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This afternoon we strolled into a Dutch barber shop just in time to hear an American soldier tell the barber how much better he liked the Germans. What a superior intellect theirs was when compared with the French! How much better their (German) homes and modes of living were, etc.
We do not know whether this man was a German sympathizer, spy or not. But this much we do know. lie was, and is, a 'eel and a simpleton. Just at this time, when the Geriono hopes are at their highest for a disruption of the Adios. and a consequent strength• ening of their own saber rattling and junkerism.
Any man who has not the brain to see through the Hun s'Ii.racter, or not having the brain, refuses to be guided by those who have, is not only a fool and a simpleton, but a criminal, plain and simple.
Furthermore, any soldier who stands for this sort of thing in front of a German' audience is an accomplice.
Think this over, men of the Second Division, and when you hear something of the kind, act accordingly. —Burlingame.
His girl after marrying a slacker, wrote him for a souvenir. He sent her an iron cross with the words: "Pin this on your husband's breast; it Is from the kaiser, whom he served so well:'
For the last time, probably, General John J. Per shing, Commander in Chief of the A. E. F., last Wednesday gazed upon the Second Division, paraded in Germany, for the purpose of decorating the colors of the various regiments and separate combat organize tions, and of reviewing the Division. The derora. lions were ribbons for battle engagements.
The ceremony, held this time on the target range northeast of Gladbach, was one of the most impressive and perfectly executed that has been held by the Division. Under splendid skies, and in perfect alignment, the regiinents passed the reviewing stand in line of companies. The entire Division had been combed, and only the classiest specimens of officer's mounts were included in the horses used.
The colors or standards of the following organizations were decorated: Second Engineers, Ninth Tn. (entry, Twenty-third Infantry, Fifth Marines, Sixth Marines. Fourth Machine Gun Battalion. Fifth Machine Gun Battalion, Sixth Machine Gun Battalion, Twelfth Field Artillery, Flfthteenth Field Artillery, Seventeenth Field Artillery and First Field Signal Battalion.
Cook Messenger, of this organization. says he wilt never part with his tin hat, for when he gets back home he will have no trouble picking out a hat for the farm. It will never wear out, and will be a good p'" tection from sun and rain.
—Cpl. Hubert C. Schouten.
The boys of the signal platoon have organized n Bolshevik; Army under the brave leadership of "Count de Dots" Hayden of the radio station.
If you doubt their power. lust attempt to enter the radio room In the tower of the castle Amulets at HAn-nigen, and you will be shocked by the things they do —*—
Cornoral Oswald. of the motor transonrtation. is walking around here like a lame duck. lie just received the three In one shot in the arm.
We extend our sympathies. Corporal.
We have started a mess fund here at the castle. and are enioving all the dainties of a nrivate(s1 life, We buy all our supplies at the battalion commissar•. se you can see we are living pretty high.
As the result of an accident last Saturday night. when the regimental "Iltney" came in contact with a telenhone note lust oetalde of Hannigen."Burk.. Web-line has decided to "ship over" In the cavalry. "Joe" Mum has turned farmer and "Slim" Roberts is going to take a rourve in aviation.
When the Ford struck the note. Wehling strar1,11,v1 the radiator. Klumn was thrown into a Wowed field on his head and Roberts, making his first flight. shot 000000000000000000000000000
O 0
O 0
O The Second Division Association, through 0
O The Indian, offers two large pennants to the 0 0 victorious teams in the National and the 0
O American Baseball Leagues, during the short 0
O season of playing that is taking place while 0
O the big league players are working on the di- 0
O vision team. 0
O These pennants will be given to the win- 0
O ning teams, and have no connection with the 0
O championship games to take place later be- 0
O tween the leagues, or the regular games with- 0
O in those leagues. They are for the substitute 0
O teams only. 0
O 0 000000000000000000000000000
straight through the top breaking all the ribs. (Not his ribs but the ones that hold the top in place.)
Nick Orak, private first-class, the regimental barber, has started to singe the boys' hair. The evidence is the burn on "Buck" Wehling's neck.
—Cpl. F. L. Renton.
Our doctor, Captain Moring, has gone on leave. Captain Harvis is now on leave, and Captain Long is back from a trip to Paris.
Our dentist now has another bar. That's the idea, Doe. Get them now—they will all be gone when we get back home.
It is rumored that Lieutenant Schwerin is going to retire from the service when we get back home, and has already accepted a position as falsetto singer in the village choir.
Captain Campbell is back with us after a sojourn -in the S. 0. S. since the Blanc Mont engagement-rather he was with us, but is away on leave to France now. He is the same old "Denny," and has lost none of his nerve.
The boys are beginning to pluck the hobs out of their shoes now in preparation for the coming dance at Melsbach. Callaway and Baby have theirs out already.
Five more of our heroes were decorated at Leutes-dorf the other day—Lieutenant Lucas, Corporate Hale, Adams, and Ashworth, and Privates Fagan and Milburn.
Sergeant Ashworth and Private Fagan are now twirling for the division team. Division knows a good thing when they see it.
--Sgt.-Major A. Clifford.
THE INMAN Page Seven
This little two-man tank was ditched in a ravine just to the right of Landres-St. Georges on the morning of November 1, when the first battalion of the Sixth Marines captured the town, under a hail of machine gun bullets and artillery lire. Captain Overton. of Seventy-sixth Company, was killed just in front of this town, and his loss filled the company with a desire for revenge that doubled the vigor of their attack. A few hours later, Sixth Marine headQuarters was established hero temporarily, while the fourth platoon signal corps men strung their lines to the battalions of marines who had made the advance.
It was on Charpentry Hill, October 29. that Company D, Second Supply Train, established a camp so as to be convenient to the railhead for the big drive of November 1. A Hun aviator discovered the camp, and soon the enemy subjected the hill to a severe artillery fire.
A French soldier was slowly driving along when a shell burst high in a tree on the side of the road. The horses stopped and the driver jumped off and ran to the tree. He reached it just in time to have a large limb fall on his head.
Pvt. John J. Ryan, of A Company, First Field Signal Battalion, had written home regularly, but suddenly the answers ceased coming. He cussed the A. P. 0. liberally. After more than a month of silence, he received a letter from his folks. They informed him, that the war department had notified them he had been killed in action, but as they had received letters from him dated snbsequerit to his "death," they were happy he was alive and well.
That night Sergeant Miller placed him on the guard list. Ryan protested he was officially dead and produced the letter to prove it. "Well," replied the sergeant, "you'd best go on guard. Most of the men are broke, and they will be pleased to have the 'ghost walk' tonight."
Remember those nice cold days when we first took up our "Watch on the Rhine?" Well, one of those cold nights the 0. D. was giving the third degree to a sentry whose left sleeve was barren of decorations. "Sentry," says he, "What would you do if you saw a little fire on your post?" The rooky pipes up with a silvery voice, with: "Put more wood on it, Sir."


Capt. Walter G. Long, Editor
Pet. H. H. Watson, Art Editor
Pvt. W. Jenkins
L. N. Keller
Capt. J. R. Minter, Asst. Editor
Sgt. F. Busik
Pvt. R. C. Mather
Pvt. A. Diekmeyer
Pvt. Max L. Morton
Pvt. J W. Caudle, Business Mgr.
Pvt. Harold L. Johnson
Pvt. V. H. Burlingame
Cpl. J. 0. Millard
Men in this division have been receiving letters from their mothers and sweethearts, asking whether or not they are being held in Germany "because they are venereal cases."
Certain newspapers in the United States have been creating the impression that only venereals are being held in France and Germany, and giving the idea to the folks back home that the entire Army of Occupation is composed of men so afflicted.
Nothing could be more false, more cruel, nr more unpatriotic.
As a matter of fact, the armies of the United States in the A. E. F. are as free from this affliction. if not more so, than any similar number of men in the United States, regardless of station in life or occupation. This is a fact the medical records prove.
IT IS TRUE that venereal cases are not being allowed to return to the United States until completely cured. This wise provision has been made in order that the spread of these diseases in the world at large be checked as far as it is possible. Medical science has made great strides in combatting venereal diseases. One method used in the fight is the quarantine, and this is in force now.
The quarantine has been in use for years, in combatting spinal meningitis, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, and other contagious diseases. Some men are in France and Germany now, under quarantine for these afflictions. Furthermore, no man in the A. E. F. who has spinal meningitis, for instance, will be allowed to return home until he is fully cured.
This is a fact well known to the newspapers home. Why do not these newspapers that have been spreading the atrocious lies concerning venereal cases also state that as spinal meningitis cases are being quarantined in Europe, every member of the A. E. F. now in France and not under orders to return home, or who may be in the Army of Occupation on the Rhine, is a spinal meningitis case?
They do not, do so silly a thing because it is ridiculous on the face of it, and the folks at home know better. But is it one whit more foolish than many hints that have appeared concerning venereal diseases?
These unfortunate rumors concerning the supposed quarantining here of vast numbers of venereals have broken off more than one engagement. Personally, we are of the opinion that any girl who would break an engagement upon a mere rumor or supposition, without first making SURE that her fiance REALLY IS a venereal case, is not worth worrying about anyway. Nevertheless, there HAS BEEN a vast amount of anxiety at home concerning this situation, and the sooner the air is cleared the better all around.
To begin with, if a division is returning home, every officer and enlisted man must pass a physical examination before he can step' upon a transport. If he is a venereal rase, or is suffering from a eon-legions disease, he remains behind until cured.
HOWEVER, the divisions on the Rhine are continually being depleted in numbers by the release of men who are urgently needed at home, a few are from time to time taken ill, and others are transferred to other districts for various reasons. THEIR PLACES MUST BE FILLED.
Men are taken from other divisions to fill their places. Many a lad, who believed he was on his way home, has been bitterly disappointed by having been turned back at the very gangplank of the transport, and told he must serve a while longer with the army on the Rhine. Ills division haf gone on home without him.
It is bad enough to be turned back just as hopes are high, but the matter is not helped any when
letters drift through from home, asking if the soldier has been held in France because he is a venereal.
IT IS A FACT that a number of such letters have been received by men of this and other divisions. And it is a fact that these men will never forget, although they may forgive, the injustice that has been done them in the thoughts of the people at home.

lion lurking somewhere in our ,minds, but we don't put them to use and they are lost to us. "Some of the most studious men never achieve any results because they lack ability to apply their knowledge." Just why that is true, just why they haven't the ability when they are so well supplied with the knowledge is another thing, probably the result of an ever increasing desire for knowledge, and no desire for anything but knowledge.
Of course, if some learned men want to corner all the knowledge in this world of ours, it's their privilege to try, but in the meantime it might be well for the rest of us to apply what knowledge we've got, be it little or great, and get some good out of it. At the same time, and all times, we must learn what we can as we go along.
Russel H. Crowell is "—a man who not only does things himself, but who, EVEN MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT, IS THE CONSTANT INSPIRATION OF OTHERS." He's not only a big man himself, but he inspires others to bigness. That's an important thing about that man's success.
Our lives are inevitably linked with the lives of others, and if we "fall through" to failure we carry• others with us. But if we do our very level best, if we show by our industry that we are going to succeed in spite of anything and everything that anybody can put in our way, were going to be a source of inspiration to others, by the evidence of our growing "good luck." It's influence upon the minds of those who witness our efforts.
If you truly believe that you don't care whether yen Influence others or not, you'd better change your mind. That exchange of experience and influence that takes place between all living things is something that's here to stay, and it's up to you to make the best of it and exert your influence where it will count for the very most that can be gotten out of it. It's going to do you good, It'll come back from the very least expected source, like a boomerang out of control.
There is one kind of influence that you wouldn't have on a bet, and it doesn't do the other follow any more good than It does you. Drown it. and get rid of it. Don't give it to your neighbor. He don't want it, and won't have it if he Is able to recognize it for what it is.
You can bet on it the man who wins name, fame, money or success in any ambition or endeavor is going to boost with all his might every man who has helped to make his success what it is. Take a hint. and boost the man who is trying to "make good," who is trying to do the right thing. Help a fellow keep up his nerve and courage when he needs influence. Ye•i will never regret it.
"The output of a factory must be disposed of at a profit or the wheels of industry will stop:' So says an expert on business effiency. Apply that to the individual, you and me; and see if we could conduct a successful business on the same system that we conduct our personal affairs.
If we can't produce something that is of value to ourselves or to someone who will pay us for it, we're a failure. Isn't that true? If you allow your mind to lay idle, then, when it's the source of so much wealth, if properly used, your "factory" is going to go bankrupt. And your "factory" in this case is YOU.
In the service or out, there is work to be done by the man whose output of effort and accomplishment shows that he represents a profit, and not a loss. What do you know? What can you do? What is your output? If it's not worth anything, why isn't it? What are you going to do about it?
If you want to have "money to burn," if you want to be rich, if you want to be known in this world, If you want to be pointed out as the man who has "made his mark," you'll have to buckle down and get in training. Not the other fellow, but YOU. You'll have to KNOW something, and DO something, and BE something that the world is willing to pay for. And the world Is not only willing but ANXIOUS to pay.
THE WORLD IS PAYING MEN TO LOOK FOR FOLKS WHO CAN DO THINGS WORTH WHILE. just to have the pleasure of paying them. The world wants to know you, wants to hear from you, and wants to pay you for what you can do if you can prove that you are a profit, and NOT a loss. What have you got to offer them?
Think about it a while. See if you haven't got ability and power of a special sort all your very own that you're not making a profit on. If you have, use it. Sell it. Make a profit on it. And show the world what you can do. There's a way to do it, and it's up to you to find it.
Ideas and Plans
"We have thousands who plot and plan, but few who
Do; who carry out to completeness what is
planned." There was a great manufacturer who made his mark, who made his fortune, from other men's ideas, plots and plans, and when he was asked how he had managed to succeed so well, he quoted a sentence he had read in a magazine. That sentence said. "It is often more advantageous to learn to apply commonplace information in our possession than to learn a new set of facts that we are unable to make use of," He had quietly gone to work to develop what other men had planned but couldn't (or didn't) develop.
There are lots of us who have perfectly good ideas and a fairly good store of ordinary• everyday informs-

Before a crowd that pecked the grandstands and bleachers, and stretched in deep masses around the field, the Second and Third Division baseball teams clashed for supremacy, in the first of a series of games at the new grounds at Heddesdorf on Nia) 11.
A light rain fell throughout the middle of the game, but not enough to dampen the ardor of the vast throng that sat or stood, rooting for their favorites to win. Major General John A. Lejeune tossed the first ball. which was caught by Colonel Hu B. Myers, chief-of-staff.
The game started with a rush. Nadjac, for the visitors, reached second, when Rossoloni, in right field was unable to locate a fly on account of the sun. The runner was advanced to third while Fagler was throwing Martin out at first, and scored when the same play was duplicated on Loud's out. One run.
No more scoring was done until the seventh, when, after Gallagher and York had fanned, Nadjac was safe on Kibler's error; Martin tripled, scoring him; Loud fanned. One run.
The Second came back in their half of the seventh. After Gorman had fanned, Pfab fouled out to third; Moneypenny singled and reached third while the right fielder played tag with the ball. Ashworth hit to the shortstop, who hunted for cooties on the ball while Moneypenny was scoring. Fagen grounded out to first. Ono run.
This proved to be the final score of the game. The other Innings were played in a snappy manner. The features of the game were a one-handed catch by Kibler of Deegan's clout in the fourth; Legore's pretty catch of York's line smash in the fifth, a beautiful one by the same player in the fifth when he received Boa-soloni's throw to second, of Oberc'a hit, and relayed it to the catcher in time to cut off Crompton at the plate, and Gallagher's catch of Kibler's bunted foul in the ninth. Although the final score stood 2 to 1 against them, the boys feel confident they will win the next two games. Following is the box score'
Second Division
R. H. 0. A. E.
Winkleman, cf... 0 0 1 1
Kibler, 2b 0 9 3 5 1
Bossoloni, rf. 0 0 1 0 . 0
Legere, ss... . 0 1 3 4 0
Gorman, If... 0 0 0 0 0
Pfab,3b.. . . 2 0 1 0
Moneypenny, Ib ... 1 1 11 0 0
Ashworth, c. .. 0 0 8 0 0
Fagen, p 0 0 0 8 0
Totals 1 7 27 14 1
Third Division
R. H. O. A. E.
Najak, If, .. ..2 0 0 0 0
Martin, ss. .0 1 0 1 1
Loud, rf. .0 0 0 0 2
Steele, 1b .0 1 8 0 0
Deegan, 3b .0 0 5' 1 0
Crompton, c'
Oberc, 2b. 0 8 8 j 0
Gallagher, e ' . 0 0 18 2 0
York, n. ..0 0 0 0 0
Totals . . .. 2 6 27 5 3
Summary: Bases on balls—Fagen 3, York 3. Struck out—Fagen 4, York 12. Left on bases—Second Third, 8. Three-base hits, Mere, Martin, Gallagher., Stolen bases—Steele, Crompton. Sacrifice hit—Deegan.
SEEN AND HEARD ABOUT THE DIAMOND There was some dispute as to what curve General Lejeune pitched. Some claimed it was an "out," while others insisted it was an "in" with a sharp break, Chief-of-Staff Myers says it was a "drop," in accordance with his signal. Since he was the one that caught it. he ought to know.
— —*—
Pitcher York thought the first batter at the plate was some relative of the umpire. lie put three balls over the center of the plate, only to have the "ump" call them balls. He protested, and was told he was not standing in the proper place while delivering the ball.
Not only did the teams show some big league class, but the patrons of the grandstand did the big league stunt—they all stood up in the seventh.
The Marines are going to give their mascot goat one more chance. If he does not help win the next game, it is "goodbye goat."
Providing one was not ,a member of the Fifth Marines, one would sometimes be confused by watching our baseball stars in action. They certainly missed their calling by 20 per cent. They would be the most noted marathon runners and originators of the latest steps of dancing in the war zone today.
The only difference, in the opinion of Sgt. Fred Stuart, Forty-seventh Company, Filth Marines, former captain of the "Junction City Reds," between our stars of America's national pastime, and, members of professional organizations, is the latter can always hold the ball.
THE INDIAN Page Eleven

All members of Company A, Second Engineers, assembled at 5 p. m., April 28, 1919, at the company mess hall to bid farewell to their company commander, Capt. Tucker S. Wyche, who had been transferred to another outfit going home. An excellent supper was served. The captain, being our guest, dined with us. Sgt. Joe C. Thomas in a fitting speech presented the captain with a handsome diamond ring and a pair of field glasses as a token of our regard and esteem. The captain's reply was received with three ringing cheers.

Captain Wyche, then first lieutenant, was assigned to Company A, December 17, 1917, and has served continuously with this company to date. July 1. 1918, upon the death of our former honored commander, he assumed command, which has been almost continuous, with two exceptions, when he commanded at different times the first and second battalions.

Regrets, mingled with joy, hailed the news of the captain's departure. We all hated to see him go, but concede that meritorious service should be rewarded with an early return to the States, and are therefore glad that the captain received that which was due him. In the seven major operations that this company has participated In, he always led his command with such skill and judgment as to win the admiration and regard of all who knew him. We are proud to have served under such on officer.

—Cpl. Irwin R. Gaard, Co. A. Second Engineers.

Not satisfied with the way the Third Di. irion swatted us on Mother's Day, May 11, along comes our old side kicks, the First Division two days hiller and not only bangs us in the same tender spot hut throws in a couple of extra licks for good measure. To add to the humility, General Pershing arrived iii the sixth inning and the haughty First right then and there scored 3 runs and clinched the game.
After the game, the boys called for a speech and the Commander in Chief responded briefly; he said: "Boys, I am glad I have had this opportunity to witness an interesting game between our two 'crack' divisions."
In response to the question, "When are we going home." General Pershing arose, and holdii:;r up his hand, said, "Now, in regard to your going i.3me—I am going to tell you this in strict confidence; this is between you and me; I do not want it to 7,, any further; I don't want you to tell anybody; I a.-'
to make an effort so we will all go borne toroiber. Alter the men had laughed at the humorous side of the speech they gave three cheers for their Chief.
It was not a good game, it dragged along two hours and forty-five minutes, and was interspersed with both good and bad plays. Following is the score hr innings:
Second Division 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 —5
First Division 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 x •-7
Summary: Bases on balls—Mathorn 1, Hopper 8, Manrose 6. Struck out—Mathorn 2, Griffith 1. Fagen 1. Hopper 3, Manrose 2. Hit by pitcher—by Griffith, Morehead Passed balls—McGlade, Williamson. Wild pitch—Mathorn, Hopper. Sacrifice hits—Kib-ler, Curry, Mathorn, Hunsicker. Sacrifice fly—Gor-man. Two base hits—Fowler, Curry, Winkleman, Morehead, Hunsicker.

When you hear a soldier telling a big crowd of his thrilling experiences in going over the top alone on several occasions, and single handed seizing machine gun nests, you will immediately recognize the hero on the magazine cover, going over the top in campaign hat and canvass leggins.
V 1"kii": lobt• 011•04 Mola
Page Twelve THE INDIAN
He was tall, lean and rangy, a typical Texan. his head set straightly upon his shoulders. Above a clean-cut Grecian nose, a pair of quiet, kindly eyes looked out, but with a steadiness that bespoke great firmness. His hair, always smoothly brushed and parted a little off the middle, was thin and dark. I recall him best shambling around the hospital grounds at St. Nazaire in a pair of over-large bedroom slippers, his ankles and wrists protruding grotesquely from a faded gray bath-robe, much too small. Always he kept this robe belted snugly about his spare figure. We called him "Tex."
Like myself, he had come into Dr. Blake's hospital at Paris among those wounded in the Belleau Woods action. We met as members of a batch evacuated to the Race Track hospital in that city, to be sent a day later by train to St. Nazaire. Fortunately we were assigned to the same ward and to adjoining beds, and thus our friendship ripened under the welding power of a common suffering.
He had been wounded just above the hip joint by machine gun bullets. His ammunition belt and bayonet scabbard saved his life, but one bullet had found its mark. Always cheerful, but impatient with inactivity, his one passion was to get back to his outfit as quickly as possible. He chaffed continually at the thought that they were in action, in which he could not share.
Dame Rumor brought us many tales of what was happening up front, most of them stories we wished to believe whether true or untrue; stories of great deeds done, of big advances made. But one day came a report that our division had been compelled to fall back a mile.
The tale brought gloom in its train; a moody silence followed its telling, broken only when Tex drawled: "Well, if the Huns did advance there wasn't any retreat; they just killed 'em off for a mile back!"
Fourth of July came. No announcement had been made of liberty to be granted for that day, but we believed that at least those of us who could walk would be permitted to go in town to view the parade. So we agreed to rise early that morning and help the ward master police the place to be ready for the hoped-for privilege.
One of the boys liked his bed pretty well and showed no inclination to get up. "Come on, Wentz" sang out my mate, "this is Fourth of July! Get up! A year from now you'll be ten months dead!" Poor Tex! If he had pronounced this prophecy on himself he would have been right, almost to the month
After leaving the hospital, I met him next at a little village near Minorville, before the St. Mihiel offensive. He passed safely through this, and later entered the Champagne drive. Before this action occurred he was troubled with appendicitis. He was urged to go to the hospital and have his appendix removed, but met the suggestion with the remark, "No, I guess I'll go up front and have it shot out!"
It was night. The field hospital at Somme-Py, established in an elaborate German dugout, was crowd- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O 0
O 0
O All officers of the A. E. F., visiting or 0
O stationed in Neuwied or Heddesdorf, are in- 0
O vited to take their meals at the Y. N. C. A. 0
O Officers Club, 79 Schloss Strasso, Neuwied, in 0
O the building known as the "Casino." 0
O The schedule for the meals is as follows: 0
O Breakfast, 7:80 to 920 A. M. Lunch 12:00 0
O noon to 2:00 P. M. Afternoon Tea (with 0
O music) 400 to 600 P. M. Dinner 6:00 P. M. 0
O to 8:00 P. M. 0
O R. E. Leonard, 'Sgt. Maj.. Office of G-1. 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ed with wounded, steadily pouring in from the front.
Underground, the passages were lined with desperately wounded men, yet always others were being borne down the steep stairway and into the cramped dressing rooms. The air was pungent with the smell of drugs and burning carbide.
Two corps men bearing high a litter, came down the narrow corridor. I heard a voice, strained and broken, call: "Hello, Phillips! I guess they got me right this time!" It was Tex. He had been shot through the breast. Immediate attention was given hila, and soon he was sent to a hospital farther rearward But Tex spoke true; they had "got him right;" ha had paid the "last full measure of devotion' nobly, unflinchingly, worthily.
Poor and paltry is even the best tribute we can pay that sterling hero, Corporal Claude Arthur Forse, 96th Company, Sixth Regiment, U. S. M. C., but always we who have known him will cherish the memory of this warrior who "went west" as he had lived, cheerily and valiantly. The glory of our victory is richer for the fine, manly life he gave.
—Arthur J. Phillips, Y. N. C. A. Secretary.
We welcome Sergeant Major Thomas to our midst again, he was recently on a rough voyage with his fleeting kidney, but now that he has it anchored he is back on the job again.
Our head waiter, Sammy Levinson, rose up on his feet and declared himself as follows: "I won't tolerate being called a Jew." We have been wondering it McGroarty objects to "Irish".
The goat at Corporal Grimes home gave birth to two bouncing young hopefuls. The frau entered the room where Grimes was and asked him his name, which he gave. She immediately left the room and Grimes turned to McGroarty and said, "What did 'she want my name for?"
"Well, I wouldn't like to say Grimes, but there are two new members in the family, and namesakes are in demand."
—William It. Carson, Regimental Sergeant Major.
THE INDIAN Page Thirteen
Cheer up, girls! Most of us will come home .angle. However, here's a sample of one conquest:
Paris, the Feb. 26, 1919.
My Alfred Mine:
I am very sorry since your departure. I am very lonesome without you.
The time is long, long for me. I recall often the sweet hours passed with you. You are so nice, my beloved'
Have you to keep one good remembrance of your Pauline? You bluff, perhaps? I am very much jealous!
It is raining in my heart. You were so near. You are so far. Poor Alfred! Are you fatigued of travel? 1 expect receive one letter soon, long, long. Please, My Dear, send, me your picture. I am impatiently.
I am In the house of my friend. We speak much of you and your comrade. Is he always angry with me?
In the expectation of receive one long letter, I send you all my heart in one long embrace.
Good luck, my dear Alfred, good health!
I kiss you much. Your sincerely,
Itue - -, Paris. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O 0
O 0
O Anyone in the division who did not get in as el
O a charter member of the Second Division As. 0
O sociation, can join by sending his application, 0
O with two dollars, to the secretary of the ass9ci- 0
O ation. Be sure to send your organization and 0
O your home address. 0
O Those who have left the division, and who 0
O are with other organizations, as well as those 0
O who have gone home, can join by sending 0
O their applications to the Secretary, Second IN- 0
O vision Headquarters, A. P. 0. 710, American 0
O E. F., with two dollars for Initiation fee and 0
O first year's dues. 0
O It is necessary that the organization to which 0
O the applicant belonged and his home address 0
O be given. 0
O 0 000000000000000000000000
The mother wrote, "I suppose the Rhine valley is very beautifully bathed in sunlight," and the soldier wrote back, "The sun shone twice, and both times I was on K. P.."
• • * 6.t'elACe ••••:;', 'Pa.3440Alelii01:45*
MAY Ifal
Orderly Room of F Battery, Fifteenth Field Artillery, at Brillon.
Page Fourteen THE INDIAN
Doubtless many of you have had experiences similar to the on.- I am about to describe, which occurred while on the march through Belgium.
It happened in that pretty town of Belle Fontaine, not far from the Belgian border, where we had our first taste iti triumphial arches and Belgian hospitality.
The night was misty and quietness reigned supreme while I field down the post in front of the battalion commander's billet, chewing complacently on a square inch of "Climax." The town clock had just penetrated t. e stillness of the night with its peals, denoting the L •ur of eleven, when three forms loomed up out of the dark, about four houses down the sheet, and as quickly disappeared.
With a thought of possible foul play on that dark night, I sauntered down the line, and upon reaching that particular hour found the white wall besmeared with four huge black crosses, the fresh paint still dripping from the wall.
Such proceedings as these were beyond my understanding, and I strolled back, determined to solve the mystery. I had not long to wait before three dark forms appeared, thit time at the corner house directly opposite me.
As I stealthily bore doer on the unsuspecting civilians, I heard a whistle, and the three stopped their work immediately and fled, their wooden shoes clattering on the cobble stones I;ke the sound of gallop. ing horses.
All that remained was an , Id brush and a can of black paint. They had sue' :eded in painting one cross and half of another w aen their guard gave the warning.
Upon questioning the lady at whose home we were quartered, she • -plied: "Each cross represents one
Art in house who lived with a German soldier."
It was lice Belgian way of exposing their unpatriotic and unworthy sisters to all eyes.
But, as our adjutant said, after reporting the affair the next morning, "This matter will have to be looked into." • —Pvt. E.. H. Wright, Jr., 6th M. G. Bn.
Doctor Lester. our hospital apprentice, was making the rounds with his little book, getting names and addresses of the men in the 74th Company, Sixth Regiment Marines.
Sergeant Dahm had him whipped when he handed back this one: "Sergeant Dahm, 74th Co., Sixth Regiment U. S. M. C." Stick it out sergeant-28 years more isn't far to go.
Upon the return' of a Kansas company from over• seas duty, a minister invited them to his church, where he preached a sermon in tribute to their patriotism. After the sermon, tie prayed for rain, and the men took up a collection and bought him a ticket fur France.
There really isn't anything like encouragement to make a good army. For instance, here last week, we had three sergeants promoted to second lieutenants. They were, Sergeant Courtney. Sergeant Fenner and Sergeant Berlander.
We were all very glad to see men so deserving as these promoted, as it not only gives these men what they deserve, but helps the morale of the army in general. For instance, hardly had these new gold bars begun to glitter on the street and in the mirror, when we see the effects it has among other men, whose ambitions are higher than a flask of wine. The first we noticed of this was the next morning, when an unidentified corporal of the guard showed up at headquarters with a color guard at 10 a. m. to take down Ire flag because it looked like rain.
Saturday evening, May 3. we had a dance here rot the enlisted men of the regiment. Quite a number ot "Y" girls came from all over the division, all being good dancers and real American women. We could not help but have a very successful evening.
The dance was held in an old castle overlooking the Rhine. Ice cream was served, and we had good music furnished by the Fifth Marines. Altogether the evening made all present feel the comforts of home, brought to them here in these civilized "wilds." The prize dance of the evening was won by Miss Sill, Y. M. C. A. girl with the Fifth Machine Gun Battalion and Corporal Witt of Company I), Second Engineers.
We have at least one man in this regiment who does not figure on going back to the farm. He is Sgt. Jesse Jones of B Company. He absolutely refuses to be made top kicker. lie says that it is more to his advantage to study camouflage by the simple method of watching the prisoners work.
The boys up here are getting in an awful hurry• for peace, their main argument being they could never fight these Germans alter the Huns have eaten a lot of these old army mules.
—Pvt. Ben Morrell, Company B, Second Engineers.
"The Enlisted Mons' Club" of the Second Regiment of Engineers is about to be organized. The committee has selected a most inviting clubhouse. This place is at the junction of Steffestrasse and the river at Blgers, Germany. Its reading and writing rooms, buffet. piano and out-door garden overlooking the Rhine, are bound to prove a most welcome rendezvous to every enlisted man in the regiment. To all wearers of the Indian head—when in Engers, drop in. You are welcome.
LOST—A gold ring, in mixing bread. Most likely will be found In one of the loaves of bread turned out last week. If found In your ration of bread please return to Pvt. Claude Honey, Bakery Company Office, Neuwiod.
'1111.: INMAN I'ac,•
/1. 447/ 07 A goad
• 91-
Once again the Marine Corps has proved it is composed of the best marksmen in the American armed forces. Thanks are due to the Fifth Marines, whose picked representatives took every first place but one. and that a second place, at the big rifle and pistol shoot at Le Mans week before last.
Their victory was a direct result of the most expert training in the marine recruit camps back in the States, and the hard work of the officers and noncoms on this aide.
Men who knelt in all calmness, and picked off the Beebe with peace-time accuracy, when shells were bursting all around, can be expected to do nothing less.
Here's to you, Fifth Marines! Since you showed that you are the best in the American forces, then, of course, you are the best in the world.
Father: "My son, you should make your mark in this world."
Son: "All right father, PH Join the Army of Occupation."
If Bender( took Kesselheim, wouldn't he have trouble Hansen him?
If the Kaiser should be found in Sayne, would it be going to Fahr to make him Hammerstein for the rest of his natural life?
If Oberbeiber should Neiderbeiber would Wald-breitbach Neiderbreitbach? Not if the Prince of Wied would raise Neuwied(s) in Alhvied.
If it takes a boche tailor six weeks to make a uniform for a Marine officer, how long would It take a boche carpenter to make a wooden overcoat for the kaiser? One thousand years.
We have a very versatile youngster in our outfit; he speaks German (now), thinks in English, sings Italian, curses in Spanish and dreams in French. You can't kape these Oirish down, me byel
I get paid in francs, have an allotment to my wife in England in pounds, make all my purchases with marks and then try to figure up any savings In dollars. It can't be done, Captain.
Mike, Fifth Regiment Marines.
Page Sixteen THE INDIAN
Since our advent in this war, various medals and decorations have been designed for the purpose of rewarding those whose actions have distinguished them and rendered them worthy of such honors.
I happen to be one of the proud wearers of another badge of honor and recently, while spending a three-day pass in Paris, the full significance of that fact fully dawned upon me, and while I had always been more or less proud of it, my experiences there taught me to fully appreciate the honor of wearing that decoration.
Naturally, I found in that city, a number of others who bore the same mark of distinction. 'that ,was not surprising, for there aro thousands who wear it, hut the thing which was a most pleasant surprise to me was, that this mark was like a tie that binds between all who wore it.
As I strolled along the boulevards, many a strange face greeted me with a friendly smile, and grizzly old marines and doughboys who by some miracle are left to tell the tale of many battles, greeted me with a pleasant "hello huddle,' just because they saw on me this mark.
And this show of true comradeship is the thing that went home, that touched a responsive chord in me.
It showed me this mark in a new light. It is very much like the emblem of a fraternal order, which causes one man who wears it to extend the hand of fellowship into all others who wear it.
Even so, with this emblem, when you meet another who wears it you feel as though you were meeting an old friend. Your heart warms toward him, and you would do anything in your power to help him, and would also not feel backward about asking a favor of him, for you are bound together by a comradeship, born out there at the front and cultivated in the drives.
You know that he came over here with the same noble motives that you did, went through hell with you, and has done his share to give his division the enviable reputation it bears.
And when I think that it was through this war that this beautiful spirit of brotherhood was born, it causes me to look upon this mad world with a kindlier eye, and to realize that some good can come, even of a war.
In France, even the civilians know the meaning of this mark, and several with whom I spoke in Paris, gazed at its pretty design, and made comments, which showed that they knew its meaning. Why should they not. Did not the wearers of it play a prominent part in turning the tide of battle, and saving their beautiful Paris?
The sight of this mark will always bring back to us memories which the passing years will not efface. memories of hardships endured, of terrors experienced, of times when one would almost have welcomed a bullet that would have ended all memories of the thousands of comrades whom we left sleeping beneath the poppies, and of long days spent in hospitals.
This mark stands also for a band of men who, as
to statistics, accomplished most among-it the divisions of the A. E. F. and also paid the highest price. That Is why I am proud of it and shall in after years, wear it in some shape or other as long as I live.
And what, do you ask, is this mark, which like u "Medal of Honor" signifies so much, and is worn by so many?
It is nothing more or less, my friend, than the STAR AND INDIAN HEAD.
—Pvt. F. G. Henkor, Ambulance Company No. 1.
Much has been written and spoken concerning the American fighting spirit, that spirit which has been so well portrayed by the American combat divisions during the past year of action.
What that spirit is and typifies, is hard to analyze, for it is a very complex thing. If you speak to the lighting man concerning his part in it, he tells you but little. He speaks of war in the sense of a game. He laughs in recalling the close scrapes he has been in, but of his true inner feelings one can learn but little. From his attitude one would be led to believe that he was actuated merely by a spirit of adventure and little else.
Still, back of it all lies a "something"—an in-domnitablo something which has made this division the division it has proven to be; which has made its record a clean one, and one of which every member may be justly proud. This indomnitable something is what they call the "Second Division spirit." Not that anyone would detract one whit from the glory of the First, the Rainbow, or any of the other fighting divisions. They had their own fighting spirit, the American spirit of dash and go which won this war; but this spirit of the Second Division is an intangible something which seems to go beyond the mere dash and go spirit.
Let us analyze it as best we can. First of all, we must put pride. Every man in the division is proud of it, proud of its record—and pride will carry a man a long way. Not for anything in the world would a man so act in the face of the enemy, as to bring discredit on the division which is his pride. Then there is the "bulldog' determination, the determination that made us take hold at Belleau Woods and hang on for more than 30 days, in the face of superior numbers and in spite of the fact we had lost heavily in killed and wounded.
It was the same determination which led us at Blanc Mont to hold our advanced position, and fight forward to victory, though subjected to fire from three sides and reduced to half our strength by casualties.
Then there was confidence; confidence in the artillery that backed the attack; confidence of the artillery in the men up front; confidence in each unit doing its part.
All led to an "esprit de corps" which held us as a unit to our task with such thoroughness that the German high command used the Second Division as a guide, and wherever found, he threw his best forces to offer resistance. Long live the Second Division spirit!
Second Engineer Jottingsn
Last Update: 01/05/2025 1:21 AM Web site founded 2002. ©1917-2025 2nd Division (Regular) A.E.F.